Uninstall the Istio add-on

These steps are specific to installations of the Istio on GKE, also referred to as the "Istio add-on".

Before you begin

Identify if the Istio add-on is in use

There are two possible paths for migration depending on if either the ingress gateway or sidecar injection feature of the Istio add-on is in use within your cluster.

  1. Earlier in the preparation step, you already identified if the Istio add-on is configured. You can run the following command to verify that the istio-system namespace exists:

  2. Run the following command to determine if the sidecar injection feature of the Istio add-on is in use within your cluster:

    kubectl get ns -l istio-injection=enabled

    If any namespace, other than knative-serving is listed, it indicates that sidecar injection of the Istio add-on is in use.

    For example, if the command only lists the knative-serving namespace, then you have not configured and do not use sidecar injection of the Istio add-on.


Uninstall the Istio add-on

In this section, the migration script is used to uninstall the "Istio add-on".

  1. Run the following command to start the migration script:

    ./migration-addon.sh --command uninstall-istio-addon
  2. Verify that the istio-system namespace has been deleted:

    kubectl get ns istio-system --ignore-not-found

What's next

Depending on the ingress gateway configuration that you identified above, continue to the corresponding installation guide:


If you need to rollback the changes that you made through the steps above, you can use the migration script to re-enable the "Istio add-on":

  1. Run the following command:

    ./migration-addon.sh --command rollback-uninstall-istio-addon
  2. To continue rolling back your changes to your installation's original state, rollback the Knative serving "GKE add-on".