Google Distributed Cloud runs on your premises in a vSphere environment. This document describes requirements for your vSphere environment.
Version compatibility
The vSphere requirements vary according to which version of Google Distributed Cloud you are using. For more information, see the version compatibility matrix for fully supported versions and earlier versions.
Supported versions
vSphere is VMware's server virtualization software. vSphere includes ESXi and vCenter Server.
Google Distributed Cloud supports these versions of ESXi and vCenter Server:
- 7.0 Update 1 and later updates of version 7.0
If you want to use the vSphere Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver or NFSv3, then you must have 7.0 Update 2 or a later update of version 7.0.
If you want to create CSI volume snapshots, then you must have 7.0 Update 3 or a later update of version 7.0.
License requirements
You need one of the following licenses:
vSphere Enterprise Plus license. Along with this license, you must have a valid support subscription.
vSphere Standard license. Along with this license, you must have a valid support subscription. With this license, you cannot enable anti-affinity groups. Also, you cannot specify your own resource pool. You must use the default resource pool.
Hardware requirements
Google Distributed Cloud runs on a set of physical hosts that run the VMware ESXi hypervisor. To learn about the hardware requirements for ESXi, see ESXi Hardware Requirements.
For production environments, we strongly recommend the following:
Have at least four ESXi hosts available for your cluster VMs.
Enable Network File Copy (NFC) traffic among ESXi hosts to allow OS template sharing, if you plan to deploy Anthos clusters on VMware on different vSphere clusters or resource pools within the same vSphere datacenter.
in your cluster configuration files.
If you set antiAffinityGroups.enabled
to true
, Google Distributed Cloud
creates DRS anti-affinity rules for your cluster nodes, causing them to be
spread across at least three physical ESXi hosts. Even though the DRS rules
require that cluster nodes are spread across three ESXi hosts, we strongly
recommend that you have at least four ESXi hosts available. This protects you
from losing your cluster control plane. For example, suppose you have only
three ESXi hosts, and your admin cluster
control-plane node is on an ESXi host that fails. The DRS rule will prevent the
control-plane node from being placed on one of the remaining two ESXi hosts.
For evaluation and proof of concept, you can set antiAffinityGroups.enabled
, and use only one ESXi host. For more information, see
Set up minimal infrastructure.
vCenter user account privileges
To set up a vSphere environment, an organization administrator might choose to use a vCenter user account that has the vCenter Server Administrator role. This role provides full access to all vSphere objects.
After the vSphere environment is set up, a cluster administrator can create admin clusters and user clusters. The cluster administrator does not need all the privileges provided by the vCenter Server Administrator role.
When a cluster administrator or developer creates a cluster, they provide a vCenter user account in a credentials configuration file. We recommend that the vCenter user account that is listed in a credentials configuration file be assigned one or more custom roles that have the minimum privileges required for cluster creation and management.
There are two different approaches an organization administrator can take:
Create several roles with varying degrees of privilege. Then create permissions that assign those limited roles to a user or group on individual vSphere objects.
Create one role that has all the needed privileges. Then create a global permission that assigns that role to a particular user or group on all objects in your vSphere hierarchies.
We recommend the first approach, because it limits access and increases the security of your vCenter Server environment. For more information, see Using Roles to Assign Privileges and Best Practices for Roles and Permissions
For information on using the second approach, see Create one global permission.
The following table shows four custom roles that an organization administrator can create. The administrator can then use the custom roles to assign permissions on specific vSphere objects:
Custom role | Privileges | Objects | Propagate to child objects? |
ClusterEditor |
System.Read System.View System.Anonymous Host.Inventory.Modify cluster |
cluster | Yes |
SessionValidator |
System.Read System.View System.Anonymous Sessions.Validate session Cns.Searchable Profile-driven storage.Profile-driven storage view |
Root vCenter Server | No |
ReadOnly |
System.Read System.View System.Anonymous |
data center network |
Yes |
Anthos | Privileges in the Anthos role |
datastore resource pool VM folder network |
Yes |
Privileges in the Anthos custom role
View the privileges in the Anthos custom role.
