Managing clusters

This page describes how to manage your GKE On-Prem clusters.

Before you begin

  1. SSH into your admin workstation:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/vsphere_workstation ubuntu@[IP_ADDRESS]
  2. Log in to Google Cloud using your account credentials:

    gcloud auth login
  3. Set a default project. Setting a default Google Cloud causes all gcloud CLI commands to run against the project, so that you don't need to specify your project for each command:

    gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]

    Replace [PROJECT_ID] with your project ID. (You can find your project ID in Google Cloud console, or by running gcloud config get-value project.)

Viewing your clusters

kubectl get clusters --kubeconfig [ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG]

If you chose to register your clusters with Google Cloud by populating the gkeconnect field of the GKE On-Prem configuration file, you can view your clusters in Google Cloud console. To learn more, see Viewing registered clusters in the Connect documentation.

Connecting to your clusters

If you want to connect to your clusters, you have two options:

Checking cluster version

kubectl get cluster --kubeconfig [USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] -o yaml | grep

The cluster's version is the same as the bundle version returned by this command.

Get the Pods in the admin cluster's kube-system namespace:

kubectl get pods --kubeconfig [ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] -n kube-system

For the Pod prefixed with clusterapi-controllers, get the Pod's configuration. For example:

kubectl get pod clusterapi-controllers-677f8b7bbd-zb4r6 --kubeconfig kubeconfig -o yaml -n kube-system | grep image:.*controller-manager

The cluster's version is the same as the image version returned by this command.