Create basic clusters

This is the second part of a guide that walks you through a small proof-of-concept installation of Google Distributed Cloud. The first part is Set up minimal infrastructure, which shows you how to plan your IP addresses and set up the necessary vSphere and Google Cloud infrastructure for your deployment. This document builds on the setup and planning you did in the previous section and shows you how to create an admin workstation, admin cluster, and user cluster in your vSphere environment, using simple templates that you can fill in here in this document. You can then go on to deploy an application.

As with the infrastructure setup of this simple installation, the clusters you set up using this document might not be suitable for your actual production needs and use cases. For much more information, best practices, and instructions for production installations, see the installation guides.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that you have set up your vSphere and Google Cloud environments as described in Set up minimal infrastructure.

  2. If you want to use Terraform to create the user cluster, you need Terraform either on your admin workstation or another computer.

Procedure overview

These are the primary steps involved in this setup:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud CLI with an account that has the necessary permissions to create service accounts.

  2. Gather information that you need to configure Google Distributed Cloud, including your vCenter username and password, and the IP addresses that you prepared in the previous section.

  3. Create an admin workstation with the resources and tools you need to create admin and user clusters, including the additional service accounts you need to finish the setup.

  4. Create an admin cluster to manage and update your user cluster.

  5. Create a user cluster to run your workloads.

1. Log in to the Google Cloud CLI

Setting up Google Distributed Cloud requires multiple service accounts with different permissions. While you must create your component access service account manually, the gkeadm command line tool can create and configure the remaining accounts for you as part of creating the admin workstation. To do this, however, you must be logged in to the Google Cloud CLI with an account that has the necessary permissions to create and configure service accounts, as gkeadm uses your current gcloud CLI account property when doing this setup.

  1. Log in to the gcloud CLI. You can use any Google account but it must have the required permissions. If you have followed the previous part of this guide you have probably already logged in with an appropriate account to create your component access service account.

    gcloud auth login
  2. Verify that your gcloud CLI account property is set correctly:

    gcloud config list

    The output shows the value of your SDK account property. For example:

    account =
    disable_usage_reporting = False
    Your active configuration is: [default]
  3. Make sure you have the latest gcloud CLI components installed:

    gcloud components update

    Depending on how you installed the gcloud CLI, you might see the following message: "You cannot perform this action because the Google Cloud CLI component manager is disabled for this installation. You can run the following command to achieve the same result for this installation:" Follow the instructions to copy and paste the command to update the components.

2. Gather information

Use the information that you prepared in Set up minimal infrastructure to edit the placeholders in the following table:

vSphere details
The username of your vCenter account USERNAME
The password of your vCenter account PASSWORD
Your vCenter Server address ADDRESS
The path to the root CA certificate for your vCenter Server, on the machine you're going to use to create your admin workstation CA_CERT_PATH
The name of your vSphere data center DATA_CENTER
The name of your vSphere cluster VSPHERE_CLUSTER
The name or path of your vSphere resource pool. For more information, see vcenter.resourcePool. RESOURCE_POOL
The name of your vSphere datastore DATASTORE
The name of your vSphere network NETWORK
IP addresses
One IP address for your admin workstation ADMIN_WS_IP
Four IP addresses for your admin cluster nodes. This includes an address for an extra node that can be used during upgrade and update. ADMIN_NODE_IP_1
An IP address for the control-plane node in the user cluster. USER_CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_IP
Four IP addresses for your user cluster nodes. This includes an address for an extra node that can be used during upgrade and update. USER_NODE_IP_1
A virtual IP address (VIP) for the admin cluster Kubernetes API server ADMIN_CONTROL_PLANE_VIP
A VIP for the user cluster Kubernetes API server USER_CONTROL_PLANE_VIP
An Ingress VIP for the user cluster USER_INGRESS_VIP
Two VIPs for Services of type LoadBalancer in your user cluster. SERVICE_VIP_1
The IP address of a DNS server that is reachable from your admin workstation and cluster nodes DNS_SERVER_IP
The IP address of an NTP server that is reachable from your admin workstation and cluster nodes NTP_SERVER_IP
The IP address of the default gateway for the subnet that has your admin workstation and cluster nodes DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP
The netmask for the subnet that has your admin workstation and cluster nodes
If your network is behind a proxy server, the URL of the proxy server. For more information, see proxy. Fill this in manually in your admin workstation configuration file if needed. PROXY_URL
CIDR ranges for Services and Pods
The admin cluster and user cluster each need a CIDR range for Services and a CIDR range for Pods. Use the following prepopulated values unless you need to change them to avoid overlap with other elements in your network:
A CIDR range for Services in the admin cluster
A CIDR range for Pods in the admin cluster
A CIDR range for Services in the user cluster
A CIDR range for Pods in the user cluster
Google Cloud details
The ID of your chosen Cloud project PROJECT_ID
The path to the JSON key file for the component access service account that you set up in the previous section, on the machine that you're going to use to create your admin cluster. COMPONENT_ACCESS_SA_KEY_PATH
The email address that is associated with your Google Cloud account. For example: GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

