Load balancing with Seesaw

This page shows how to configure the Seesaw load balancer for a GKE On-Prem cluster.

GKE On-Prem clusters can run with one of two load balancing modes: integrated or manual. To use the Seesaw load balancer, you use manual load balancing mode.

Steps common to all manual load balancing

Before you configure your Seesaw load balancer, perform the following steps, which are common to any manual load balancing configuration:

Reserving IP addresses and a VIP for Seesaw VMs

Reserve two IP addresses for a pair of Seesaw VMs. Also reserve a single VIP for the pair of Seesaw VMs. All three of these addresses must be on the same VLAN as your cluster nodes.

Creating Seesaw VMs

Create two clean VMs in your vSphere environment to run a Seesaw active-passive pair. Ubuntu 18.04 + Linux kernel 4.15 is recommended for the Seesaw VMs, although there are other OS versions that work with Seesaw.

The requirements for the two VMs are as follows:

  • Each VM has a NIC named ens192. This NIC is configured with the IP address of the VM.

  • Each VM has a NIC named ens224. This NIC does not need an IP address.

  • The VMs must be on the same VLAN as your cluster nodes.

  • The port group of ens224 must allow MAC address changes and Forged transmits. This is because the Seesaw VMs use the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), which means Seesaw must be able to configure the MAC addresses of network interfaces. In particular, Seesaw must be able to set the MAC address to a VRRP MAC address of the form 00-00-5E-00-01-[VRID], where [VIRD] is a virtual router identifier for the Seesaw pair.

    You can configure this in the vSphere user interface in the policy settings of the port group.

    Screenshot of allowing MAC address changes and Forged commits
    Allowing MAC address changes and Forged commits (Click to enlarge)

Compiling Seesaw

To build the Seesaw binaries, execute the following script on a machine with Golang installed:


set -e

export GOPATH=$DEST/seesaw

mkdir -p $GOPATH
sudo apt -y install libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev

git clone https://github.com/google/seesaw.git $SEESAW

GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make install

cp -r $GOPATH/bin $DEST/
mkdir -p $DEST/cfg
cp etc/seesaw/watchdog.cfg etc/systemd/system/seesaw_watchdog.service $DEST/cfg/

sudo rm -rf $GOPATH

This generates a seesaw_files directory that holds the Seesaw binaries and configuration files. To see the see the files, run the tree command:

tree seesaw_files

The output shows the generated directories and files:

├── bin
│   ├── seesaw_cli
│   ├── seesaw_ecu
│   ├── seesaw_engine
│   ├── seesaw_ha
│   ├── seesaw_healthcheck
│   ├── seesaw_ncc
│   └── seesaw_watchdog
└── cfg
    ├── seesaw_watchdog.service
    └── watchdog.cfg

2 directories, 9 files

Exporting environment variables

Before you configure your Seesaw VMs, you need to export several environment variables.

On each Seesaw VM, export the following environment variables:

  • NODE_IP: The IP address of the Seesaw VM.

  • PEER_IP: The IP address of the other Seesaw VM.

  • NODE_NETMASK: The length of the prefix of the CIDR range for your cluster nodes.

  • VIP: The VIP that you reserved for the Seesaw pair of VMs.

  • VRID: The Virtual Router identifier that you want to use for the Seesaw pair.

Here is an example:

export NODE_IP=
export PEER_IP=
export NODE_NETMASK=25
export VIP=
export VIRD=128

Configuring Seesaw VMs

Copy the seesaw_files directory to the two Seesaw VMs.

On each Seesaw VM, in the seesaw_files directory, run the following script:

# execute_seesaw.sh
set -e

# Tools
apt -y install ipvsadm libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev

# Module
modprobe ip_vs
modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
modprobe dummy numdummies=1
echo "ip_vs" > /etc/modules-load.d/ip_vs.conf
echo "nf_conntrack_ipv4" > /etc/modules-load.d/nf_conntrack_ipv4.conf
echo "dummy" > /etc/modules-load.d/dummy.conf
echo "options dummy numdummies=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/dummy.conf

# dummy interface
ip link add dummy0 type dummy || true
cat > /etc/systemd/network/10-dummy0.netdev <<EOF


mkdir -p /var/log/seesaw
mkdir -p /etc/seesaw
mkdir -p /usr/local/seesaw
cp $DIR/bin/* /usr/local/seesaw/
chmod a+x /usr/local/seesaw/*
cp $DIR/cfg/watchdog.cfg /etc/seesaw

cat > /etc/seesaw/seesaw.cfg <<EOF
anycast_enabled = false
name = bundled-seesaw-onprem
node_ipv4 = $NODE_IP
peer_ipv4 = $PEER_IP
vip_ipv4 = $VIP
vrid = $VRID

primary =

node = ens192
lb = ens224

cat > /etc/seesaw/cluster.pb <<EOF
seesaw_vip: <
  fqdn: "seesaw-vip."
  ipv4: "$VIP/$NODE_NETMASK"
  status: PRODUCTION
node: <
  fqdn: "node.$NODE_IP."
node: <
  fqdn: "node.$PEER_IP."

cp $DIR/cfg/seesaw_watchdog.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl --system daemon-reload

Reconfiguring Seesaw

The following configuration specifies IP addresses for your cluster nodes. It also specifies VIPs for your control planes and ingress controllers. As written, the configuration specifies these addresses:

  • is the VIP for the admin control plane.

