This page shows you how to sync Helm charts from Artifact Registry by creating and pushing a Helm chart to a repository in Artifact Registry. It also contains a sample configuration to sync a chart from your Helm repository.
You can configure
Config Sync to sync from Helm repositories.
You can store Helm charts in Artifact Registry, which is the
recommended Helm repository for Google Cloud. To use this feature, you must
enable the
RootSync and RepoSync APIs.
Config Sync renders Helm charts by using
helm template
and therefore does not support full Helm lifecycle management.
Bundled Helm and Kustomize versions lists the Kustomize and Helm versions bundled with the corresponding version of Config Sync.
Before you begin
- Install Helm 3.8.0 or later. In previous versions of Helm, support for charts in OCI format is an experimental feature.
- Enable Workload Identity Federation for GKE on your cluster.
You can't change any immutable field in a config by just changing the value in the source of truth. If you need to update an immutable field, first make the change in the source of truth, then manually delete the object in the cluster. Config Sync can then re-create the object with the new field value.
The following Helm charts include Jobs and aren't recommended for deployment by Config Sync:
To learn more about why Jobs aren't recommended for use with Config Sync, see Avoid managing Jobs with Config Sync.
Create an Artifact Registry repository
In this section, you create an Artifact Registry repository. To learn more about creating Artifact Registry repositories, see Create repositories.
Enable the Artifact Registry API:
gcloud services enable --project=
PROJECT_ID Create an Artifact Registry repository:
gcloud artifacts repositories create
AR_REPO_NAME \ --repository-format=docker \ --location=AR_REGION \ --description="Config Sync Helm repo" \ --project=PROJECT_ID
Replace the following:
: the organization's project ID.AR_REPO_NAME
: the ID of the repository.AR_REGION
: the regional or multi-regional location of the repository.
Variables used in the following sections:
: if you're using GKE Workload Identity Federation for GKE, this is the same asPROJECT_ID
. If you're using fleet Workload Identity Federation for GKE, this is the project ID of the fleet that your cluster is registered to.GSA_NAME
: the name of the custom Google service account that you want to use to connect to Artifact Registry.KSA_NAME
: the Kubernetes service account for the reconciler.- For root repositories, if the
name isroot-sync
, addroot-reconciler
. Otherwise, addroot-reconciler-ROOT_SYNC_NAME
. - For namespace repositories, if the
name isrepo-sync
, addns-reconciler-NAMESPACE
is the number of characters inREPO_SYNC_NAME
- For root repositories, if the
Grant reader permission
If the Config Sync version is 1.17.2 or later on your cluster, you can use the Kubernetes service account to authenticate to Artifact Registry. Otherwise, use the Google service account for authentication.
Grant the Artifact Registry Reader (roles/artifactregistry.reader
IAM role to the Kubernetes service account with the
Workload Identity Federation for GKE pool:
gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding AR_REPO_NAME \
--location=AR_REGION \
--member="serviceAccount:FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID[config-management-system/KSA_NAME ]" \
--role=roles/artifactregistry.reader \
Grant the Artifact Registry Reader (
) IAM role to the Google service account:gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding
AR_REPO_NAME \ --location=AR_REGION \ --member=serviceAccount:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --role=roles/artifactregistry.reader \ --project=PROJECT_ID Create an IAM policy binding between the Kubernetes service account and Google service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \ --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \ --member "serviceAccount:
FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID[config-management-system/KSA_NAME ]" \GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID \ --project=PROJECT_ID
Push a Helm chart to the Artifact Registry repository
In this section, you download a public Helm chart and push it to Artifact Registry.
Retrieve the
package from the public Helm repository and download it locally:helm pull mysql --repo --version 9.3.1
Authenticate with an access token:
gcloud auth print-access-token | helm registry login -u oauth2accesstoken \ --password-stdin https://
AR_REGION -docker.pkg.devgcloud auth print-access-token ya29.8QEQIfY_... helm registry login -u oauth2accesstoken -p "ya29.8QEQIfY_..." \ https://
AR_REGION /AR_REPO_NAME In this command,
is the username to use when authenticating with an access token andgcloud auth print-access-token
is the command to obtain the access token. Your access token is the password for authentication. Authentication with an access token is the safest authentication method.Push the Helm chart to Artifact Registry:
helm push mysql-9.3.1.tgz oci://
Configure Config Sync to sync from your Helm chart
In this section, you create a RootSync object and configure Config Sync to sync from the Helm chart.
If you want to override the Helm chart's default values, you can do this
by either specifying values in the spec.helm.values
field or by adding a reference to a
by using the spec.helm.valuesFileRefs
field. To learn more about the optional
fields, see
Configuration for the Helm repository.
Create a RootSync object with a unique name:
cat <<EOF>>
ROOT_SYNC_NAME .yaml apiVersion: kind: RootSync metadata: name:ROOT_SYNC_NAME namespace: config-management-system spec: sourceFormat: unstructured sourceType: helm helm: repo: oci://AR_REGION /AR_REPO_NAME chart: mysql version: 9.3.1 releaseName: my-mysql namespace: test # The k8sserviceaccount auth type is available in version 1.17.2 and # later. Use "gcpserviceaccount" if using an older version. # auth: gcpserviceaccount # gcpServiceAccountEmail:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID auth: k8sserviceaccount # Use the optional field spec.helm.values to override default values. # You can use the same format as the default values file to override # default values. values: image: pullPolicy: Always primary: resources: limits: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi EOFReplace
with the name of your RootSync object. The name should be unique in the cluster and have no more than 26 characters. If you installed Config Sync using the Google Cloud console or Google Cloud CLI, choose a name other thanroot-sync
.In this example, the Helm chart is deployed in the
namespace because its resources containnamespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
in its templates.You can use
to override the default values. To learn about the optional fields, see Configuration for the Helm repository.Apply the RootSync object:
kubectl apply -f
ROOT_SYNC_NAME .yamlVerify that Config Sync is syncing from the image:
nomos status --contexts=$(kubectl config current-context)
The output is similar to the following:
Connecting to clusters... *cluster-name -------------------- <root>:root-sync oci://
AR_REGION /AR_REPO_NAME /mysql:9.3.1 SYNCED 9.3.1 Managed resources: NAMESPACE NAME STATUS SOURCEHASH default configmap/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default secret/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default service/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default service/my-mysql-headless Current 9.3.1 default serviceaccount/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default statefulset.apps/my-mysql Current 9.3.1You have now successfully synced the Helm chart to your cluster.
