Replicate data between AlloyDB Omni and other databases

This page provides steps to replicate data between AlloyDB Omni and other databases using the pglogical extension.

For more information, see About the pglogical extension and pglogical terminology and fundamental components.

Supported authentication methods

The two main authentication methods used with the pglogical extension are password and trust authentication methods.

The recommended authentication method is trust authentication method. For more information, see Supported authentication methods.

Before you begin

You can install pglogical as an extension within a given database.

Before implementing the pglogical extension on AlloyDB Omni, ensure that you meet the following system requirements:

  • Access to your non-AlloyDB PostgreSQL cluster as a superuser.
  • The pglogical extension is installed in your non-AlloyDB PostgreSQL cluster. For release and distribution-specific installation instructions, see the pglogical.
  • An AlloyDB Omni server installed and configured. For instructions on how to install AlloyDB Omni, see Install AlloyDB Omni.
  • The IP addresses for both the non-AlloyDB PostgreSQL cluster and the AlloyDB Omni host server.
  • An established and secured network between the non-AlloyDB PostgreSQL cluster and the AlloyDB Omni host server. TCP connectivity on the standard PostgreSQL port of 5432 is required.

Adjust parameters on the non-AlloyDB provider

  1. Set the wal_level parameter to logical, and append pglogical to the shared_preload_libraries parameter in the postgresql.conf file. The pglogical extension requires a minimal set of parameter adjustments on the non-AlloyDB provider cluster.

    cp postgresql.conf postgresql.bak
    sed -r -i "s|(\#)?wal_level\s*=.*|wal_level=logical|" postgresql.conf
    sed -r -i "s|(\#)?(shared_preload_libraries\s*=\s*)'(.*)'.*$|\2'\3,pglogical'|" postgresql.conf
    sed -r -i "s|',|'|" postgresql.conf
  2. Verify that the parameters are properly set:

    grep -iE 'wal_level|shared_preload_libraries' postgresql.conf
  3. Restart your non-AlloyDB cluster for the parameter changes to take effect.

    Other parameters might be already set to sufficient values or might require adjusting depending on your non-AlloyDB distribution and version.

    Check the following parameters:

    • max_worker_processes: one per provider database and at least one per subscriber node. At least 10 is the standard for this parameter.
    • max_replication_slots: one per node on provider nodes.
    • max_wal_senders: one per node on provider nodes.
    • track_commit_timestamp: set to on if the last or first update wins conflict resolution is required.
    • listen_addresses: must include the AlloyDB Omni IP address or mention through a covering CIDR block.
  4. (Optional) If your non-AlloyDB provider is Amazon RDS or Aurora, then the pglogical extension must be enabled and the required parameters adjusted through cluster parameter group adjustments.

    1. Within an existing or new cluster parameter group, set the following parameters:

      • rds.logical_replication to 1
      • max_replication_slots to 50
      • max_wal_senders to 50
      • max_worker_processes to 64
      • shared_preload_libraries to pg_stat_statements, pglogical
    2. Restart your Amazon RDS or Aurora cluster for the cluster parameter group adjustments to take effect.

  5. Confirm all parameter values are relevant:

    SELECT name, setting
    FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings
     WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses',
     ORDER BY name;

Host-based authentication adjustments to the non-AlloyDB Omni provider cluster

The pglogical makes local TCP connections to the provider database. Therefore, you must add the host server's IP address to the AlloyDB Omni DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf file where DATA_DIR is the file system path to your data directory—for example, /home/$USER/alloydb-data.

  1. Add a trust authentication entry for the local server, specific to a new pglogical_replication user, to the DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf file.

    Additionally, subscriber nodes must be able to authenticate against the provider nodes. Add either each subscriber node's IP address or the appropriate CIDR block IP range to the DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf file:

    echo -e "# pglogical entries:
    host all pglogical_replication samehost trust
    host all pglogical_replication SERVER_IP_ADDRESS/32 trust
    " | column -t | sudo tee -a DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf

    Replace SERVER_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of the primary AlloyDB Omni instance to replicate from.