  • is the VIP for the admin cluster ingress controller.

  • is the VIP for the user control plane.

  • is the VIP for the user cluster ingress controller.

  • The admin cluster node addresses are,,, and

  • The user cluster node addresses are,, and

Edit the configuration so that it contains the VIPs and IP addresses that you have chosen for your admin and user clusters. Then on each Seesaw VM, append the configuration to /etc/seesaw/cluster.pb:

Notice that the user cluster control plane is implemented as a Service in the admin cluster. So the node IP addresses under user-1-control-plane are the addresses of the admin cluster nodes.

vserver: <
  name: "admin-control-plane"
  entry_address: <
    fqdn: "admin-control-plane"
    ipv4: ""
  rp: "cloudysanfrancisco@gmail.com"
  vserver_entry: <
    protocol: TCP
    port: 443
    scheduler: WLC
    mode: DSR
    healthcheck: <
      type: HTTP
      port: 10256
      mode: PLAIN
      proxy: false
      tls_verify: false
      send: "/healthz"
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-1"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-2"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-3"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-4"
      ipv4: ""
vserver: <
  name: "admin-ingress-controller"
  entry_address: <
    fqdn: "admin-ingress-controller"
    ipv4: ""
  rp: "cloudysanfrancisco@gmail.com"
  vserver_entry: <
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    scheduler: WLC
    mode: DSR
    healthcheck: <
      type: HTTP
      port: 10256
      mode: PLAIN
      proxy: false
      tls_verify: false
      send: "/healthz"
  vserver_entry: <
    protocol: TCP
    port: 443
    scheduler: WLC
    mode: DSR
    healthcheck: <
      type: HTTP
      port: 10256
      mode: PLAIN
      proxy: false
      tls_verify: false
      send: "/healthz"
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-1"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-2"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-3"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-4"
      ipv4: ""
vserver: <
  name: "user-1-control-plane"
  entry_address: <
    fqdn: "user-1-control-plane"
    ipv4: ""
  rp: "cloudysanfrancisco@gmail.com"
  vserver_entry: <
    protocol: TCP
    port: 443
    scheduler: WLC
    mode: DSR
    healthcheck: <
      type: HTTP
      port: 10256
      mode: PLAIN
      proxy: false
      tls_verify: false
      send: "/healthz"
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-1"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-2"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-3"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "admin-4"
      ipv4: ""
vserver: <
  name: "user-1-ingress-controller"
  entry_address: <
    fqdn: "user-1-ingress-controller"
    ipv4: ""
  rp: "cloudysanfrancisco@gmail.com"
  vserver_entry: <
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    scheduler: WLC
    mode: DSR
    healthcheck: <
      type: HTTP
      port: 10256
      mode: PLAIN
      proxy: false
      tls_verify: false
      send: "/healthz"
  vserver_entry: <
    protocol: TCP
    port: 443
    scheduler: WLC
    mode: DSR
    healthcheck: <
      type: HTTP
      port: 10256
      mode: PLAIN
      proxy: false
      tls_verify: false
      send: "/healthz"
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "user-1"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "user-2"
      ipv4: ""
  backend: <
    host: <
      fqdn: "user-3"
      ipv4: ""

Starting the Seesaw service

On each Seesaw VM, run the following command:

systemctl --now enable seesaw_watchdog.service

Seesaw is now running on both of the Seesaw VMs. You can check logs under /var/log/seesaw/.

Modifying the cluster configuration file

Before you create a cluster, you generate a cluster configuration file. Fill in the cluster configuration file as described in Modify the configuration file.

In particular, set lbmode to "Manual". Also, fill in the manuallbspec and vips fields under both admincluster and usercluster. Here's an example:


    ingresshttpnodeport: 32527
    ingresshttpsnodeport: 30139
    controlplanenodeport: 30968

    controlplanevip: ""
    ingressvip: ""


    ingresshttpnodeport: 30243
    ingresshttpsnodeport: 30879
    controlplanenodeport: 30562

    controlplanevip: ""
    ingressvip: ""

lbmode: "Manual"

Known issues

Currently, gkectl's load balancer validation doesn't support Seesaw and might return errors. If you are installing or upgrading clusters that use Seesaw, pass in the --skip-validation-load-balancer flag.

For more information, refer to Troubleshooting.