
This page provides troubleshooting strategies as well as solutions for some common errors.

When troubleshooting Knative serving, first confirm that you can run your container image locally.

If your application is not running locally, you will need to diagnose and fix it. You should use Cloud Logging to help debug a deployed project.

When troubleshooting Knative serving, consult the following sections for possible solutions to the problem.

Also see the known issues page for details about the known issues in Knative serving and how to resolve them.

Checking command line output

If you use the Google Cloud CLI, check your command output to see if it succeeded or not. For example if your deployment terminated unsuccessfully, there should be an error message describing the reason for the failure.

Deployment failures are most likely due to either a misconfigured manifest or an incorrect command. For example, the following output says that you must configure route traffic percent to sum to 100.

Error from server (InternalError): error when applying patch:</p><pre>{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"Route\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"route-example\",\"namespace\":\"default\"},\"spec\":{\"traffic\":[{\"configurationName\":\"configuration-example\",\"percent\":50}]}}\n"}},"spec":{"traffic":[{"configurationName":"configuration-example","percent":50}]}}
&{0xc421d98240 0xc421e77490 default route-example STDIN 0xc421db0488 264682 false}
for: "STDIN": Internal error occurred: admission webhook "" denied the request: mutation failed: The route must have traffic percent sum equal to 100.
ERROR: Non-zero return code '1' from command: Process exited with status 1

Checking logs for your service

You can use Cloud Logging or the Knative serving page in the Google Cloud console to check request logs and container logs. For complete details, read Logging and viewing logs.

If you use Cloud Logging, the resource you need to filter on is Kubernetes Container.

Checking Service status

Run the following command to get the status of a deployed Knative serving service:

gcloud run services describe SERVICE

You can add --format yaml(status) or --format json(status) to get the full status, for example:

gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format 'yaml(status)'

The conditions in status can help you locate the cause of failure. Conditions can include True, False, or Unknown:

For additional details on status conditions, see Knative Error Signaling.

Checking Route status

Each Knative serving Service manages a Route that represents the current routing state against the service's revisions.

You can check the overall status of the Route by looking at the service's status:

gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format 'yaml(status)'

The RoutesReady condition in status provides the status of the Route.

You can further diagnose the Route status by running the following command:

kubectl get route SERVICE -o yaml

The conditions in status provide the reason for a failure. Namely,

  • Ready indicates whether the service is configured and has available backends. If this is true, the route is configured properly.

  • AllTrafficAssigned indicates whether the service is configured properly and has available backends. If this condition's status is not True:

  • IngressReady indicates whether the Ingress is ready. If this condition's status is not True, try checking the ingress status.

  • CertificateProvisioned indicates whether Knative certificates have been provisioned. If this condition's status is not True, try troubleshooting managed TLS issues.

For additional details on status conditions, see Knative Error Conditions and Reporting.

Checking Ingress status

Knative serving uses a load balancer Kubernetes service called istio-ingress that is responsible for handling incoming traffic from outside the cluster.

To get the external IP address of your Ingress, use

kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n gke-system

If the EXTERNAL-IP is pending, see EXTERNAL-IP is pending for a long time below.

Checking Revision status

To get the latest revision for your Knative serving service, run the following command:

gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format='value(status.latestCreatedRevisionName)'

Run the following command to get the status of a specific Knative serving revision:

gcloud run revisions describe REVISION

You can add --format yaml(status) or --format json(status) to get the full status:

gcloud run revisions describe REVISION --format yaml(status)

The conditions in status provide the reasons for a failure. Namely,

  • Ready indicates whether the runtime resources are ready. If this is true, the revision is configured properly.
  • ResourcesAvailable indicates whether underlying Kubernetes resources have been provisioned. If this condition's status is not True, try checking the Pod status.
  • ContainerHealthy indicates whether the revision readiness check has completed. If this condition's status is not True, try checking the Pod status.
  • Active indicates whether the revision is receiving traffic.

If any of these conditions' status is not True try checking the Pod status.

Checking Pod status

To get the Pods for all your deployments:

kubectl get pods

This should list all Pods with brief status. For example:

NAME                                                      READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
configuration-example-00001-deployment-659747ff99-9bvr4   2/2       Running            0          3h
configuration-example-00002-deployment-5f475b7849-gxcht   1/2       CrashLoopBackOff   2          36s

Choose one and use the following command to see detailed information for its status. Some useful fields are conditions and containerStatuses:

kubectl get pod POD-NAME -o yaml

EXTERNAL-IP is <pending> for a long time

Sometimes, you may not get an external IP address immediately after you create a cluster, but instead see the external IP as pending. For example you could see this by invoking the command:

To get the external IP for the Istio ingress gateway:

kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n gke-system

where the resulting output looks something like this:

NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)
istio-ingress   LoadBalancer   XX.XX.XXX.XX   pending      80:32380/TCP,443:32390/TCP,32400:32400/TCP

The EXTERNAL-IP for the Load Balancer is the IP address you must use.

