Method: projects.locations.columnDataProfiles.list

Lists column data profiles for an organization.

HTTP request

The URLs use gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. Resource name of the organization or project, for example organizations/433245324/locations/europe or projects/project-id/locations/asia.

Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource parent:

  • dlp.columnDataProfiles.list

Query parameters



Page token to continue retrieval.



Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero, server returns a page of max size 100.



Comma-separated list of fields to order by, followed by asc or desc postfix. This list is case insensitive. The default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are insignificant. Only one order field at a time is allowed.


  • projectId asc
  • tableId
  • sensitivityLevel desc

Supported fields are:

  • projectId: The Google Cloud project ID.
  • datasetId: The ID of a BigQuery dataset.
  • tableId: The ID of a BigQuery table.
  • sensitivityLevel: How sensitive the data in a column is, at most.
  • dataRiskLevel: How much risk is associated with this data.
  • profileLastGenerated: When the profile was last updated in epoch seconds.


Allows filtering.

Supported syntax:

  • Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
  • Restrictions can be combined by AND or OR logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses AND.
  • A restriction has the form of {field} {operator} {value}.
  • Supported fields/values:
    • table_data_profile_name - The name of the related table data profile.
    • projectId - The Google Cloud project ID. (REQUIRED)
    • datasetId - The BigQuery dataset ID. (REQUIRED)
    • tableId - The BigQuery table ID. (REQUIRED)
    • fieldId - The ID of the BigQuery field.
    • infoType - The infotype detected in the resource.
    • sensitivityLevel - HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW
    • dataRiskLevel: How much risk is associated with this data.
    • status_code - an RPC status code as defined in
  • The operator must be = for projectId, datasetId, and tableId. Other filters also support !=.


  • projectId = 12345 AND status_code = 1
  • projectId = 12345 AND sensitivityLevel = HIGH
  • projectId = 12345 AND infoType = STREET_ADDRESS

The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of ListColumnDataProfilesResponse.

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview.