Migrate your AKS cluster

The predecessor version of GKE attached clusters is known as GKE attached clusters (previous generation). Migrating from the earlier version of GKE attached clusters to the current generation gives you access to this functionality, including lifecycle management and Fleet registration. Migration is a one-way operation: once you have migrated to the current generation of GKE attached clusters, there is no way to return to GKE attached clusters (previous generation).

Version numbering policy

These documents refer to the GKE attached clusters version as the platform version, to distinguish it from the Kubernetes version. GKE attached clusters uses the same version numbering convention as GKE - for example, 1.21.5-gke.1. When attaching or updating your cluster, you must choose a platform version whose minor version is the same as or one level below the Kubernetes version of your cluster. For example, you can attach a cluster running Kubernetes v1.22.* with GKE attached clusters platform version 1.21.* or 1.22.*.

This lets you upgrade your cluster to the next minor version before upgrading GKE attached clusters.

Ensure Workload Identity is enabled

Existing clusters from GKE attached clusters (previous generation) must have Workload Identity enabled before being migrated to the current generation of GKE attached clusters.

To determine whether WI is enabled, run the following command and check the output for any Workload Identity field:

gcloud container hub memberships describe MEMBERSHIP_NAME

If Workload Identity is not enabled, the membership must be updated to enable it.

The command to update your cluster's membership varies slightly depending on whether you've configured your cluster with the default private OIDC issuer or the experimental public one. Choose the tab that applies to your cluster:

Private OIDC issuer (default)

gcloud container hub memberships register MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
--kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG_PATH \
--enable-workload-identity \


  • MEMBERSHIP_NAME: the membership name of your cluster
  • KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT: context in the kubeconfig for accessing the AKS cluster
  • KUBECONFIG_PATH: path to your kubeconfig file

Public OIDC issuer

  • Retrieve your cluster's OIDC issuer URL with the following command:
  az aks show -n CLUSTER_NAME \
    --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -otsv

The output of this command will be the URL of your OIDC issuer. Save this value for use later.

  • Update the membership:
gcloud container fleet memberships register MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
--kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG_PATH \
--enable-workload-identity \


  • MEMBERSHIP_NAME: the membership name of your cluster
  • KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT: context in the kubeconfig for accessing the AKS cluster
  • KUBECONFIG_PATH: path to your kubeconfig
  • OIDC_URL: the OIDC URL retrieved earlier

Migrate your cluster

To migrate your cluster from GKE attached clusters (previous generation) to GKE attached clusters:

  1. Extract your cluster's kubeconfig context and store it in the KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT environment variable:

    KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context)
  2. Run the following command to migrate your cluster to the current generation of GKE attached clusters. This command extracts the relevant details of your cluster's configuration and registers your cluster with Google Fleet Management, and installs or upgrades any necessary software, such as the lifecycle agent, on your cluster.

    gcloud container attached clusters import \
      --location=GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION \
      --fleet-membership=FLEET_MEMBERSHIP \
      --platform-version=PLATFORM_VERSION \
      --distribution=CLUSTER_DISTRIBUTION \
      --context=KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT \


    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION: the Google Cloud location from which your cluster is administered
    • FLEET_MEMBERSHIP: the fully qualified membership designator of your registered cluster (see below)
    • PLATFORM_VERSION: the version of GKE attached clusters that you want to migrate to (example: v1.22.0-gke.1)
    • CLUSTER_DISTRIBUTION: the cluster type - eks for AWS's Elastic Kubernetes Service, aks for Azure Kubernetes Service, or generic for any other distribution
    • KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT: the name of the context in your kubeconfig to connect to your cluster with
    • KUBECONFIG_PATH: the location of your kubeconfig file. If not specified, the default is ~/.kube/config

    The membership designator is a string that uniquely identifies your attached cluster and has the form projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/memberships/MEMBERSHIP_ID, where

    • PROJECT_NUMBER is your Fleet host project number. You must specify the same project number as one your cluster currently belongs to

    • MEMBERSHIP_ID: this must be the fleet membership ID of your existing cluster. GKE attached clusters will use this value as your cluster name.

Azure Workload Identity Support

Azure is offering WI support in public preview. Enabling this feature changes your cluster's OIDC issuer URL. If you've already registered your cluster with a previous OIDC URL, you cannot update to the new URL as that field is not currently updatable.

To resolve this:

  1. Recreate your cluster with workload identity enabled.
  2. Attach your AKS cluster.
  3. Migrate your workloads to the new cluster.
  4. Delete the old cluster.