3. Create an admin workstation

Before you can create any clusters, you need to create an admin workstation and then connect to it using SSH. The admin workstation is a standalone VM with the tools and resources you need to create GKE Enterprise clusters in your vSphere environment. You use the gkeadm command-line tool to create the admin workstation.

Download gkeadm

Download gkeadm to your current directory:

gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release/gkeadm/1.15.9-gke.20/linux/gkeadm ./
chmod +x gkeadm

You need the gkeadm version (which is also the version of Google Distributed Cloud) to create your admin and user cluster config files. To check the version of gkeadm, run the following:

./gkeadm version

The following example output shows the version.

gkeadm 1.15.10 (1.15.9-gke.20)

Although you can download another version of gkeadm, this guide assumes that you are installing 1.15.9-gke.20, and uses that version in all configuration files and commands.

Create your credentials file

Create and save a file named credential.yaml in your current directory with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: CredentialFile
- name: vCenter
  username: "USERNAME"
  password: "PASSWORD"

Create your admin workstation configuration file

Create and save a file named admin-ws-config.yaml, again in your current directory, with the following content:

  componentAccessServiceAccountKeyPath: "COMPONENT_ACCESS_SA_KEY_PATH"
    address: "ADDRESS"
      path: "credential.yaml"
      entry: "vCenter"
  datacenter: "DATA_CENTER"
  datastore: "DATASTORE"
  cluster: "VSPHERE_CLUSTER"
  network: "NETWORK"
  resourcePool: "RESOURCE_POOL"
  caCertPath: "CA_CERT_PATH"
proxyUrl: ""
  name: "minimal-installation-admin-workstation"
  cpus: 4
  memoryMB: 8192
  diskGB: 50
  dataDiskName: gke-on-prem-admin-workstation-data-disk/minimal-installation-data-disk.vmdk
  dataDiskMB: 512
    ipAllocationMode: "static"
      ip: "ADMIN_WS_IP"
      gateway: "DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP"
      netmask: "NETMASK"
      - "DNS_SERVER_IP"
  proxyUrl: ""

Create your admin workstation

Create your admin workstation using the following command:

./gkeadm create admin-workstation --auto-create-service-accounts

Running this command:

  • Creates your admin workstation
  • Automatically creates any additional service accounts you need for your installation
  • Creates template configuration files for your admin and user clusters

The output gives detailed information about the creation of your admin workstation and provides a command that you can use to get an SSH connection to your admin workstation:

Admin workstation is ready to use.
Admin workstation information saved to /usr/local/google/home/me/my-admin-workstation
This file is required for future upgrades
SSH into the admin workstation with the following command:
ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@

For more detailed information about creating an admin workstation, see Create an admin workstation.

Connect to your admin workstation

Use the command displayed in the preceding output to get an SSH connection to your admin workstation. For example:

ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@

If you need to find this command again, gkeadm generates a file called gke-admin-ws-... in the directory on your local machine where you ran gkeadm create admin-workstation. This contains details about your admin workstation, including the SSH command.

View generated files

On your admin workstation, list the files in the home directory:

ls -1

The output should include:

  • admin-cluster.yaml, a template config file for creating your admin cluster.
  • user-cluster.yaml, a template config file for creating your user cluster.
  • The vCenter certificate file that you specified in your admin workstation configuration
  • The credential.yaml file that you specified in your admin workstation configuration.
  • JSON key files for two service accounts that gkeadm created for you: a connect-register service account and a logging-monitoring service account, as well as the key file for the component access service account you created earlier.

For example:


You'll need to specify some of these filenames in your configuration files to create clusters. Use the filenames as values for the placeholders in the following table:

Connect-register service account key file name
Example: connect-register-sa-2203040617.json
Logging-monitoring service account key file name
Example: log-mon-sa-2203040617.json
Component access service account key file name
Example: sa-key.json
vCenter certificate file name
Example: vc01-cert.pem

4. Create an admin cluster

Now that you have an admin workstation configured with your vCenter and other details, you can use it to create an admin cluster in your vSphere environment. Ensure you have an SSH connection to your admin workstation, as described previously, before starting this step. All of the following commands are run on the admin workstation.