Create a RootSync object with a unique name:
cat <<EOF>>
ROOT_SYNC_NAME .yaml apiVersion: kind: RootSync metadata: name:ROOT_SYNC_NAME namespace: config-management-system spec: sourceFormat: unstructured sourceType: helm helm: repo: oci://AR_REGION /AR_REPO_NAME chart: mysql version: 9.3.1 releaseName: my-mysql # The k8sserviceaccount auth type is available in version 1.17.2 and # later. Use "gcpserviceaccount" if using an older version. # auth: gcpserviceaccount # gcpServiceAccountEmail:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID auth: k8sserviceaccount # use the optional field spec.helm.valuesFilesRefs to override default values # by referencing a ConfigMap valuesFileRefs: - name:CONFIGMAP_NAME dataKey:DATA_KEY EOFReplace the following:
: the name of your RootSync object. The name should be unique in the cluster and have no more than 26 characters. If you installed Config Sync using the Google Cloud consoleor Google Cloud CLI, choose a name other thanroot-sync
: the name of your ConfigMap. This can be any valid ConfigMap name accepted by Kubernetes that is unique in your cluster.- (optional)
: the data key in your ConfigMap that you would like to read the values from. The default isvalues.yaml
Create the ConfigMap object with your values:
cat <<EOF>>
CONFIGMAP_NAME .yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name:CONFIGMAP_NAME namespace: config-management-system immutable: true # You can use the same format as the default values file to override # default values. data:DATA_KEY : |- image: pullPolicy: Always primary: resources: limits: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi EOFIf you didn't specify a value for
in the RootSync, it should be the defaultvalues.yaml
.Apply the ConfigMap object:
kubectl apply -f
CONFIGMAP_NAME .yamlApply the RootSync object:
kubectl apply -f
ROOT_SYNC_NAME .yamlVerify that Config Sync is syncing from the image:
nomos status --contexts=$(kubectl config current-context)
The output is similar to the following:
Connecting to clusters... *cluster-name -------------------- <root>:root-sync oci://
AR_REGION /AR_REPO_NAME /mysql:9.3.1 SYNCED 9.3.1 Managed resources: NAMESPACE NAME STATUS SOURCEHASH default configmap/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default secret/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default service/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default service/my-mysql-headless Current 9.3.1 default serviceaccount/my-mysql Current 9.3.1 default statefulset.apps/my-mysql Current 9.3.1You have now successfully synced the Helm chart to your cluster.
You can also look at the
in one of the synced resources in the cluster to verify that the values from the ConfigMap were used to render the chart:kubectl get statefulset -n test my-mysql -o yaml | grep imagePullPolicy
Because the ConfigMap is immutable, to change the values, you must create a new ConfigMap and update
in the RootSync or RepoSync spec to point to the new ConfigMap. Creating a new ConfigMap ensures changes to values cause the Helm chart to re-render, which is useful when multiple ConfigMaps referenced inspec.helm.valuesFileRefs
need to be updated at the same time when re-rendering. To change the values that are used to render your chart, create a new ConfigMap with a different name:cat <<EOF>>
CONFIGMAP_NAME -2.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name:CONFIGMAP_NAME -2 namespace: config-management-system immutable: true # You can use the same format as the default values file to override # default values. data:DATA_KEY : |- image: pullPolicy: Never primary: resources: limits: cpu: 100m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 250m memory: 200Mi EOFUpdate your RootSync object to reference the new ConfigMap:
cat <<EOF>>
ROOT_SYNC_NAME .yaml apiVersion: kind: RootSync metadata: name:ROOT_SYNC_NAME namespace: config-management-system spec: sourceFormat: unstructured sourceType: helm helm: repo: oci://AR_REGION /AR_REPO_NAME chart: mysql version: 9.3.1 releaseName: my-mysql namespace: test # The k8sserviceaccount auth type is available in version 1.17.2 and # later. Use "gcpserviceaccount" if using an older version. # auth: gcpserviceaccount # gcpServiceAccountEmail:GSA_NAME @PROJECT_ID auth: k8sserviceaccount # use the optional field spec.helm.valuesFilesRefs to override default values # by referencing a ConfigMap valuesFileRefs: - name:CONFIGMAP_NAME -2 dataKey:DATA_KEY EOFApply the ConfigMap object:
kubectl apply -f
CONFIGMAP_NAME -2.yamlApply the RootSync object:
kubectl apply -f
ROOT_SYNC_NAME .yamlVerify that Config Sync is syncing from the image:
nomos status --contexts=$(kubectl config current-context)
You can also look at the
in one of the synced resources in the cluster to verify that the new values from the updated ConfigMap were used to render the chart:kubectl get statefulset -n test my-mysql -o yaml | grep imagePullPolicy
What's next
- Learn more about installing Config Sync.