Memahami respons penelusuran & multi-deteksi

Product Search Vision API dapat mendeteksi dan menemukan produk yang sesuai untuk satu produk di dalam suatu penelusuran gambar, atau mengidentifikasi dan mencantumkan produk yang sesuai untuk beberapa produk apabila produk tersebut ada dalam gambar Anda.

Gambar & respons satu produk

Gambar penelusuran ini berisi satu produk.

gambar gaun di bucket Cloud Storage

Menelusuri produk serupa menggunakan Product Search Vision API menampilkan respons yang menunjukkan dua kotak pembatas di dalam gambar, satu kotak di sekitar produk, dan di sekeliling kotak lainnya dari keseluruhan gambar.

Luaskan bagian di bawah ini untuk melihat seluruh respons.

      "responses": [
          "productSearchResults": {
            "indexTime": "2018-12-04T22:33:53.673600055Z",
            "results": [
                "product": {
                  "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16",
                  "displayName": " ",
                  "productCategory": "apparel",
                  "productLabels": [
                      "key": "style",
                      "value": "women"
                      "key": "category",
                      "value": "dress"
                "score": 1,
                "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16/referenceImages/image16"
                "product": {
                  "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id29",
                  "displayName": " ",
                  "productCategory": "apparel",
                  "productLabels": [
                      "key": "style",
                      "value": "women"
                      "key": "category",
                      "value": "dress"
                "score": 0.34263745,
                "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id29/referenceImages/image29"
                "product": {
                  "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89",
                  "displayName": " ",
                  "productCategory": "apparel",
                  "productLabels": [
                      "key": "style",
                      "value": "women"
                      "key": "category",
                      "value": "dress"
                "score": 0.20485385,
                "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89/referenceImages/image89"
            "productGroupedResults": [
                "boundingPoly": {
                  "normalizedVertices": [
                      "x": 0.25610325,
                      "y": 0.1357359
                      "x": 0.77213204,
                      "y": 0.1357359
                      "x": 0.77213204,
                      "y": 0.9287346
                      "x": 0.25610325,
                      "y": 0.9287346
                "results": [
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 1,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16/referenceImages/image16"
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id29",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 0.3345438,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id29/referenceImages/image29"
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id76",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "shoe"
                    "score": 0.20218614,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id76/referenceImages/image76"
                "boundingPoly": {
                  "normalizedVertices": [
                      "x": 1
                      "x": 1,
                      "y": 1
                      "y": 1
                "results": [
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 1,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16/referenceImages/image16"
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id29",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 0.3507311,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id29/referenceImages/image29"
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id8",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 0.26709077,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id8/referenceImages/image8"
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id51",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 0.21597815,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id51/referenceImages/image51"

Kotak pembatas & produk yang sesuai

Dua produk berikut (kotak pembatas) dalam gambar ditentukan oleh dua kumpulan verteks yang ditampilkan dari permintaan.

Produk yang sesuai dicantumkan pada setiap kotak yang diidentifikasi oleh Product Search Vision API.

gambar dengan 3 gaun di bucket Cloud Storage

Dalam respons API kotak pembatas dan menyesuaikan hasil produk sedang dicantumkan ke dalam kolom. productGroupedResults Produk yang dikelompokkan menurut produk yang terdeteksi dalam suatu gambar. Setiap entri boundingPoly mencantumkan wilayah yang ditentukan dengan verteks yang dinormalisasi (pada skala 0 hingga 1, tidak sesuai dengan nilai piksel sebenarnya pada gambar). Produk yang sesuai untuk wilayah tertentu tersebut kemudian dicantumkan.

Bagian berikut ada di respons sesuai dengan kotak pembatas di sekitar gaun.

            "productGroupedResults": [
                "boundingPoly": {
                  "normalizedVertices": [
                      "x": 0.25610325,
                      "y": 0.1357359
                      "x": 0.77213204,
                      "y": 0.1357359
                      "x": 0.77213204,
                      "y": 0.9287346
                      "x": 0.25610325,
                      "y": 0.9287346
                "results": [
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id16",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                    "score": 1,

Produk yang sesuai dicantumkan di sebelah kolom results, dan diurutkan berdasarkan peringkat menurut skor kesesuaian dalam urutan menurun. Skor berkisar mulai 0 (tanpa keyakinan) hingga 1 (penuh keyakinan).

gambar 5 produk yang cocok
Several matching products for the dress

boundingPoly lainnya yang ditampilkan dalam respons berada di sekitar seluruh gambar. Verteks yang dinormalisasi tercantum sebagai:

  • [{},{"x": 1},{"x": 1,"y": 1},{"y": 1}]

Jika nilai koordinat sama dengan 0, maka akan dihapus. Dengan demikian, poli pembatas yang telah disebutkan di atas:

  • [{"x": 0,"y": 0},{"x": 1, "y": 0},{"x": 1,"y": 1},{"y": 1}]

Produk yang sesuai kemudian dicantumkan sedemikian rupa untuk kotak pembatas ini (seluruh gambar).

Gambar & respons beberapa produk (multi-deteksi)

Gambar penelusuran berikut berisi beberapa produk.

gambar dengan 3 gaun di bucket Cloud Storage

Dengan menggunakan Product Search Vision API untuk menelusuri produk serupa, menampilkan respons yang mengidentifikasi beberapa kotak pembatas di dalam gambar, satu untuk seluruh gambar dan juga tiga kotak untuk masing-masing tiga gaun tersebut.