This may mean that you have run out of external IP address quota in Google Cloud. You can check the possible cause by invoking:

kubectl describe svc istio-ingress -n gke-system

This yields output similar to the following:

Name:                     istio-ingress
Namespace:                gke-system
Annotations:    {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Service","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"":"Reconcile","app":"istio-ingressgateway","...
Selector:                 app=ingressgateway,istio=ingress-gke-system,release=istio
Type:                     LoadBalancer
IP:                       10.XX.XXX.XXX
LoadBalancer Ingress:     35.XXX.XXX.188
Port:                     http2  80/TCP
TargetPort:               80/TCP
NodePort:                 http2  31380/TCP
Endpoints:                XX.XX.1.6:80
Port:                     https  443/TCP
TargetPort:               443/TCP
NodePort:                 https  3XXX0/TCP
Endpoints:                XX.XX.1.6:XXX
Port:                     tcp  31400/TCP
TargetPort:               3XX00/TCP
NodePort:                 tcp  3XX00/TCP
Endpoints:                XX.XX.1.6:XXXXX
Port:                     tcp-pilot-grpc-tls  15011/TCP
TargetPort:               15011/TCP
NodePort:                 tcp-pilot-grpc-tls  32201/TCP
Endpoints:                XX.XX.1.6:XXXXX
Port:                     tcp-citadel-grpc-tls  8060/TCP
TargetPort:               8060/TCP
NodePort:                 tcp-citadel-grpc-tls  31187/TCP
Endpoints:                XX.XX.1.6:XXXX
Port:                     tcp-dns-tls  853/TCP
TargetPort:               XXX/TCP
NodePort:                 tcp-dns-tls  31219/TCP
Port:                     http2-prometheus  15030/TCP
TargetPort:               XXXXX/TCP
NodePort:                 http2-prometheus  30944/TCP
Port:                     http2-grafana  15031/TCP
TargetPort:               XXXXX/TCP
NodePort:                 http2-grafana  31497/TCP
Endpoints:                XX.XX.1.6:XXXXX
Session Affinity:         None
External Traffic Policy:  Cluster
  Type    Reason                Age                  From                Message
  ----    ------                ----                 ----                -------
  Normal  EnsuringLoadBalancer  7s (x4318 over 15d)  service-controller  Ensuring load balancer

If your output contains an indication that the IN_USE_ADDRESSES quota was exceeded, you can request additional quota by navigating to the IAM & Admin page in the Google Cloud console to request additional quota.

The gateway will continue to retry until an external IP address is assigned. This may take a few minutes.

Troubleshooting managed TLS issues

Use the troubleshooting steps listed below to resolve general issues for the managed TLS certificates feature.

Check status of a specific domain mapping

To check the status of a specific domain mapping:

  1. Run the command:

    gcloud run domain-mappings describe --domain DOMAIN --namespace NAMESPACE


    • DOMAIN with the name of the domain you are using.
    • NAMESPACE with the namespace you use for the domain mapping.
  2. In the yaml results from this command, examine the condition of the CertificateProvisioned field to determine the nature of the error.

  3. If there is an error displayed, it should match one of the errors in the tables below. Follow the suggestions in the tables to resolve the issue.

User configuration errors

Error code Detailed message Troubleshooting instruction
DNSErrored DNS record is not configured correctly. Need to map domain [XXX] to IP XX.XX.XX.XX Follow the instructions provided to configure your DNS record correctly.
RateLimitExceeded acme: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited: Error creating new order

:: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains:


Reach out to Let's Encrypt to increase your certificate quota for that host.
InvalidDomainMappingName DomainMapping name %s cannot be the same as Route URL host %s. The DomainMapping name cannot be exactly the same as the host of the Route it maps to. Use a different domain for your DomainMapping name.
ChallengeServingErrored System failed to serve HTTP01 request. This error can occur if the istio-ingress service is not able to serve the request from Let's Encrypt to validate domain ownership.
  1. Make sure your istio-ingress service is accessible from the public internet without using Virtual Private Cloud.
  2. Make sure your istio-ingress service accepts requests from the URL http://DOMAIN/.well-known/acme-challenge/... where DOMAIN is the domain being validated.

System errors

Error code Detailed message Troubleshooting instruction



These 3 types of errors occur if the verification of domain ownership by Let's Encrypt fails.

These errors usually are transient errors, and will be retried by Knative serving.

The retry delay is exponential with a minimum 8 seconds and maximum 8 hours.

