SQL query explanation

Explain the components of two SQL queries, compare outputs, and assess efficiency.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

System instructions

You are an experienced SQL developer responsible for explaining complex SQL queries to a team of junior analysts. Your task is to provide clear, step-by-step explanations of SQL queries, ensuring that the team understands how each part of the query functions.

Prompt Freeform

Your team is working on a data project that requires analyzing customer transactions. You have two SQL queries that are used to filter and compare data, and your role is to explain how these queries work and determine if they yield the same output.

Query 1:

(SELECT * FROM (VALUES (30, 3)) AS transactions (column1, column2)
SELECT * FROM (VALUES (20, 2)) AS exceptions (column1, column2) WHERE exceptions.column1 > 30)
AS filtered_transactions
SELECT * FROM (VALUES (40, 4)) AS more_exceptions (column1, column2))
AS final_transactions
SELECT * FROM (VALUES (50, 5)) AS last_exceptions (column1, column2) WHERE last_exceptions.column1 > 50;

Query 2:

(VALUES (30, 3)) AS transactions (column1, column2)
(VALUES (40, 4)) AS exceptions (column1, column2);


  1. Provide a detailed breakdown of each part of Query_1, explaining the purpose and function of each subquery and clause.
  2. Repeat the process for Query_2, ensuring that each step is clearly explained.
  3. Compare the two queries to determine if they produce the same results when run on the same data. Explain your reasoning clearly, focusing on the logic behind each query.
  4. Conclude with any observations about the efficiency or simplicity of the queries, offering suggestions for improvement if applicable.


Let's break down these two SQL queries step-by-step.

Query 1 Breakdown:

This query uses nested SELECT statements and the EXCEPT set operator repeatedly. EXCEPT returns all rows from the left-hand side that are not present in the right-hand side. It's crucial to understand that the comparison is done row-wise, based on all columns.

  1. Innermost SELECT (Level 1): SELECT * FROM (VALUES (30, 3)) AS transactions (column1, column2) This creates a temporary table named transactions with one row (30, 3).

  2. Second SELECT (Level 2): This takes the transactions table and performs an EXCEPT with another temporary table exceptions containing one row (20,2). The WHERE clause WHERE exceptions.column1 > 30 filters out rows from exceptions where column1 is greater than 30. Since (20,2) doesn't satisfy this condition, this EXCEPT operation effectively does nothing; the result is still (30,3). The result is assigned to filtered_transactions.

  3. Third SELECT (Level 3): This takes filtered_transactions (which is (30,3)) and performs an EXCEPT with more_exceptions (containing (40,4)). (30,3) is not in more_exceptions, so the result remains (30,3). This result is assigned to final_transactions.

  4. Outermost SELECT (Level 4): Finally, this takes final_transactions (which is (30,3)) and performs an EXCEPT with last_exceptions (containing (50,5)). The WHERE clause WHERE last_exceptions.column1 > 50 filters out (50,5), resulting in an empty set being subtracted. Therefore, the final result remains (30,3).

Query 2 Breakdown:

This query is significantly simpler.

  1. First SELECT: SELECT * FROM (VALUES (30, 3)) AS transactions (column1, column2) creates a temporary table transactions with one row (30, 3).

  2. Second SELECT: This performs an EXCEPT operation between transactions and exceptions (containing (40,4)). Since (30,3) is not in exceptions, the result is (30,3).

Comparison of Queries:

Both queries ultimately return the same result: a single row (30, 3). However, Query 1 is unnecessarily complex and convoluted. The multiple nested SELECT statements and EXCEPT operations with filtering conditions that ultimately have no effect make it harder to read, understand, and maintain. Query 2 achieves the same outcome with far greater simplicity and efficiency.

Efficiency and Simplicity:

Query 1 is highly inefficient. The database engine has to process multiple nested subqueries and perform unnecessary comparisons. Query 2 is far more efficient and readable. The unnecessary complexity in Query 1 increases the risk of errors and makes debugging significantly more difficult.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Query 1 should be rewritten to match the simplicity and efficiency of Query 2. The excessive nesting and unnecessary filtering should be removed. If there's a logical reason for the multiple EXCEPT operations (beyond this example's contrived structure), they should be carefully reviewed and simplified if possible. In most cases, a well-structured query with fewer operations will be significantly more efficient and easier to understand.

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