
本文档介绍了 Cloud Service Mesh 的当前内容限制和请求配额。

Google Cloud 使用配额来帮助确保公平性并减少资源使用和可用性的激增。配额用于限制您的 Google Cloud 项目可使用的 Google Cloud 资源的数量。配额适用于一系列资源类型,包括硬件、软件和网络组件。例如,配额可以限制对某项服务的 API 调用次数、您的项目并发使用的负载均衡器数量或者您可以创建的项目数量。配额可以防止服务过载,从而保护 Google Cloud 用户社区。配额还可帮助您管理自己的 Google Cloud 资源。

Cloud 配额系统执行以下操作:

  • 监控 Google Cloud 产品和服务的消耗情况
  • 限制这些资源的消耗量
  • 提供请求更改配额值的方法


配额通常在 Google Cloud 项目级层应用。您在一个项目中使用资源不会影响您在另一个项目中的可用配额。在 Google Cloud 项目中,配额在所有应用和 IP 地址间共享。

Cloud Service Mesh 资源还存在系统限制。 这些系统限制与配额系统无关。系统限制不能 更改。

请注意,Istio 资源会转换为计入配额的 Cloud Service Mesh 资源 不超出其后的配额


Cloud Service Mesh 限制每个 Google Cloud 项目每秒最多可以查询 100 次。

每个项目的所有现有转发规则、后端服务以及其他负载平衡限制和配额都适用于基于 Google Cloud 负载均衡和服务路由 API 的 Cloud Service Mesh 部署。


Cloud Service Mesh 的网址映射与负载均衡 API 搭配使用 需要遵守以下每个项目限制。

配额和限制 备注
网址映射 配额 此配额应用于每个项目。
路径规则中的路径 50 此限制无法提高。
路由规则中的匹配规则 50 此限制无法提高。
每个网址映射的主机规则数 2500 此限制无法提高。
每个网址映射的路径匹配器数 2500 此限制无法提高。
每个路径匹配器的路径规则数 500 此限制无法提高。
每个路径匹配器的路由规则数 500 此限制无法提高。
每条匹配规则的标头匹配数 50 此限制无法提高。
每条匹配规则的查询参数匹配数 50 此限制无法提高。
每条匹配规则的元数据过滤器 5 此限制无法提高。
每个元数据过滤器的过滤条件标签数 64 此限制无法提高。
每个主机规则的主机 100 此限制无法提高。
每个网址映射的测试数 100 此限制无法提高。
网址映射的大小 524 KB 此限制无法提高。
每个路由操作的加权后端服务数 10 此限制无法提高。


Value for field 'resource.hostRules[0].hosts' is too large:
maximum size 100 element(s);actual size 107.

服务路由 API 限制

网格 此配额应用于每个项目。
网关 此配额应用于每个项目。
GrpcRoute 此配额应用于每个项目。
HttpRoute 此配额应用于每个项目。
TcpRoute 此配额应用于每个项目。
TlsRoute 此配额应用于每个项目。

Network Security API 限制

配额和限制 备注
clientTlsPolicy 500 此配额应用于每个项目。
serverTlsPolicy 500 此配额应用于每个项目。
AuthorizationPolicy 500 此配额应用于每个项目。
EndpointPolicy 750 此配额应用于每个项目。


配额和限制 备注
ServiceLbPolicies 配额 此配额应用于每个项目。

如需调整大多数配额,请使用 Google Cloud 控制台。 如需了解详情,请参阅申请更高的配额

Manage quotas

Cloud Service Mesh enforces quotas on resource usage for various reasons. For example, quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing unforeseen spikes in usage. Quotas also help users who are exploring Google Cloud with the free tier to stay within their trial.

All projects start with the same quotas, which you can change by requesting additional quota. Some quotas might increase automatically based on your use of a product.


To view quotas or request quota increases, Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals need one of the following roles.

Task Required role
Check quotas for a project One of the following:
Modify quotas, request additional quota One of the following:
  • Project Owner (roles/owner)
  • Project Editor (roles/editor)
  • Quota Administrator (roles/servicemanagement.quotaAdmin)
  • A custom role with the serviceusage.quotas.update permission

Check your quota


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Quotas page.

    Go to Quotas

  2. To search for the quota that you want to update, use the Filter table. If you don't know the name of the quota, use the links on this page instead.


Using the Google Cloud CLI, run the following command to check your quotas. Replace PROJECT_ID with your own project ID.

    gcloud compute project-info describe --project PROJECT_ID

To check your used quota in a region, run the following command:

    gcloud compute regions describe example-region

Errors when exceeding your quota

If you exceed a quota with a gcloud command, gcloud outputs a quota exceeded error message and returns with the exit code 1.

If you exceed a quota with an API request, Google Cloud returns the following HTTP status code: 413 Request Entity Too Large.

Request additional quota

To adjust most quotas, use the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Request a quota adjustment.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Quotas page.

    Go to Quotas

  2. On the Quotas page, select the quotas that you want to change.
  3. At the top of the page, click Edit quotas.
  4. For Name, enter your name.
  5. Optional: For Phone, enter a phone number.
  6. Submit your request. Quota requests take 24 to 48 hours to process.

Resource availability

Each quota represents a maximum number for a particular type of resource that you can create, if that resource is available. It's important to note that quotas don't guarantee resource availability. Even if you have available quota, you can't create a new resource if it is not available.

For example, you might have sufficient quota to create a new regional, external IP address in the us-central1 region. However, that is not possible if there are no available external IP addresses in that region. Zonal resource availability can also affect your ability to create a new resource.

Situations where resources are unavailable in an entire region are rare. However, resources within a zone can be depleted from time to time, typically without impact to the service level agreement (SLA) for the type of resource. For more information, review the relevant SLA for the resource.