Migrate from the Seesaw load balancer to MetalLB

This document shows how to migrate from the Seesaw load balancer to the MetalLB load balancer for versions 1.16 to 1.29. If your clusters are at version 1.30 or higher, we recommend that you follow the instructions in Plan cluster migration to recommended features.

Using MetalLB has several benefits compared to other load balancing options.

1.28 and 1.29: GA
1.16: Preview

To check the externalTrafficPolicy, run the following command:

kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get svc -A -o yaml | grep "externalTrafficPolicy: Local"

Contact Google Support for help with this issue.

Notes on downtime

There is workload downtime during the migration. The following notes apply only to non-high availability (non-HA) admin clusters because the SeeSaw load balancer doesn't support HA admin clusters.

  • When migrating an admin cluster:

    • There is control-plane downtime for kubeception user clusters as the controlPlaneVIP is migrated. The downtime should be less than 10 minutes, but the length of the downtime depends on your infrastructure.

    • There is downtime for the admin cluster control plane as the admin master node needs to be recreated with the controlPlaneVIP directly attached to the VM. The downtime should be less than 20 minutes, but the length of downtime depends on your infrastructure.

  • When migrating a user cluster, there is an outage for the VIPs after the Seesaw load balancer is powered off and before the MetalLB Pods come up. This process generally takes about one minute.

User cluster migration

You must choose a node pool and enable it for use with MetalLB. MetalLB will be deployed on the nodes in this node pool.

In your user cluster configuration file, choose a node pool, and set enableLoadBalancer to true:

- name: pool-1
  replicas: 3
  enableLoadBalancer: true

Update the cluster:

gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG

Replace the following:

  • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of the admin cluster kubeconfig file

  • USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG: the path of the user cluster configuration file

Next, remove the Seesaw sections from the file, and add a MetalLB section.

Then update the cluster again:

gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG

Verify that the MetalLB components are running successfully:

kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pods \
    --namespace kube-system --selector app=metallb

The output shows Pods for the MetalLB controller and speaker. For example:

metallb-controller-744884bf7b-rznr9   1/1     Running
metallb-speaker-6n8ws                 1/1     Running
metallb-speaker-nb52z                 1/1     Running
metallb-speaker-rq4pp                 1/1     Running

After a successful migration, manually delete the Seesaw VMs, which are already powered off, for the user cluster. You can find the Seesaw VM names in the vmnames section of the seesaw-for-[USERCLUSTERNAME].yaml file in your configuration directory.

Example: User cluster, static IP addresses

Suppose you have a user cluster that uses static IP addresses for its cluster nodes. Also suppose that the cluster has two Services of type LoadBalancer, and the external addresses for those Services are and

Adjust the user cluster configuration file as follows:

  • Keep the network.hostConfig section.
  • Set loadBalancer.kind to MetalLB.
  • Remove the loadBalancer.seesaw section.
  • Add a loadBalancer.metalLB section.


    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    controlPlaneVIP: ""
    ingressVIP: ""
  kind: MetalLB Seesaw
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-cluster-1-ipblock.yaml"
    vrid: 1
    masterIP: ""
    cpus: 4
    memoryMB: 3072
    - name: "address-pool-1"
      - ""
      - " -"

Key points from the preceding example:

  • Even though the cluster will no longer use the Seesaw load balancer, the network.hostConfig section is needed, because the cluster nodes use static IP addresses.

  • The value of ingressVIP appears in the MetalLB address pool.

  • The external IP addresses, and, for the existing Services of type LoadBalancer are included in the MetalLB address pool.

Example: kubeception user cluster, DHCP

Suppose you have a user cluster that uses DHCP for its cluster nodes. Also suppose that the cluster has two Services of type LoadBalancer, and the external addresses for those Services are and

Adjust the user cluster configuration file as follows:

  • Remove the network.hostConfig section.
  • Set loadBalancer.kind to MetalLB.
  • Remove the loadBalancer.seesaw section.
  • Add a loadBalancer.metalLB section.


enableControlplaneV2: false
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    controlPlaneVIP: ""
    ingressVIP: ""
  kind: MetalLB Seesaw
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-cluster-2-ipblock.yaml"
    vrid: 1
    masterIP: ""
    cpus: 4
    memoryMB: 3072
    - name: "address-pool-1"
      - ""
      - " -"

Key points from the preceding example:

  • The cluster will no longer use the Seesaw load balancer, and the cluster does not use static IP addresses for its cluster nodes. So the network.hostConfig section is not needed.