Create your admin cluster IP block file

Create and save a file named admin-ipblock.yaml in the same directory as admin-cluster.yaml on your admin workstation, with the following content:

  - netmask: "NETMASK"
    gateway: "DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP"
    - ip: "ADMIN_NODE_IP_1"
      hostname: "admin-vm-1"
    - ip: "ADMIN_NODE_IP_2"
      hostname: "admin-vm-2"
    - ip: "ADMIN_NODE_IP_3"
      hostname: "admin-vm-3"
    - ip: "ADMIN_NODE_IP_4"
      hostname: "admin-vm-4"

The ips field is an array of IP addresses and hostnames. These are the IP addresses and hostnames that Google Distributed Cloud will assign to your admin cluster nodes.

The IP block file also specifies a subnet mask and a default gateway for the admin cluster nodes.

Create your admin cluster configuration file

Open admin-cluster.yaml and replace the content with the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: AdminCluster
name: "minimal-installation-admin-cluster"
bundlePath: "/var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-1.15.9-gke.20-full.tgz"
  address: "ADDRESS"
  datacenter: "DATA_CENTER"
  cluster: "VSPHERE_CLUSTER"
  resourcePool: "RESOURCE_POOL"
  datastore: "DATASTORE"
  caCertPath: "CA_CERT_FILE"
      path: "credential.yaml"
      entry: "vCenter"
  dataDisk: "data-disks/minimal-installation-admin-disk.vmdk"
    type: "static"
    ipBlockFilePath: admin-ipblock.yaml
  serviceCIDR: ""
  podCIDR: ""
    networkName: "NETWORK"
  kind: "MetalLB"
  enabled: false
componentAccessServiceAccountKeyPath: "COMPONENT_ACCESS_SA_KEY_FILE"
  projectID: "PROJECT_ID"
  registerServiceAccountKeyPath: "CONNECT_REGISTER_SA_KEY_PATH"
  projectID: "PROJECT_ID"
  clusterLocation: "us-central1"
  enableVPC: false
  serviceAccountKeyPath: "LOG_MON_SA_KEY_PATH"
  disableVsphereResourceMetrics: false

Validate the admin cluster configuration file

Verify that the your admin cluster configuration file is valid and can be used for cluster creation:

gkectl check-config --config admin-cluster.yaml

Import OS images to vSphere

Run gkectl prepare with your completed config file to import node OS images to vSphere:

gkectl prepare --config admin-cluster.yaml --skip-validation-all

Running this command imports the images to vSphere and marks them as VM templates, including the image for your admin cluster.

This command can take a few minutes to return.

Create the admin cluster

Create the admin cluster:

gkectl create admin --config admin-cluster.yaml

Resume admin cluster creation after a failure

If the admin cluster creation fails or is canceled, you can run the create command again:

gkectl create admin --config admin-cluster.yaml

Locate the admin cluster kubeconfig file

The gkectl create admin command creates a kubeconfig file named kubeconfig in the current directory. You will need this kubeconfig file later to interact with your admin cluster.

Verify that your admin cluster is running

Verify that your admin cluster is running:

kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig kubeconfig

The output shows the admin cluster nodes. For example:

gke-admin-master-hdn4z            Ready    control-plane,master ...
gke-admin-node-7f46cc8c47-g7w2c   Ready ...
gke-admin-node-7f46cc8c47-kwlrs   Ready ...

Enable RBAC authorization

To grant your user account the Kubernetes clusterrole/cluster-admin role on the cluster, run the following command:

gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac \
    --membership=minimal-installation-admin-cluster \
    --role=clusterrole/cluster-admin \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --kubeconfig=kubeconfig \
    --context=minimal-installation-admin-cluster \

The output of this command is similar to the following, which is truncated for readability:

Validating input arguments.
Specified Cluster Role is: clusterrole/cluster-admin
Generated RBAC policy is:
Applying the generate RBAC policy to cluster with kubeconfig: kubeconfig, context: minimal-installation-admin-cluster
Writing RBAC policy for user: GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL to cluster.
Successfully applied the RBAC policy to cluster.

Among other things, the RBAC policy lets you log in to your cluster in the Google Cloud console using your Google Identity to see more cluster details.

Enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API

Optionally, enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API. Enrolling your admin cluster in the GKE On-Prem API lets you use the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or Terraform—to upgrade user clusters that the admin cluster manages.

gcloud container vmware admin-clusters enroll minimal-installation-admin-cluster \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --admin-cluster-membership=projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/minimal-installation-admin-cluster \

5. Create a user cluster

This section provides steps for creating the user cluster using the console, gkectl or Terraform.


