Código-fonte de google.appengine.ext.webapp.mail_handlers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Handler library for inbound Mail API.

Contains handlers to help with receiving mail and mail bounces.

    Provides a helper method for easily setting up email receivers.
    Provides a helper method for easily setting up a bounce notification
    receiver. Will parse HTTP request to extract the bounce notification.
from google.appengine.api import mail
from google.appengine.ext import webapp


[docs]class InboundMailHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): """Base class for inbound mail handlers. Example:: # Sub-class overrides receive method. class HelloReceiver(InboundMailHandler): def receive(self, mail_message): logging.info('Received greeting from %s: %s' % (mail_message.sender, mail_message.body)) # Map mail handler to appliction. application = webapp.WSGIApplication([ HelloReceiver.mapping(), ]) """
[docs] def post(self): """Transforms body to email request.""" self.receive(mail.InboundEmailMessage(self.request.body))
[docs] def receive(self, mail_message): """Receive an email message. Override this method to implement an email receiver. Args: mail_message: InboundEmailMessage instance representing received email. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def mapping(cls): """Convenience method to map handler class to application. Returns: Mapping from email URL to inbound mail handler class. """ return MAIL_HANDLER_URL_PATTERN, cls
[docs]class BounceNotificationHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): """Base class for bounce notification handlers. Example:: # Sub-class overrides receive method. class BounceLogger(BounceNotificationHandler): def receive(self, bounce_notification): logging.info('Received bounce from ' % bounce_notification.notification_from) # Map bounce handler to application application = webapp.WSGIApplication([ BounceLogger.mapping(), ]) """
[docs] def post(self): """Transforms POST body to bounce request.""" self.receive(BounceNotification(self.request.POST))
[docs] def receive(self, bounce_notification): pass
[docs] @classmethod def mapping(cls): """Convenience method to map handler class to application. Returns: Mapping from bounce URL to bounce notification handler class. """ return BOUNCE_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_URL_PATH, cls
[docs]class BounceNotification(object): """Encapsulates a bounce notification received by the application.""" def __init__(self, post_vars): """Constructs a new BounceNotification from an HTTP request. Properties: original: a dict describing the message that caused the bounce. notification: a dict describing the bounce itself. original_raw_message: the raw message that caused the bounce. The 'original' and 'notification' dicts contain the following keys: to, cc, bcc, from, subject, text Args: post_vars: a dict-like object containing bounce information. This is typically the self.request.POST variable of a RequestHandler object. The following keys are handled in the dict: original-from original-to original-cc original-bcc original-subject original-text notification-from notification-to notification-cc notification-bcc notification-subject notification-text raw-message """ self.__original = {} self.__notification = {} for field in ['to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'from', 'subject', 'text']: self.__original[field] = post_vars.get('original-' + field, '') self.__notification[field] = post_vars.get('notification-' + field, '') self.__original_raw_message = mail.InboundEmailMessage( post_vars.get('raw-message', '')) @property def original(self): return self.__original @property def notification(self): return self.__notification @property def original_raw_message(self): return self.__original_raw_message