  • The value of ingressVIP appears in the MetalLB address pool.

  • The external IP addresses, and, for the existing Services of type LoadBalancer are included in the MetalLB address pool.

Example: Controlplane V2 user cluster, DHCP

Suppose you have a user cluster that has Controlplane V2 enabled, and uses DHCP for its worker nodes. Also suppose that the cluster has two Services of type LoadBalancer, and the external addresses for those Services are and

Adjust the user cluster configuration file as follows:

  • Keep the network.hostconfig section.
  • Set loadBalancer.kind to MetalLB.
  • Remove the loadBalancer.seesaw section.
  • Add a loadBalancer.metalLB section.


enableControlplaneV2: true
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    controlPlaneVIP: ""
    ingressVIP: ""
  kind: MetalLB Seesaw
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-cluster-2-ipblock.yaml"
    vrid: 1
    masterIP: ""
    cpus: 4
    memoryMB: 3072
    - name: "address-pool-1"
      - ""
      - " -"

Key points from the preceding example:

  • The cluster will no longer use static IP addresses for the worker nodes, but it will use static IP addresses for the control-plane nodes. So the network.hostConfig section is needed.

  • The value of ingressVIP appears in the MetalLB address pool.

  • The external IP addresses, and, for the existing Services of type LoadBalancer are included in the MetalLB address pool.

Admin cluster migration

In your admin cluster configuration file, set loadBalancer.kind to MetalLB, and remove the loadBalancer.seesaw section.

Update the cluster:

gkectl update admin --kubeconfig  ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG

Replace the following:

  • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of the admin cluster kubeconfig file

  • ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG: the path of the admin cluster configuration file

Verify that the MetalLB components are running successfully:

kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pods \
    --namespace kube-system --selector app=metallb

The output shows Pods for the MetalLB controller and speaker. For example:

metallb-controller-744884bf7b-rznr9   1/1     Running
metallb-speaker-6n8ws                 1/1     Running
metallb-speaker-nb52z                 1/1     Running
metallb-speaker-rq4pp                 1/1     Running

After a successful migration, manually delete the Seesaw VMs, which are already powered off, for the admin cluster. You can find the Seesaw VM names in the vmnames section of the seesaw-for-gke-admin.yaml file in your configuration directory.

Example: Admin cluster, static IP addresses

Suppose you have an admin cluster that uses static IP addresses for its cluster nodes.

Adjust the admin cluster configuration file as follows:

  • Keep the network.hostConfig section.
  • Set loadBalancer.kind to MetalLB.
  • Remove the loadBalancer.seesaw section.


    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    controlPlaneVIP: ""
  kind: MetalLB Seesaw
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-cluster-1-ipblock.yaml"
    vrid: 1
    masterIP: ""
    cpus: 4
    memoryMB: 3072

Key point from the preceding example:

  • Even though the cluster will no longer use the Seesaw load balancer, the network.hostConfig section is needed, because the cluster nodes use static IP addresses.

Example: Admin cluster, DHCP

Suppose you have an admin cluster that uses DHCP for its cluster nodes.

Adjust the admin cluster configuration file as follows:

  • Remove the network.hostConfig section.
  • Set loadBalancer.kind to MetalLB.
  • Remove the loadBalancer.seesaw section.


    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    controlPlaneVIP: ""
  kind: MetalLB Seesaw
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-cluster-1-ipblock.yaml"
    vrid: 1
    masterIP: ""
    cpus: 4
    memoryMB: 3072

Key point from the preceding example:

  • The cluster will no longer use the Seesaw load balancer, and the cluster does not use static IP addresses for its cluster nodes. So the network.hostConfig section is not needed.


If gkectl update fails during user cluster migration, and the MetalLB Pods are not running in the user cluster, manually power on the user cluster Seesaw VMs. This will re-establish traffic to currently used VIPs. But newly created VIPs might not be served by the Seesaw VMs if the load-balancer-seesaw Pod is not running. If that is the case, create a support ticket.

If gkectl update fails during admin cluster migration, and the MetalLB Pods are not running in the admin cluster, manually power on the admin cluster Seesaw VMs. This might allow traffic to currently used control plane VIPs for user clusters to work again. But the VIP for the control plane of the admin cluster itself might not work. In that case, edit the kubeconfig file of the admin cluster to directly use the IP address of the admin cluster control-plane node.

Also, in the kube-system namespace, change the kube-apiserver Service type from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer. If necessary, create a support ticket.