  2. Verify that the entries are correct:

    tail -3 DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf
  3. Restart your non-AlloyDB cluster for the parameter changes to take effect.

Adjust parameters to the AlloyDB Omni subscriber cluster

The pglogical requires a minimal set of parameter adjustments on the AlloyDB Omni subscriber cluster too. You must append pglogical to the shared_preload_libraries parameter in the DATA_DIR/postgresql.conf file. If any database within the cluster acts as a provider database, then make the parameter changes required for provider databases.

  1. Adjust the parameters:

    sudo sed -r -i "s|(shared_preload_libraries\s*=\s*)'(.*)'.*$|\1'\2,pglogical'|" DATA_DIR/postgresql.conf
  2. Verify that the parameter is set properly:

    grep -iE 'shared_preload_libraries' DATA_DIR/postgresql.conf
  3. Restart AlloyDB Omni for the parameter change to take effect:


     docker container restart CONTAINER_NAME

    Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name that you assigned to the AlloyDB Omni container when you started it.


     podman container restart CONTAINER_NAME

    Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name that you assigned to the AlloyDB Omni container when you started it.

  4. Set the AlloyDB Omni default values for other provider database parameters:

    • max_worker_processes: One per provider database and one per subscriber node.
    • track_commit_timestamp: Set to on if the last/first update wins conflict resolution is required.
  5. Confirm all parameter values are relevant:


    docker exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -c "
    SELECT name, setting
      FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings
     WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses',
         ORDER BY name;


    podman exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -c "
    SELECT name, setting
      FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings
     WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses',
         ORDER BY name;

Host-based authentication adjustments to the AlloyDB Omni subscriber cluster

The pglogical makes local TCP connections to the AlloyDB Omni subscriber database. Therefore, you must add the subscriber's host server's IP address to the AlloyDB Omni DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf file.

  1. Add a trust authentication entry for the local server, specific to a new pglogical_replication user, to the DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf file:

    echo -e "# pglogical entries:
    host all pglogical_replication samehost trust
    " | column -t | sudo tee -a DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf
  2. Verify that the entry is correct:

    tail -2 DATA_DIR/pg_hba.conf
  3. Restart AlloyDB Omni for the authentication change to take effect:

    docker container restart CONTAINER_NAME

Create a pglogical user in both provider and subscriber clusters

You must create a new user in both the provider and subscriber cluster. pglogical requires the user to have both the superuser and replication attributes.

  1. In the Google Cloud AlloyDB provider cluster, create the user role:

    CREATE USER pglogical_replication LOGIN PASSWORD 'secret';
    ALTER USER pglogical_replication WITH replication;
    ALTER USER pglogical_replication WITH superuser;
  2. (Optional) If your non-AlloyDB provider is Amazon RDS or Aurora, then you must grant the following role:

    GRANT rds_superuser TO replication_user;

Add pglogical and nodes to the non-AlloyDB provider database

  1. Grant required privileges.

    You must install the pglogical extension in each database and grant the usage permission to the pglogical database user.

    For example, if your database is my_test_db, run the following command:

    GRANT usage ON SCHEMA pglogical TO pglogical_replication;
  2. Create a pglogical node for the provider databases. The node_name is arbitrary and the dsn string must be a valid TCP connection back to the same database.

    For example, for the my_test_db database, run the following command:

    SELECT pglogical.create_node(node_name := 'provider', dsn := 'host=SERVER_IP_ADDRESS port=5432 dbname=my_test_db user=pglogical_replication password=secret');

Create a table and add it to the default replication set

Create a table and add it to the default replication set on the non-AlloyDB provider database.

  1. Create a test table called test_table_1 in the provider database:

    CREATE TABLE test_table_1 (col1 INT PRIMARY KEY);
    INSERT INTO test_table_1 VALUES (1),(2),(3);
  2. Manually add the test table to the default replication set. You can either create custom pglogical replication sets, or you can use the default replication sets. Several default replication sets such as default, default_insert_only, and ddl_sqlwere created when you created the extension. You can add tables and sequences to the replication sets individually, or all at once for a specified schema.

