AI Platform Data Labeling Service pricing
AI Platform Data Labeling Service enables you to request human labeling for a collection of data that you plan to use to train a custom machine learning model. Prices for the service are computed based on:
- The number of human labelers for each data item. This is specified by the HumanAnnotationConfig replica_count field in the API and the labelers per data item field when creating a new data labeling request in the Data Labeling Service UI.
- The number of annotation units generated. The price for the unit of each
labeling task is described in the table in the
Labeling costs section.
- For an image classification task, units are determined the number of images and the number of human labelers. For example, an image with 3 human labelers counts for 1 * 3 = 3 units. The price for single-label and multi-label classification are the same.
- For an image bounding box task, units are determined by the number of bounding boxes identified in the images and the number of human labelers. For example, if an image with 2 bounding boxes and 3 human labelers counts for 2 * 3 = 6 units. Images without bounding boxes will not be charged.
- For an image segmentation/rotated box/polyline/polygon task, units are determined in the same way as a image bounding box task.
- For a video classification task, units are determined by the video length (every 5 seconds is a price unit) and the number of human labelers. For example, a 25 seconds video with 3 human labelers counts for 25 / 5 * 3 = 15 units. The price for single-label and multi-label classification are the same.
- For a video object tracking task, unit are determined by the number of objects identified in the video and the number of human labelers. For example, for a video with 2 objects and 3 human labelers, it counts for 2 * 3 = 6 units. Video without objects will not be charged.
- For a video event task, units are determined in the same way as a video object tracking task.
- For a text classification task, units are determined by text length (every 50 words is a price unit) and the number of human labelers. For example, one piece of text with 100 words and 3 human labelers counts for 100 / 50 * 3 = 6 units. The price for single-label and multi-label classification is the same.
- For a text entity extraction task, units are determined by text length (every 50 words is a price unit), the number of entities identified, and the number of human labelers. For example, a piece of text with 100 words, 2 entities identified, and 3 human labelers counts for 100 / 50 * 2 * 3 = 12 units. Text without entities will not be charged.
- For image/video/text classification tasks, human labelers may lose track of classes if the label set size is too large. As a result, we send at most 20 classes to the human labelers at a time. For example, if the label set size of a labeling task is 40, each data item will be sent for human review 40 / 20 = 2 times, and we will charge 2 times of the price (calculated above) accordingly.
Labeling costs
The table below provides the price per 1,000 units per human labeler, based on the unit listed for each objective. Tier 1 pricing applies to the first 50,000 units per month in each Google Cloud project; Tier 2 pricing applies to the next 950,000 units per month in the project, up to 1,000,000 units. Contact us for pricing above 1,000,000 units per month.
Data type | Objective | Unit | Tier 1 | Tier 2 |
Image | Classification | Image | $35 | $25 |
Bounding box | Bounding box | $63 | $49 | |
Segmentation | Segment | $870 | $850 | |
Rotated box | Bounding box | $86 | $60 | |
Polygon/polyline | Polygon/Polyline | $257 | $180 | |
Video | Classification | 5sec video | $86 | $60 |
Object tracking | Bounding box | $86 | $60 | |
Event | Event in 30sec video | $214 | $150 | |
Text | Classification | 50 words | $129 | $90 |
Entity extraction | Entity | $86 | $60 |
Google Cloud Platform costs
If you store data items to be labeled in Google Cloud Storage, or use other Google Cloud Platform resources in tandem with AI Platform Data Labeling Service, such as Google App Engine instances, then you will also be billed for the use of those services. See the Google Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator to determine other costs based on current rates.
To view your current billing status in the Cloud console, including usage and your current bill, see the Billing page. For more details about managing your account, see the Cloud Billing Documentation or Billing and Payments Support.
What's next
- Read the AI Platform Data Labeling Service documentation.
- Try the Pricing calculator.