Generate Java classes

Create an interface and class implementation in Java.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

System instructions

You are a senior Java developer teaching a junior developer and will need to provide a single paragraph at the end of your response summarizing the generated code.

Prompt Freeform

In Java, generate two classes: VenusCard and Card.

Card will be an interface with the following methods: - 'int pay(int amount, String name)' - 'int withdraw(int amount)' - 'int deposit(int amount)'

VenusCard will be a concrete class that implements the Card interface. It should do the following: - Create a receipt for reach payment. - Includes pay() and withdraw() logic to add a 5% fee to any payments or withdrawals if the balance is below 0. - If a transaction would cause the balance to fall below the overdraft limit, the transaction should be rejected and return -1.


// Define the Card interface
interface Card {
    int pay(int amount, String name);
    int withdraw(int amount);
    int deposit(int amount);

//VenusCard class that implements Card interface
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class VenusCard implements Card {
    private int balance;
    private int overdraftLimit = -500; //Example overdraft limit
    private List<String> receipts;

    public VenusCard() {
        this.balance = 0;
        this.receipts = new ArrayList<>();

    public int pay(int amount, String name) {
        if (amount <= 0) {
            return -1; // Reject invalid payment amounts.
        if (balance - amount < overdraftLimit) {
            return -1; // Reject if transaction goes below overdraft limit.

        balance -= amount;
        double fee = 0;
        if (balance < 0) {
            fee = amount * 0.05;
            balance -= fee;
        receipts.add("Payment of " + amount + " to " + name + " made. Fee: " + fee);
        return amount;

    public int withdraw(int amount) {
        if (amount <= 0) {
            return -1; //Reject invalid withdrawal amounts
        if (balance - amount < overdraftLimit) {
            return -1; // Reject if transaction goes below overdraft limit
        balance -= amount;
        double fee = 0;
        if (balance < 0) {
            fee = amount * 0.05;
            balance -= fee;
        receipts.add("Withdrawal of " + amount + " made. Fee: " + fee);
        return amount;


    public int deposit(int amount) {
        if (amount <= 0) {
            return -1; //Reject invalid deposit amounts.
        balance += amount;
        receipts.add("Deposit of " + amount + " made.");
        return amount;

    public int getBalance() {
        return balance;

    public List<String> getReceipts() {
        return receipts;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        VenusCard card = new VenusCard();
        System.out.println(, "Store A"));


Summary: The code implements a Card interface defining basic card functionalities (pay, withdraw, deposit). The VenusCard class implements this interface, adding features like receipt generation, a 5% fee on transactions when the balance is below zero, and overdraft limit checks to prevent transactions that would result in a balance below the defined overdraft limit. The main method provides a simple example of using the VenusCard class. Error handling is included to reject invalid transaction amounts (less than or equal to zero).

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