    -- Add the specified table to the default replication set:
    SELECT pglogical.replication_set_add_table(set_name := 'default', relation := 'test_table_1', synchronize_data := TRUE);
    -- Check which tables have been added to all replication sets:
    SELECT * FROM pglogical.replication_set_table;
  3. (Optional) Add all tables in a specified schema, such as public:

    -- Add all "public" schema tables to the default replication set:
    SELECT pglogical.replication_set_add_all_tables('default', ARRAY['public']);
    -- Check which tables have been added to all replication sets:
    SELECT * FROM pglogical.replication_set_table;
    -- Add all "public" schema sequences to the default replication:
    SELECT pglogical.replication_set_add_all_sequences('default', ARRAY['public']);
    -- Check which sequences have been added to all replication sets:
    SELECT * FROM pglogical.replication_set_seq;
  4. Remove the table from the default replication set. If there are any tables in the schema that do not have a primary key or a replica identity, then only INSERT statements can be replicated. If you have added those tables to the default replication set automatically through the replication_set_add_all_tables function, then you need to manually remove them from that replication set and add them to the default_insert_only set.

    -- Remove the table from the **default** replication set:
    SELECT pglogical.replication_set_remove_table(set_name := 'default', relation := 'test_table_2');
    -- Manually add to the **default_insert_only** replication set:
    SELECT pglogical.replication_set_add_table(set_name := 'default_insert_only', relation := 'test_table_2');

    Optionally, if you want to add the newly created tables to the replication set automatically, add the pglogical_assign_repset trigger as suggested in the pglogical source.

Copy the database to the AlloyDB Omni subscriber cluster

  1. Create a schema-only backup of the source database using the pg_dump utility.

  2. Run the pg_dumpcommand from your AlloyDB Omni subscriber server using the IP address or endpoint of your non-AlloyDB server.

    pg_dump -h SERVER_IP_ADDRESS -U postgres --create --schema-only my_test_db > my_test_db.schema-only.sql
  3. Import the backup into the subscriber database on the subscriber AlloyDB Omni server:


    docker exec -i CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres < my_test_db.schema-only.sql


    podman exec -i CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres < my_test_db.schema-only.sql

This creates the database and the schema, without any of the row data. Row data is replicated by the pglogical extension. Manually copy or recreate any other users or roles that are required.

Create a node and subscription on the AlloyDB Omni subscriber database

  1. Create a node on the AlloyDB Omni subscriber database. Add the password to your dsn if you choose to use password authentication.


    docker exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -d my_test_db -c "
    SELECT pglogical.create_node(node_name := 'subscriber', dsn := 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=my_test_db user=pglogical_replication');


    podman exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -d my_test_db -c "
    SELECT pglogical.create_node(node_name := 'subscriber', dsn := 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=my_test_db user=pglogical_replication');
  2. Create a subscription in the subscriber database, pointing back to provider database in the AlloyDB Omni provider server.


    docker exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -d my_test_db -c "
    SELECT pglogical.create_subscription(subscription_name := 'test_sub_1', provider_dsn := 'host=SERVER_IP_ADDRESS port=5432 dbname=my_test_db user=pglogical_replication password=secret');


    podman exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -d my_test_db -c "
    SELECT pglogical.create_subscription(subscription_name := 'test_sub_1', provider_dsn := 'host=SERVER_IP_ADDRESS port=5432 dbname=my_test_db user=pglogical_replication password=secret');
  3. Within a few seconds or minutes, the initial data should have replicated from the provider to the subscriber:


    docker exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -d my_test_db -c "
    SELECT * FROM test_table_1 ORDER BY 1;


    podman exec CONTAINER_NAME psql -h localhost -U postgres -d my_test_db -c "
    SELECT * FROM test_table_1 ORDER BY 1;

    Additional rows that are added to the provider database are also replicated in real time within seconds.

Additional pglogical deployment considerations

The pglogical extension has many advanced features that are not covered in this document. Many of these features are applicable to your implementation. You can consider the following advanced features:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Multimaster and bi-directional replication
  • Inclusion of sequences
  • Switchover and failover procedures

What's next