Ensure you have an SSH connection to your admin workstation, as described previously, before starting this procedure. All of the following commands are run on the admin workstation.

Create your user cluster IP block file

  1. Create a file named user-ipblock.yaml.

  2. Copy and paste the following content into user-ipblock.yaml and save the file:

      - netmask: "NETMASK"
        gateway: "DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP"
        - ip: "USER_NODE_IP_1"
          hostname: "user-vm-1"
        - ip: "USER_NODE_IP_2"
          hostname: "user-vm-2"
        - ip: "USER_NODE_IP_3"
          hostname: "user-vm-3"
        - ip: "USER_NODE_IP_4"
          hostname: "user-vm-4"

Create your user cluster configuration file

  1. Create a file named user-cluster.yaml in the same directory as user-ipblock.yaml.

  2. Copy and paste the following content into user-cluster.yaml and save the file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: UserCluster
name: "minimal-installation-user-cluster"
gkeOnPremVersion: "1.15.9-gke.20"
enableControlplaneV2: true
    type: "static"
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-ipblock.yaml"
  serviceCIDR: ""
  podCIDR: ""
    netmask: "NETMASK"
    gateway: "DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP"
      hostname: "cp-vm-1"
    ingressVIP: "USER_INGRESS_VIP"
  kind: "MetalLB"
    - name: "uc-address-pool"
      - "USER_INGRESS_VIP/32"
      - "SERVICE_VIP_1/32"
      - "SERVICE_VIP_2/32"
enableDataplaneV2: true
- name: "uc-node-pool"
  cpus: 4
  memoryMB: 8192
  replicas: 3
  enableLoadBalancer: true
  enabled: false
  projectID: "PROJECT_ID"
  registerServiceAccountKeyPath: "CONNECT_REGISTER_SA_KEY_PATH"
  projectID: "PROJECT_ID"
  clusterLocation: "us-central1"
  enableVPC: false
  serviceAccountKeyPath: "LOG_MON_SA_KEY_PATH"
  disableVsphereResourceMetrics: false
  enabled: true

Validate the configuration and create the cluster

  1. Verify that the your user cluster configuration file is valid and can be used for cluster creation:

    gkectl check-config --kubeconfig kubeconfig --config user-cluster.yaml
  2. Create the user cluster:

    gkectl create cluster --kubeconfig kubeconfig --config user-cluster.yaml

    Cluster creation takes approximately 30 minutes.

Locate the user cluster kubeconfig file

The gkectl create cluster command creates a kubeconfig file named USER_CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig in the current directory. You will need this kubeconfig file later to interact with your user cluster.

Verify that your user cluster is running

Verify that your user cluster is running:

kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

Replace USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of your user cluster kubeconfig file.

The output shows the user cluster nodes. For example:

cp-vm-1     Ready    control-plane,master
user-vm-1   Ready
user-vm-2   Ready
user-vm-3   Ready

Enable RBAC authorization

To grant your user account the Kubernetes clusterrole/cluster-admin role on the cluster, run the following command:

gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac \
  --membership=minimal-installation-user-cluster \
  --role=clusterrole/cluster-admin \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \
  --context=minimal-installation-user-cluster \

The output of this command is similar to the following, which is truncated for readability:

Validating input arguments.
Specified Cluster Role is: clusterrole/cluster-admin
Generated RBAC policy is:
Applying the generate RBAC policy to cluster with kubeconfig: kubeconfig, context: minimal-installation-admin-cluster
Writing RBAC policy for user: GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL to cluster.
Successfully applied the RBAC policy to cluster.

Among other things, the RBAC policy lets you log in to your cluster in the Google Cloud console using your Google Identity to see more cluster details.

Enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API

Optionally, enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API. Enrolling your user cluster in the GKE On-Prem API lets you use the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI for upgrades.

gcloud container vmware clusters enroll minimal-installation-user-cluster \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \
  --admin-cluster-membership=projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/minimal-installation-admin-cluster \


This section shows you how to create a user cluster and a node pool using Terraform. For more information and other examples, see the following:

  1. Create a directory and a new file within that directory. The filename must have the .tf extension. In this guide, the file is called

    mkdir DIRECTORY && cd DIRECTORY && touch
  2. Verify the user cluster Terraform resource:

    The following Terraform resource example is filled in with the values that you entered in the planning table in the preceding section.

