
gkectl 工具有两个用于排查集群问题的命令:gkectl diagnose clustergkectl diagnose snapshot。这两个命令适用于管理员集群和用户集群。 本文档介绍如何使用 gkectl diagnose 命令诊断集群中的问题。

如需详细了解如何使用 gkectl diagnose snapshot 命令创建快照以帮助 Cloud Customer Care 诊断问题,请参阅创建快照以诊断集群

如果您需要其他帮助,请与 Cloud Customer Care 联系。

gkectl diagnose cluster


  • vCenter
    • 凭据
    • DRS
    • 反亲和性群组
    • 网络
    • 版本
    • 数据中心
    • 数据存储区
    • ResourcePool
    • 文件夹
    • 网络
  • 负载平衡器(F5、Seesaw 或手动)
  • 用户集群和节点池
  • 集群对象
  • 用户集群的 Konnectivity 服务器就绪性
  • 机器对象和相应的集群节点
  • kube-systemgke-system 命名空间中的 Pod
  • 控制平面
  • 集群中的 vSphere 永久卷
  • 用户和管理员集群的 vCPU(虚拟 CPU)和内存争用信号
  • 用户和管理员集群 ESXi 预配置主机 CPU 使用率和内存用量警报
  • 时段 (TOD)
  • 启用了 Dataplane V2 的集群的节点网络政策
  • Dataplane V2 节点代理的整体健康状况



gkectl diagnose cluster --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG 替换为管理员集群 kubeconfig 文件的路径。

gkectl diagnose cluster 命令会返回以下示例输出:

Preparing for the diagnose tool...
Diagnosing the cluster......DONE

- Validation Category: Admin Cluster Connectivity
Checking VMs TOD (availability)...SUCCESS
Checking Konnectivity Server (readiness)...SUCCESS

- Validation Category: Admin Cluster F5 BIG-IP
Checking f5 (credentials, partition)...SUCCESS

- Validation Category: Admin Cluster VCenter
Checking Credentials...SUCCESS
Checking DRS enabled...SUCCESS
Checking Hosts for AntiAffinityGroups...SUCCESS
Checking Version...SUCCESS
Checking Datacenter...SUCCESS
Checking Datastore...SUCCESS
Checking Resource pool...SUCCESS
Checking Folder...SUCCESS
Checking Network...SUCCESS

- Validation Category: Admin Cluster
Checking cluster object...SUCCESS
Checking machine deployment...SUCCESS
Checking machineset...SUCCESS
Checking machine objects...SUCCESS
Checking kube-system pods...SUCCESS
Checking anthos-identity-service pods...SUCCESS
Checking storage...SUCCESS
Checking resource...SUCCESS
Checking virtual machine resource contention...SUCCESS
Checking host resource contention...SUCCESS
All validation results were SUCCESS.
Cluster is healthy!

如果目标集群中的虚拟 IP 地址 (VIP) 存在问题,请使用 --config 标志提供管理员集群配置文件,以提供更多调试信息。

gkectl diagnose cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config CLUSTER_CONFIG

CLUSTER_CONFIG 替换为管理员或用户集群配置文件的路径。

以下示例输出表明,gkectl diagnose cluster 命令现在可以正确连接到集群并检查问题:

Failed to access the api server via LB VIP "...": ...
Try to use the admin master IP instead of problematic VIP...
Reading config with version "[CONFIG_VERSION]"
Finding the admin master VM...
Fetching the VMs in the resource pool "[RESOURCE_POOL_NAME]"...
Found the "[ADMIN_MASTER_VM_NAME]" is the admin master VM.
Diagnosing admin|user cluster "[TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME]"...



kubectl get cluster --kubeconfig=USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG 替换为用户集群 kubeconfig 文件的路径。


gkectl diagnose cluster --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \


gkectl diagnose cluster 命令会返回以下示例输出:

Preparing for the diagnose tool...
Diagnosing the cluster......DONE

Diagnose result is saved successfully in <DIAGNOSE_REPORT_JSON_FILE>

- Validation Category: User Cluster Connectivity
Checking Node Network Policy...SUCCESS
Checking VMs TOD (availability)...SUCCESS
Checking Dataplane-V2...Success

- Validation Category: User Cluster F5 BIG-IP
Checking f5 (credentials, partition)...SUCCESS

