
#include <streams.h>

StreamSender is the client through which users send Packets to a stream.


Each instance of the StreamSender represents a single connection to a specific stream. Once created, the user may repeatedly call Send with new Packets that they want to send to the stream.

Example - Repeatedly sending Packets to a specific stream.

// First populate the options.
StreamSender::Options options;
options.service_connection_options = ...;
options.stream_id = "my-stream";

// Create an instance of the `StreamSender`.
auto stream_sender_statusor = StreamSender::Create(options);
if (!stream_sender.ok()) {
// An error occurred during the setup of the sender.
// You can fix the problem and try again.
auto stream_sender = std::move(*stream_sender_statusor);

// Now you can repeatedly send Packets.
while (true) {
  // Get a new packet from some function or generation mechanism.
  Packet p = SomeFunctionThatGetsNewPacketsToSend();

  auto status = stream_sender->Send(std::move(p));
  if (!status.ok()) {
    // An error occurred.
    // To retry, you must create a new instance of the sender.

// When there are no more packets to send, remember to destroy the sender.

Constructors and Destructors

StreamSender(const StreamSender &)

Public static functions

Create(const Options &)
absl::StatusOr< std::unique_ptr< StreamSender > >
Create a readily usable instance of a StreamSender.

Public functions

Send(Packet packet)
Send the given packet to a stream.
Send(Packet packet, absl::Duration timeout)
Send the given packet to a stream with a timeout.
operator=(const StreamSender &)=delete

Public static functions


absl::StatusOr< std::unique_ptr< StreamSender > > Create(
  const Options &

Create a readily usable instance of a StreamSender.

Public functions


absl::Status Send(
  Packet packet

Send the given packet to a stream.

Returns OK on success. Otherwise, returns an error status.

To retry on a case of failure, you must create a new instance of the StreamSender and Send through that.

The first overload blocks until the status of the Send is known. The second overload blocks up to timeout before returning CANCELLED.


absl::Status Send(
  Packet packet,
  absl::Duration timeout

Send the given packet to a stream with a timeout.

Returns OK on success. Otherwise, returns an error status.

To retry on a case of failure, you must create a new instance of the StreamSender and Send through that.

The first overload blocks until the status of the Send is known. The second overload blocks up to timeout before returning CANCELLED.




  const StreamSender &


StreamSender & operator=(
  const StreamSender &

