Roles required to install Cloud Service Mesh

Roles required to install managed Anthos Service Mesh

The following table describes the roles that are required to install managed Cloud Service Mesh.

Role name Role ID Grant location Description
GKE Hub Admin roles/gkehub.admin Fleet project Full access to GKE Hubs and related resources.
Service Usage Admin roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin Fleet project Ability to enable, disable, and inspect service states, inspect operations, and consume quota and billing for a consumer project. (Note 1)
CA Service Admin Beta roles/privateca.admin Fleet project Full access to all CA Service resources. (Note 2)

Roles required to install in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh

The following table describes the roles that are required to install in-cluster Cloud Service Mesh.

Role name Role ID Grant location Description
GKE Hub Admin roles/gkehub.admin Fleet project Full access to GKE Hubs and related resources.
Kubernetes Engine Admin roles/container.admin Cluster project. Note that this role must be granted in both Fleet and cluster project for cross-project bindings. Provides access to full management of Container Clusters and their Kubernetes API objects.
Mesh Config Admin roles/meshconfig.admin Fleet and cluster project Provides permissions required to initialize managed components of Cloud Service Mesh, such as managed control plane and backend permission that allows workloads to talk to Stackdriver without each being individually authorized (for both managed and in-cluster control planes).
Project IAM Admin roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin Cluster project Provides permissions to administer IAM policies on projects.
Service Account Admin roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin Fleet project Authenticate as a service account.
Service Management Admin roles/servicemanagement.admin Fleet project Full control of Google Service Management resources.
Service Usage Admin roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin Fleet project Ability to enable, disable, and inspect service states, inspect operations, and consume quota and billing for a consumer project.(Note 1)
CA Service Admin Beta roles/privateca.admin Fleet project Full access to all CA Service resources. (Note 2)


  1. Service Usage Admin - This role is necessary as a prerequisite to enable the API when initially provisioning managed Cloud Service Mesh.
  2. CA Service Admin - This role is only required if you are integrating with CA Service.

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