Category | Privileges |
Cloud Native Store |
Datastore |
Cryptographic operations |
Folder |
Host Inventory |
vSphere Tagging |
Sessions |
Network |
Resource |
Storage Views |
System |
Tasks |
vApp |
Virtual Machine |
Create custom roles and permissions
An organization administrator can use the govc command-line tool to create custom roles and permissions.
The organization administrator must have a vCenter Server account that has sufficient privileges for creating roles and permissions. For example, an account that has the Administrator role would be appropriate.
Before you run govc
, set some environment variables:
Set GOVC_URL to the URL of your instance of vCenter Server.
Set GOVC_USERNAME to the username of the organization administrator's vCenter Server account.
Set GOVC_PASSWORD to the password of the organization administrator's vCenter Server account.
For example:
export GOVC_URL=vc-01.example export GOVC_USERNAME=alice@vsphere.local export GOVC_PASSWORD=8ODQYHo2Yl@
Create custom roles
Create the ClusterEditor, SessionValidator, and ReadOnly custom roles:
govc role.create ClusterEditor System.Read System.View System.Anonymous Host.Inventory.EditCluster govc role.create SessionValidator System.Read System.View System.Anonymous Sessions.ValidateSession Cns.Searchable StorageProfile.View govc role.create ReadOnly System.Read System.View System.Anonymous
View the command to create the Anthos custom role.
govc role.create anthos Cns.Searchable Cryptographer.Access Datastore.AllocateSpace Datastore.Browse Datastore.Config Datastore.FileManagement Datastore.DeleteFile Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineFiles Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineMetadata Folder.Create Folder.Delete Folder.Move Folder.Rename Host.Inventory.EditCluster InventoryService.Tagging.CreateTag InventoryService.Tagging.DeleteTag InventoryService.Tagging.AttachTag InventoryService.Tagging.ObjectAttachable Sessions.ValidateSession Network.Assign Resource.ApplyRecommendation Resource.AssignVMToPool Resource.ColdMigrate Resource.HotMigrate Resource.QueryVMotion StorageViews.View System.Anonymous System.Read System.View Task.Create Task.Update VApp.Import VApp.ApplicationConfig VApp.InstanceConfig VirtualMachine.Config.AddExistingDisk VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice VirtualMachine.Config.AdvancedConfig VirtualMachine.Config.Annotation VirtualMachine.Config.CPUCount VirtualMachine.Config.Resource VirtualMachine.Config.ManagedBy VirtualMachine.Config.ChangeTracking VirtualMachine.Config.DiskLease VirtualMachine.Config.MksControl VirtualMachine.Config.DiskExtend VirtualMachine.Config.HostUSBDevice VirtualMachine.Config.Memory VirtualMachine.Config.EditDevice VirtualMachine.Config.QueryFTCompatibility VirtualMachine.Config.QueryUnownedFiles VirtualMachine.Config.RawDevice VirtualMachine.Config.ReloadFromPath VirtualMachine.Config.RemoveDisk VirtualMachine.Config.Rename VirtualMachine.Config.ResetGuestInfo VirtualMachine.Config.Settings VirtualMachine.Config.SwapPlacement VirtualMachine.Config.ToggleForkParent VirtualMachine.Config.UpgradeVirtualHardware VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.ModifyAliases VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.QueryAliases VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Modify VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Execute VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Query VirtualMachine.Interact.AnswerQuestion VirtualMachine.Interact.Backup VirtualMachine.Interact.SetCDMedia VirtualMachine.Interact.SetFloppyMedia VirtualMachine.Interact.ConsoleInteract VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateScreenshot VirtualMachine.Interact.DefragmentAllDisks VirtualMachine.Interact.DeviceConnection VirtualMachine.Interact.DnD VirtualMachine.Interact.GuestControl VirtualMachine.Interact.PutUsbScanCodes VirtualMachine.Interact.Pause VirtualMachine.Interact.SESparseMaintenance VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn VirtualMachine.Interact.Record VirtualMachine.Interact.Replay VirtualMachine.Interact.Reset VirtualMachine.Interact.EnableSecondary VirtualMachine.Interact.Suspend VirtualMachine.Interact.DisableSecondary VirtualMachine.Interact.MakePrimary VirtualMachine.Interact.TerminateFaultTolerantVM VirtualMachine.Interact.TurnOffFaultTolerance VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateSecondary VirtualMachine.Interact.ToolsInstall VirtualMachine.Inventory.CreateFromExisting VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create VirtualMachine.Inventory.Move VirtualMachine.Inventory.Register VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete VirtualMachine.Inventory.Unregister VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DiskRandomAccess VirtualMachine.Provisioning.FileRandomAccess VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DiskRandomRead VirtualMachine.Provisioning.GetVmFiles VirtualMachine.Provisioning.PutVmFiles VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CloneTemplate VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Clone VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CreateTemplateFromVM VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Customize VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DeployTemplate VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsTemplate VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsVM VirtualMachine.Provisioning.ModifyCustSpecs VirtualMachine.Provisioning.PromoteDisks VirtualMachine.Provisioning.ReadCustSpecs VirtualMachine.Namespace.Event VirtualMachine.Namespace.EventNotify VirtualMachine.Namespace.Management VirtualMachine.Namespace.ModifyContent VirtualMachine.Namespace.Query VirtualMachine.Namespace.ReadContent VirtualMachine.State.CreateSnapshot VirtualMachine.State.RemoveSnapshot VirtualMachine.State.RenameSnapshot VirtualMachine.State.RevertToSnapshot VirtualMachine.Hbr.ConfigureReplication VirtualMachine.Hbr.ReplicaManagement VirtualMachine.Hbr.MonitorReplication
Create a permission that grants the ClusterEditor role
A permissions takes a (user, role) pair and associates it with an object. When
you assign a permission on an object, you can specify whether the permission
propagates to child objects. With govc
, you do this by setting the
flag to either true
or false
. The default is false
Create a permission that grants the ClusterEditor role to a user on a cluster object. This permission propagates to all child objects of the cluster object:
govc permissions.set -principalACCOUNT \ -role ClusterEditor -propagate=trueCLUSTER_PATH `
Replace the following:
ACCOUNT: the vCenter Server user account that is being granted the role
CLUSTER_PATH: the path of the cluster in the vSphere object hierarchy
For example, the following command creates a permission that associates the pair (bob@vsphere.local, ClusterEditor with my-dc/host/my-cluster. The permission propagates to all child objects of my-dc/host/my-cluster:
govc permissions.set -principal bob@vsphere.local \ -role ClusterEditor -propagate=true my-dc/host/my-cluster
Create additional permissions
This section gives examples of creating additional permissions. Replace the example object paths as needed for your environment.
Create a permission that grants the SessionValidator role to an account on the root vCenter Server object. This permission does not propagate to child objects:
govc permissions.set -principalACCOUNT \ -role SessionValidator -propagate=false
Create permissions that grant the ReadOnly role to an account on a data center object and a network object. These permissions propagate to child objects:
govc permissions.set -principalACCOUNT \ -role ReadOnly -propagate=true \ /my-dc \ /my-dc/network/my-net
Create permissions that grant the Anthos role to an account on four objects: a datastore, a VM folder, a resource pool, and a network. These permissions propagate to child objects:
govc permissions.set -principalACCOUNT -role Anthos -propagate=true \ /my-dc/datastore/my-ds \ /my-dc/vm/my-folder \ /my-dc/host/my-cluster/Resources/my-rp \ /my-dc/network/my-net
Create one global permission
This section gives an alternative to creating several roles and several permissions. We do not recommend this approach because it grants a large set of privileges on all objects in your vSphere hierarchies.
If you have not already created the Anthos custom role, create it now.
Create one global permission:
govc permissions.set -principalACCOUNT \ -role Anthos -propagate=true
Replace the following:
Replace ACCOUNT with the vCenter Server user account that is being granted the role
For example, the following command creates a global permission that grants the Anthos role to bob@vsphere.local. The permission propagates to all objects in your vSphere hierarchies:
govc permissions.set -principal bob@vsphere.local -role Anthos -propagate=true
Known issues
See Installer fails when creating vSphere datadisk.
What's next
CPU, RAM, and storage requirements