
Auf dieser Seite werden Produktionsupdates von Private Catalog dokumentiert. Hier finden Sie regelmäßig Hinweise zu neuen oder aktualisierten Features, Fehlerkorrekturen, bekannten Problemen und verworfenen Funktionen.

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August 30, 2024


Service Catalog now lets users provide a service account when they add or update a Terraform solution, deploy a new or existing Terraform solution, or deprovision a Terraform deployment, so that users can use their own managed service account to complete tasks with Service Catalog. For details, see Managing solutions and Changes to Cloud Build service accounts.

February 28, 2022


Specify which Terraform version is used to deploy your Terraform configurations in new or existing solutions.

July 19, 2021


Private Catalog launches improvements for using Terraform, including updating solutions, noting version highlights, and updating deployments. Learn more

February 24, 2021


Private Catalog supports Terraform. Admins can create and curate Terraform configurations as solutions for their catalogs. Learn more

December 08, 2020


Private Catalog launches an updated Cloud Console experience for cloud admins. The updates include more options for managing access control, sharing catalogs, and bulk editing solutions.

February 26, 2019


Public beta release: Private Catalog enables cloud admins to control distribution, ensure internal compliance, and increase discoverability for solutions within an enterprise.