Manage high availability in Kubernetes

This page shows you how to enable and test high availability (HA) on your Kubernetes-based AlloyDB Omni database cluster. Performing the tasks documented here requires basic knowledge about applying Kubernetes manifest files and using the kubectl command-line tool.


You can enable HA in your database cluster by directing the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes Operator to create standby replicas of your primary database instance. The AlloyDB Omni Operator configures your database cluster to continuously update the data on this replica, matching all changes to data on your primary instance.

Enable HA

Before you enable HA on your database cluster, ensure that your Kubernetes cluster has the following:

  • Storage for two complete copies of your data
  • Compute resources for two database instances running in parallel

To enable HA, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the database cluster's manifest to include an availability section under its spec section. This section defines the number of standbys that you want to add by setting the numberOfStandbys parameter.

        numberOfStandbys: NUMBER_OF_STANDBYS

    Replace NUMBER_OF_STANDBYS with the number of standbys you want to add. The maximum value is 5. If you're setting up HA and are unsure about the number of standbys you need, then start by setting the value to either 1 or 2.

  2. Re-apply the manifest.

Disable HA

To disable HA, follow these steps:

  1. Set numberOfStandbys to 0 in the cluster's manifest:

        numberOfStandbys: 0
  2. Re-apply the manifest.

Verify HA on a database cluster

To view the current HA status of a database cluster, check the HAReady condition of that cluster's status. If this value has a status set to True, then HA is set up and working on the database cluster.

To check this value on the command line, run the following command:

kubectl get DB_CLUSTER_NAME -o jsonpath={.status.conditions[?(@.type == \'HAReady\')]} -n NAMESPACE

Replace the following:

  • DB_CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.

  • NAMESPACE: the namespace of the database cluster.

Fail over to a standby instance

If your primary instance becomes unavailable for a configurable period of time, then the AlloyDB Omni Operator automatically fails over from the primary database instance to the standby instance. The default time to trigger automatic failover is 90 seconds.

Failovers are a good option when you want to quickly recover from an unexpected failure and minimize downtime, even if it means potentially losing a small amount of data, if the primary database becomes unavailable before the backup is fully updated.

The AlloyDB Omni Operator supports both automatic and manual failover. Automatic failover is enabled by default.

Failover results in the following sequence of events:

  1. The AlloyDB Omni Operator takes the primary database instance offline.

  2. The AlloyDB Omni Operator promotes the standby replica to be the new primary database instance.

  3. The AlloyDB Omni Operator deletes the previous primary database instance.

  4. The AlloyDB Omni Operator creates a new standby replica.

Disable automatic failover

Automatic failovers are enabled by default on database clusters.

To disable a failover, follow these steps:

  1. Set enableAutoFailover to false in the cluster's manifest:

        enableAutoFailover: false

Adjust automatic failover trigger settings

You can use settings to adjust automatic failovers for each database cluster.

The AlloyDB Omni Operator issues regular health checks every 30 seconds. If an instance has reached the automatic failover trigger threshold, the AlloyDB Omni Operator triggers an automatic failover.

The default value for the automatic failover trigger threshold is 3. The threshold value is the number of consecutive failures for the health check before a failover is triggered. To change the threshold value, set autoFailoverTriggerThreshold to an integer value in the cluster's manifest:

    autoFailoverTriggerThreshold: TRIGGER_THRESHOLD

Replace the following:

  • TRIGGER_THRESHOLD: a integer value for the number of consecutive failures for the health check before a failover is triggered. The default value is 3.

Trigger a manual failover

To trigger a manual failover, create and apply a manifest for a new failover resource:

kind: Failover
  namespace: NAMESPACE
  dbclusterRef: DB_CLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following:

  • FAILOVER_NAME: a name for this resource—for example, failover-1.

  • NAMESPACE: the namespace for this failover resource, which must match the namespace of the database cluster that it applies to.

  • DB_CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster to fail over.

To monitor the failover, run the following command:

kubectl get failover FAILOVER_NAME -o jsonpath={.status.state} -n NAMESPACE

Replace the following:

  • FAILOVER_NAME: the name that you assigned the failover resource when you created it.

  • NAMESPACE: the namespace of the database cluster.

The command returns Success after the new primary database instance is ready for use. To monitor the status of the new standby instance, see the next section.

Switchover to a standby instance

Switchover is performed when you want to test your disaster recovery setup or any other planned activities that require switching the roles of the primary database and the standby replica.

After the switchover completes, the roles of the primary database instance and the standby replica are reversed along with the direction of replication. You must opt for switchovers if you want better control over the process of testing your disaster recovery setup with zero data loss.

The AlloyDB Omni Operator supports manual switchover.

Switchover results in the following sequence of events:

  1. The AlloyDB Omni Operator takes the primary database instance offline.

  2. The AlloyDB Omni Operator promotes the standby replica to be the new primary database instance.

  3. The AlloyDB Omni Operator switches the previous primary database instance to a standby replica.

Perform a switchover

Before you perform a switchover, ensure the following:

To perform a switchover, create and apply a manifest for a new switchover resource:

kind: Switchover
     dbclusterRef: DB_CLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following:

  • SWITCHOVER_NAME: a name for this switchover resource—for example, switchover-1.

  • DB_CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the primary database instance that switchover operation applies to.

  • STANBDY_REPLICA_NAME: the name of the database instance that you want to promote as new primary.

    To identify the standby replica name, run the following command: posix-terminal kubectl get

Use standby replica as a read-only instance

To use a standby replica as a read-only instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Modify the database cluster's manifest to set the enableStandbyAsReadReplica parameter to true.

        enableStandbyAsReadReplica: true
  2. Re-apply the manifest.

  3. Verify that the read-only endpoint is reported in the status field of the DBCluster object:

    kubectl describe dbcluster -n NAMESPACE DB_CLUSTER_NAME

    The following example response shows the endpoint of the read-only instance:

          Name: Read-Write
          Name: Read-Only