
The query required to perform a search query.

JSON representation
  "query": string,
  "queryLanguageCode": string,
  "companies": [
  "locationFilters": [
      object (LocationFilter)
  "jobCategories": [
    enum (JobCategory)
  "commuteFilter": {
    object (CommuteFilter)
  "companyDisplayNames": [
  "compensationFilter": {
    object (CompensationFilter)
  "customAttributeFilter": string,
  "disableSpellCheck": boolean,
  "employmentTypes": [
    enum (EmploymentType)
  "languageCodes": [
  "publishTimeRange": {
    object (TimestampRange)
  "excludedJobs": [


The query string that matches against the job title, description, and location fields.

The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.



The language code of query. For example, "en-US". This field helps to better interpret the query.

If a value isn't specified, the query language code is automatically detected, which may not be accurate.

Language code should be in BCP-47 format, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see Tags for Identifying Languages.



This filter specifies the company entities to search against.

If a value isn't specified, jobs are searched for against all companies.

If multiple values are specified, jobs are searched against the companies specified.

The format is "projects/{projectId}/tenants/{tenantId}/companies/{company_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz".

At most 20 company filters are allowed.


object (LocationFilter)

The location filter specifies geo-regions containing the jobs to search against. See LocationFilter for more information.

If a location value isn't specified, jobs fitting the other search criteria are retrieved regardless of where they're located.

If multiple values are specified, jobs are retrieved from any of the specified locations. If different values are specified for the LocationFilter.distance_in_miles parameter, the maximum provided distance is used for all locations.

At most 5 location filters are allowed.


enum (JobCategory)

The category filter specifies the categories of jobs to search against. See JobCategory for more information.

If a value isn't specified, jobs from any category are searched against.

If multiple values are specified, jobs from any of the specified categories are searched against.


object (CommuteFilter)

Allows filtering jobs by commute time with different travel methods (for example, driving or public transit).

Note: This only works when you specify a CommuteMethod. In this case, locationFilters is ignored.

Currently we don't support sorting by commute time.



This filter specifies the company Company.display_name of the jobs to search against. The company name must match the value exactly.

Alternatively, the value being searched for can be wrapped in different match operators. SUBSTRING_MATCH([value]) The company name must contain a case insensitive substring match of the value. Using this function may increase latency.

Sample Value: SUBSTRING_MATCH(google)

MULTI_WORD_TOKEN_MATCH([value]) The value will be treated as a multi word token and the company name must contain a case insensitive match of the value. Using this function may increase latency.

Sample Value: MULTI_WORD_TOKEN_MATCH(google)

If a value isn't specified, jobs within the search results are associated with any company.

If multiple values are specified, jobs within the search results may be associated with any of the specified companies.

At most 20 company display name filters are allowed.


object (CompensationFilter)

This search filter is applied only to Job.compensation_info. For example, if the filter is specified as "Hourly job with per-hour compensation > $15", only jobs meeting these criteria are searched. If a filter isn't defined, all open jobs are searched.



This filter specifies a structured syntax to match against the Job.custom_attributes marked as filterable.

The syntax for this expression is a subset of SQL syntax.

Supported operators are: =, !=, <, <=, >, and >= where the left of the operator is a custom field key and the right of the operator is a number or a quoted string. You must escape backslash (\) and quote (") characters.

Supported functions are LOWER([field_name]) to perform a case insensitive match and EMPTY([field_name]) to filter on the existence of a key.

Boolean expressions (AND/OR/NOT) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example, "((A AND B AND C) OR NOT D) AND E"), a maximum of 100 comparisons or functions are allowed in the expression. The expression must be < 10000 bytes in length.

Sample Query: (LOWER(driving_license)="class \"a\"" OR EMPTY(driving_license)) AND driving_years > 10



This flag controls the spell-check feature. If false, the service attempts to correct a misspelled query, for example, "enginee" is corrected to "engineer".

Defaults to false: a spell check is performed.


enum (EmploymentType)

The employment type filter specifies the employment type of jobs to search against, such as EmploymentType.FULL_TIME.

If a value isn't specified, jobs in the search results includes any employment type.

If multiple values are specified, jobs in the search results include any of the specified employment types.



This filter specifies the locale of jobs to search against, for example, "en-US".

If a value isn't specified, the search results can contain jobs in any locale.

Language codes should be in BCP-47 format, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see Tags for Identifying Languages.

At most 10 language code filters are allowed.


object (TimestampRange)

Jobs published within a range specified by this filter are searched against.



This filter specifies a list of job names to be excluded during search.

At most 400 excluded job names are allowed.


Geographic region of the search.

JSON representation
  "address": string,
  "regionCode": string,
  "latLng": {
    object (LatLng)
  "distanceInMiles": number,
  "telecommutePreference": enum (TelecommutePreference)


The address name, such as "Mountain View" or "Bay Area".



CLDR region code of the country/region. This field may be used in two ways:

1) If telecommute preference is not set, this field is used address ambiguity of the user-input address. For example, "Liverpool" may refer to "Liverpool, NY, US" or "Liverpool, UK". This region code biases the address resolution toward a specific country or territory. If this field is not set, address resolution is biased toward the United States by default.

2) If telecommute preference is set to TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED, the telecommute location filter will be limited to the region specified in this field. If this field is not set, the telecommute job locations will not be

See for details. Example: "CH" for Switzerland.


object (LatLng)

The latitude and longitude of the geographic center to search from. This field is ignored if address is provided.