If you want to manually retry the error, you can manually delete the failed Order.

kubectl delete order DOMAIN -n NAMESPACE

ACMEAPIFailed This type of error occurs when Knative serving fails to call Let's Encrypt. This is usually a transient error, and will be retried by Knative serving.

If you want to manually retry the error, manually delete the failed Order.

kubectl delete order DOMAIN -n NAMESPACE

UnknownErrored This error indicates an unknown system error, which should happen very rarely in the GKE cluster. If you see this, contact Cloud support for debugging help.

Check Order status

The Order status records the process of interacting with Let's Encrypt, and therefore can be used to debug the issues related to Let's Encrypt. If it is necessary, check the status of Order by running this command:

kubectl get order DOMAIN -n NAMESPACE -oyaml


  • DOMAIN with the name of the domain you are using.
  • NAMESPACE with the namespace you use for the domain mapping.

The results will contain the certificates issued and other information if the order was successful.

Exceeding Let's Encrypt quota

Check the DomainMapping status. If you exceed your Let's Encrypt quota, you will see an error message in the DomainMapping such as this:

acme: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited: Error creating new order
:: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains:

Refer to the Let's Encrypt documentation on rate limits to increase the certificate quota.

Order Timeout

An Order object will be timed out after 20 minutes if it still cannot get certificates.

  1. Check the domain mapping status. For a timeout, look for an error message such as this in the status output:

    order ( timed out (20.0 minutes)
  2. A common cause of the timeout issue is that your DNS record is not configured properly to map the domain you are using to the IP address of the istio-ingress service under gke-system. Run the following command to check the DNS record:

    host DOMAIN
  3. Run the following command to check the external IP address of istio-ingress service under gke-system:

    kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n gke-system

    If the external IP address of your domain does not match the ingress IP address, then reconfigure your DNS record to map to the correct IP address.

  4. After the (updated) DNS record becomes effective, run the following command to delete the Order object in order to re-trigger the process of requesting a TLS certificate:

    kubectl delete order DOMAIN -n NAMESPACE


    • DOMAIN with the name of the domain you are using.
    • NAMESPACE with the namespace you use.

Authorization Failures

Authorization failures can occur when a DNS record is not propagated globally in time. As a result, Let's Encrypt fails to verify the ownership of the domain.

  1. Check Order status. Find out the authz link under the acmeAuthorizations field of status. The URL should look like this:
  2. Open the link. If you see a message similar to:


    then the issue is due to incomplete DNS propagation.

  3. To resolve the DNS propagation error:

    1. Get the external IP of istio-ingress service under gke-system by running the following command:
      kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n gke-system
    2. Check your DNS record for the domain by running the following command:

      host DOMAIN

      If the IP address of the DNS record does not match the external IP of the istio-ingress service under gke-system, configure your DNS record to map the user's domain to the external IP.

    3. After the (updated) DNS record becomes effective, run the following command to delete the Order object to re-trigger the process of requesting a TLS certificate:

      kubectl delete order DOMAIN -n NAMESPACE


    • DOMAIN with the name of the domain you are using.
    • NAMESPACE with the namespace you use for the domain mapping.

Deployment to private cluster failure: Failed calling webhook error

Your firewall may not be set up properly if your deployment to a private cluster fails with the message:

Error: failed calling webhook "": Post
https://webhook.knative-serving.svc:443/?timeout=30s: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout
exceeded while awaiting headers)

For information on firewall changes required to support deployment to a private cluster, see enabling deployments on a private cluster.

Services report status of IngressNotConfigured

If IngressNotConfigured shows up in your service status, you may need to restart the istio-pilot deployment in the gke-system namespace. This error, which has been observed more frequently on kubernetes 1.14, can occur if the services are created before istio_pilot is ready to begin its work of reconciling VirtualServices and pushing envoy configuration to the ingress gateways.

To fix this issue, scale the deployment in and then back out again using commands similar to the following:

kubectl scale deployment istio-pilot -n gke-system --replicas=0
kubectl scale deployment istio-pilot -n gke-system --replicas=1

Missing request count and request latency metrics

Your service may not report revision request count and request latency metrics if you have Workload Identity enabled and have not granted certain permissions to the service account used by your service.

You can fix this by following the steps in the Enabling metrics on a cluster with Workload Identity section.

Using WebSockets with custom domains

By default, WebSockets are disabled for custom domain mappings.

To enable Websockets for your custom domains, you run the following command to create an Istio EnvoyFilter object with allow_connect: true:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: EnvoyFilter
  name: allowconnect-cluster-local-gateway-tb
  namespace: gke-system
      istio: ingress-gke-system
        portNumber: 8081
            name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
      operation: MERGE
          "@type": ""
            allow_connect: true