Describes the requirements to install and configure GKE on AWS.
Operating system details
Describes the operating system used by GKE Enterprise.
Supported instance types
Find the AWS EC2 instance types that GKE on AWS supports.
Limitations and known issues
Describes the current limitations of using GKE on AWS, including quotas and limits.
AWS Resources created by GKE on AWS
Lists the AWS resources created during GKE on AWS installation and configuration
AWSManagementService reference
This resource contains configuration information for your GKE on AWS management service.
AWSCluster reference
Describes the configuration options of the AWSCluster Custom Resource Definition.
AWSNodePool reference
Describes the configuration options of the AWSNodePool Custom Resource Definition.
The anthos-gke aws tool
command-line tool controls your management service and handles authentication to your user clusters. -
Anthos-gke aws management
Describes commands to deploy and delete GKE on AWS management services.
Anthos-gke aws clusters
Describes commands to authenticate to and diagnose GKE on AWS user clusters.