The distanceInMiles is applied when the location being searched for is identified as a city or smaller. This field is ignored if the location being searched for is a state or larger.


enum (TelecommutePreference)

Allows the client to return jobs without a set location, specifically, telecommuting jobs (telecommuting is considered by the service as a special location). Job.posting_region indicates if a job permits telecommuting. If this field is set to TelecommutePreference.TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED, telecommuting jobs are searched, and address and latLng are ignored. If not set or set to TelecommutePreference.TELECOMMUTE_EXCLUDED, the telecommute status of the jobs is ignored. Jobs that have PostingRegion.TELECOMMUTE and have additional Job.addresses may still be matched based on other location filters using address or latLng.

This filter can be used by itself to search exclusively for telecommuting jobs, or it can be combined with another location filter to search for a combination of job locations, such as "Mountain View" or "telecommuting" jobs. However, when used in combination with other location filters, telecommuting jobs can be treated as less relevant than other jobs in the search response.

This field is only used for job search requests.


Specify whether to include telecommute jobs.

TELECOMMUTE_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED Default value if the telecommute preference isn't specified.

Deprecated: Ignore telecommute status of jobs. Use TELECOMMUTE_JOBS_EXCLUDED if want to exclude telecommute jobs.

TELECOMMUTE_ALLOWED Allow telecommute jobs.
TELECOMMUTE_JOBS_EXCLUDED Exclude telecommute jobs.


Parameters needed for commute search.

JSON representation
  "commuteMethod": enum (CommuteMethod),
  "startCoordinates": {
    object (LatLng)
  "travelDuration": string,
  "allowImpreciseAddresses": boolean,

  // Union field traffic_option can be only one of the following:
  "roadTraffic": enum (RoadTraffic),
  "departureTime": {
    object (TimeOfDay)
  // End of list of possible types for union field traffic_option.

enum (CommuteMethod)

Required. The method of transportation to calculate the commute time for.


object (LatLng)

Required. The latitude and longitude of the location to calculate the commute time from.


string (Duration format)

Required. The maximum travel time in seconds. The maximum allowed value is 3600s (one hour). Format is 123s.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".



If true, jobs without street level addresses may also be returned. For city level addresses, the city center is used. For state and coarser level addresses, text matching is used. If this field is set to false or isn't specified, only jobs that include street level addresses will be returned by commute search.

Union field traffic_option. Traffic factor to take into account while searching by commute. traffic_option can be only one of the following:

enum (RoadTraffic)

Specifies the traffic density to use when calculating commute time.


object (TimeOfDay)

The departure time used to calculate traffic impact, represented as google.type.TimeOfDay in local time zone.

Currently traffic model is restricted to hour level resolution.


Method for commute. Walking, biking and wheelchair accessible transit is still in the Preview stage.

COMMUTE_METHOD_UNSPECIFIED Commute method isn't specified.
DRIVING Commute time is calculated based on driving time.
TRANSIT Commute time is calculated based on public transit including bus, metro, subway, and so on.
WALKING Commute time is calculated based on walking time.
CYCLING Commute time is calculated based on biking time.
TRANSIT_ACCESSIBLE Commute time is calculated based on public transit that is wheelchair accessible.


The traffic density to use when calculating commute time.

ROAD_TRAFFIC_UNSPECIFIED Road traffic situation isn't specified.
TRAFFIC_FREE Optimal commute time without considering any traffic impact.
BUSY_HOUR Commute time calculation takes in account the peak traffic impact.


Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related types are google.type.Date and google.protobuf.Timestamp.

JSON representation
  "hours": integer,
  "minutes": integer,
  "seconds": integer,
  "nanos": integer


Hours of a day in 24 hour format. Must be greater than or equal to 0 and typically must be less than or equal to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.



Minutes of an hour. Must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 59.



Seconds of a minute. Must be greater than or equal to 0 and typically must be less than or equal to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.



Fractions of seconds, in nanoseconds. Must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999,999,999.


Filter on job compensation type and amount.

JSON representation
  "type": enum (FilterType),
  "units": [
    enum (CompensationUnit)
  "range": {
    object (CompensationRange)
  "includeJobsWithUnspecifiedCompensationRange": boolean

enum (FilterType)

Required. Type of filter.


enum (CompensationUnit)

Required. Specify desired base compensation entry's CompensationInfo.CompensationUnit.


object (CompensationRange)

Compensation range.



If set to true, jobs with unspecified compensation range fields are included.


Specify the type of filtering.

FILTER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Filter type unspecified. Position holder, INVALID, should never be used.

Filter by base compensation entry's unit. A job is a match if and only if the job contains a base CompensationEntry and the base CompensationEntry's unit matches provided units. Populate one or more units.

See CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry for definition of base compensation entry.


Filter by base compensation entry's unit and amount / range. A job is a match if and only if the job contains a base CompensationEntry, and the base entry's unit matches provided CompensationUnit and amount or range overlaps with provided CompensationRange.

See CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry for definition of base compensation entry.

Set exactly one units and populate range.


Filter by annualized base compensation amount and base compensation entry's unit. Populate range and zero or more units.


Filter by annualized total compensation amount and base compensation entry's unit . Populate range and zero or more units.


Message representing a period of time between two timestamps.

JSON representation
  "startTime": string,
  "endTime": string

string (Timestamp format)

Begin of the period (inclusive).

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".


string (Timestamp format)

End of the period (exclusive).

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".