- Validation Category: User Cluster VCenter
Checking Credentials...SUCCESS
Checking DRS enabled...SUCCESS
Checking Hosts for AntiAffinityGroups...SUCCESS
Checking VSphere CSI Driver...SUCCESS
Checking Version...SUCCESS
Checking Datacenter...SUCCESS
Checking Datastore...SUCCESS
Checking Resource pool...SUCCESS
Checking Folder...SUCCESS
Checking Network...SUCCESS

- Validation Category: User Cluster
Checking user cluster and node pools...SUCCESS
Checking cluster object...SUCCESS
Checking machine deployment...SUCCESS
Checking machineset...SUCCESS
Checking machine objects...SUCCESS
Checking control plane pods...SUCCESS
Checking kube-system pods...SUCCESS
Checking gke-system pods...SUCCESS
Checking gke-connect pods...SUCCESS
Checeking anthos-identity-service pods...SUCCESS
Checking storage...SUCCESS
Checking resource...SUCCESS
Checking virtual machine resource contention...SUCCESS
Checking host resource contention...SUCCESS
All validation results were SUCCESS.
Cluster is healthy!


如果虚拟机创建出现问题,请运行 gkectl diagnose cluster 以获取虚拟机状态的诊断信息。


- Validation Category: Cluster Healthiness
Checking cluster object...SUCCESS
Checking machine deployment...SUCCESS
Checking machineset...SUCCESS
Checking machine objects...SUCCESS
Checking machine VMs...FAILURE
    Reason: 1 machine VMs error(s).
    Unhealthy Resources:
    Machine [NODE_NAME]: The VM's UUID "420fbe5c-4c8b-705a-8a05-ec636406f60" does not match the machine object's providerID "420fbe5c-4c8b-705a-8a05-ec636406f60e".
    Debug Information:
Exit with error:
Cluster is unhealthy!
Run gkectl diagnose cluster automatically in gkectl diagnose snapshot
Public page https://cloud.google.com/anthos/clusters/docs/on-prem/latest/diagnose#overview_diagnose_snapshot


下表概述了运行 gkectl diagnose cluster 命令时可能出现问题的一些解决方法:

管理员集群或用户集群无法连接到 Kubernetes API 服务器。 检查虚拟机运行状况 OOB(开箱)内存延迟图表,理想情况下内存延迟时间应接近零。内存争用还会增加 CPU 争用,并且由于会涉及交换,CPU 就绪性图表可能会出现峰值。 增大物理内存。如需了解其他选项,请参阅 VMware 问题排查建议
创建 Nodepool 时超时。 VMDK 的读/写延迟时间较长。检查虚拟机运行状况 OOB 以了解是否存在虚拟磁盘读写延迟。根据 VMware 报道,总延迟时间超过 20 毫秒表示存在问题。 请参阅磁盘性能问题的 VMware 解决方案

BundleUnexpectedDiff 个错误

由 Google Distributed Cloud 软件包管理的 Kubernetes Cluster API 资源可能会被意外修改,这可能会导致系统组件故障或集群升级或更新失败。

在 Google Distributed Cloud 1.13 及更高版本中,onprem-user-cluster-controller 会定期检查对象的状态,并通过日志和事件报告与期望状态之间的任何意外差异。这些对象包括用户集群控制平面以及 Service 和 DaemonSet 等插件。


 Type     Reason                 Age    From                              Message
 ----     ------                 ----   ----                              -------
 Warning  BundleUnexpectedDiff   13m    onpremusercluster/ci-bundle-diff  Detected unexpected difference of user control plane objects: [ConfigMap/istio], please check onprem-user-cluster-controller logs for more details.

以下示例输出显示了 onprem-user-cluster-controller 生成的日志:

2022-08-06T02:54:42.701352295Z W0806 02:54:42.701252       1 update.go:206] Detected unexpected difference of user addon object(ConfigMap/istio), Diff:   map[string]string{
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701376406Z -    "mesh": (
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701381190Z -        """
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701385438Z -        defaultConfig:
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701389350Z -          discoveryAddress: istiod.gke-system.svc:15012
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701449954Z -        """
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701453099Z -    ),
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701456286Z -    "meshNetworks": "networks: {}",
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701459304Z +    "test-key":     "test-data",
2022-08-06T02:54:42.701462434Z   }



如果您需要其他帮助,请与 Cloud Customer Care 联系。