Luaskan bagian di bawah ini untuk melihat seluruh respons.

      "responses": [
          "productSearchResults": {
            "indexTime": "2018-12-05T18:34:22.231193168Z",
            "results": [
                "product": {
                  "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89",
                  "displayName": " ",
                  "productCategory": "apparel",
                  "productLabels": [
                      "key": "style",
                      "value": "women"
                      "key": "category",
                      "value": "dress"
                "score": 0.40636745,
                "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89/referenceImages/image89"
                "product": {
                  "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id56",
                  "displayName": " ",
                  "productCategory": "apparel",
                  "productLabels": [
                      "key": "style",
                      "value": "women"
                      "key": "category",
                      "value": "dress"
                "score": 0.35433072,
                "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id56/referenceImages/image56"
                "product": {
                  "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id92",
                  "displayName": " ",
                  "productCategory": "apparel",
                  "productLabels": [
                      "key": "style",
                      "value": "women"
                      "key": "category",
                      "value": "dress"
                "score": 0.30736163,
                "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id92/referenceImages/image92"
            "productGroupedResults": [
                "boundingPoly": {
                  "normalizedVertices": [
                      "x": 0.38727918,
                      "y": 0.10391616
                      "x": 0.57177967,
                      "y": 0.10391616
                      "x": 0.57177967,
                      "y": 0.94973093
                      "x": 0.38727918,
                      "y": 0.94973093
                "results": [
                    "product": {
                      "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id39",
                      "displayName": " ",
                      "productCategory": "apparel",
                      "productLabels": [
                          "key": "style",
                          "value": "women"
                          "key": "category",
                          "value": "dress"
                    "score": 0.36689043,
                    "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id39/referenceImages/image39"
                    "boundingPoly": {
                      "normalizedVertices": [
                          "x": 0.63010275,
                          "y": 0.08650439
                          "x": 0.88989735,
                          "y": 0.08650439
                          "x": 0.88989735,
                          "y": 0.9285545
                          "x": 0.63010275,
                          "y": 0.9285545
                    "results": [
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.4007347,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89/referenceImages/image89"
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id30",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.27045864,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id30/referenceImages/image30"
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id63",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.23139484,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id63/referenceImages/image63"
                    "boundingPoly": {
                      "normalizedVertices": [
                          "x": 1
                          "x": 1,
                          "y": 1
                          "y": 1
                    "results": [
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id30",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.39522344,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id30/referenceImages/image30"
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id4",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.34226564,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id4/referenceImages/image4"
                    "boundingPoly": {
                      "normalizedVertices": [
                          "x": 0.030102689,
                          "y": 0.067680866
                          "x": 0.28942674,
                          "y": 0.067680866
                          "x": 0.28942674,
                          "y": 0.94973093
                          "x": 0.030102689,
                          "y": 0.94973093
                    "results": [
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.42439392,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id89/referenceImages/image89"
                        "product": {
                          "name": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id51",
                          "displayName": " ",
                          "productCategory": "apparel",
                          "productLabels": [
                              "key": "style",
                              "value": "women"
                              "key": "category",
                              "value": "dress"
                        "score": 0.26797917,
                        "image": "projects/project-id/locations/location-id/products/product_id51/referenceImages/image51"

Kotak pembatas & produk yang sesuai

Gambar berikut menunjukkan semua kotak pembatas yang sudah diidentifikasi oleh Product Search Vision API dalam gambar beberapa produk ini.

gambar dengan 3 gaun di bucket Cloud Storage

Serupa dengan gambar produk tunggal, respons gambar multiproduk mencantumkan kotak pembatas dan produk yang cocok menghasilkan kolom productGroupedResults. Masing-masing produk diidentifikasi menggunakan koordinat poly, dan kesesuaian dikelompokkan sesuai dengan setiap produk yang terdeteksi.

Bagian berikutnya mulai dari respons yang sesuai dengan kotak pembatas the middle dress.

    "productGroupedResults": [
                "boundingPoly": {
                  "normalizedVertices": [
                      "x": 0.38727918,
                      "y": 0.10391616
                      "x": 0.57177967,
                      "y": 0.10391616
                      "x": 0.57177967,
                      "y": 0.94973093
                      "x": 0.38727918,
                      "y": 0.94973093
                "results": [
                    "product": {
                    "score": 0.36689043,

Gambar berikut menunjukkan bahwa beberapa kesesuaian untuk middle dress ditampilkan menggunakan Product Search Vision API.

gambar 5 produk yang cocok
Several matching products for the middle dress

Kotak pembatas berikutnya ditemukan di dalam gambar ini, masing-masing dengan daftar produk yang cocok (tidak disertakan di sini):

  • dress kiri: {"x":0.03, "y":0.07},{"x":0.29, "y":0.07},{"x":0.29, "y":0.95},{"x":0.03, "y":0.95}
  • gaun kanan: {"x":0.63, "y":0.09},{"x":0.89, "y":0.09},{"x":0.89, "y":0.93},{"x":0.63, "y":0.93}
  • seluruh gambar:
    • {},{"x": 1},{"x": 1,"y": 1},{"y": 1}, juga dinyatakan sebagai:
    • {"x": 0, "y": 0},{"x": 1,"y:0"},{"x": 1,"y": 1},{"x": 0,"y": 1}