    resource "google_gkeonprem_vmware_cluster" "cluster-basic" {
      name = "minimal-installation-user-cluster"
      project = "PROJECT_ID"
      location = "us-central1"
      admin_cluster_membership = "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/minimal-installation-admin-cluster"
      description = "User cluster config with MetalLB, static IPs, and Controlplane V2"
      enable_control_plane_v2 = "true"
      on_prem_version = "1.15.9-gke.20"
      control_plane_node {
        cpus = 4
        memory = 8192
        replicas = 1
      network_config {
        service_address_cidr_blocks = [""]
        pod_address_cidr_blocks = [""]
        host_config {
          dns_servers = ["DNS_SERVER_IP"]
          ntp_servers = ["NTP_SERVER_IP"]
        static_ip_config {
          ip_blocks {
            netmask = "NETMASK"
            gateway = "DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP"
            ips {
              ip = "USER_NODE_IP_1"
              hostname = "user-vm-1"
            ips {
              ip = "USER_NODE_IP_2"
              hostname = "user-vm-2"
            ips {
              ip = "USER_NODE_IP_3"
              hostname = "user-vm-3"
            ips {
              ip = "USER_NODE_IP_4"
              hostname = "user-vm-4"
        control_plane_v2_config {
          control_plane_ip_block {
            netmask = "NETMASK"
            gateway = "DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP"
            ips {
              ip = "USER_CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_IP"
              hostname = "cp-vm-1"
      load_balancer {
        vip_config {
          control_plane_vip = "USER_CONTROL_PLANE_VIP"
          ingress_vip = "USER_INGRESS_VIP"
        metal_lb_config {
          address_pools {
            pool = "uc-address-pool"
            manual_assign = "true"
            addresses = ["USER_INGRESS_VIP/32", "SERVICE_VIP_1/32", "SERVICE_VIP_2/32"]
      authorization {
        admin_users {
        username = "GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL"
      provider = google-beta
    resource "google_gkeonprem_vmware_node_pool" "my-node-pool-1" {
      name = "uc-node-pool"
      project = "PROJECT_ID"
      vmware_cluster = "minimal-installation-user-cluster"
      location = "us-central1"
      config {
        replicas = 3
        image_type = "ubuntu_containerd"
        enable_load_balancer = "true"
      depends_on = [
      provider = google-beta
  3. Copy the Terraform resource to and save the file.

  4. Initialize and create the Terraform plan:

    terraform init

    Terraform installs any needed libraries, such as the Google Cloud provider.

  5. Review the configuration and make changes if needed:

    terraform plan
  6. Apply the Terraform plan to create the user cluster:

    terraform apply

    When prompted, enter yes.

    It takes about 15 minutes (or more depending on your network) to create the basic user cluster and node pool.


Create the cluster:

gcloud container vmware clusters create minimal-installation-user-cluster \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \
  --admin-cluster-membership=projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/minimal-installation-admin-cluster \
  --location=us-central1 \
  --version=1.15.9-gke.20 \
  --admin-users=GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
  --service-address-cidr-blocks= \
  --pod-address-cidr-blocks= \
  --metal-lb-config-address-pools='pool=uc-address-pool,avoid-buggy-ips=False,manual-assign=False,addresses=USER_INGRESS_VIP/32;SERVICE_VIP_1/32;SERVICE_VIP_2/32' \
  --control-plane-vip=USER_CONTROL_PLANE_VIP \
  --ingress-vip=USER_INGRESS_VIP \
  --static-ip-config-ip-blocks='gateway=DEFAULT_GATEWAY_IP,netmask=NETMASK,ips=USER_NODE_IP_1;USER_NODE_IP_2;USER_NODE_IP_3;USER_NODE_IP_4' \
  --dns-servers=DNS_SERVER_IP \
  --ntp-servers=NTP_SERVER_IP \
  --enable-control-plane-v2 \
  --enable-dataplane-v2 \

The output from the command is similar to the following:

Waiting for operation [projects/example-project-12345/locations/us-central1/operations/operation-1679543737105-5f7893fd5bae9-942b3f97-75e59179] to complete.

In the example output, the string operation-1679543737105-5f7893fd5bae9-942b3f97-75e59179 is the OPERATION_ID of the long-running operation. You can find out the status of the operation with the following command:

gcloud container vmware operations describe OPERATION_ID \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \

For more information, see gcloud container vmware operations.

It takes 15 minutes or more to create the user cluster. You can view the cluster in the Google Cloud console on the Anthos clusters page.

Create a node pool:

gcloud container vmware node-pools create  uc-node-pool \
  --cluster=minimal-installation-user-cluster \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \
  --location=us-central1 \
  --image-type=ubuntu_containerd  \
  --boot-disk-size=40 \
  --cpus=4 \
  --memory=8192 \
  --replicas=3 \

What's next

You have now completed this minimal installation of Google Distributed Cloud. As an optional follow-up, you can see your installation in action by deploying an application.