Test custom modules for Security Health Analytics

This page explains how to test Security Health Analytics custom modules in the Google Cloud console by uploading a YAML file that contains test data.

Before you begin

Before you can test custom modules, you need to satisfy the following prerequisites:

  • All of the general prerequisites that apply to using Security Health Analytics custom modules, including the following:

    • Activation of the Premium service tier
    • Enablement of the Security Command Center API

    For the full list of prerequisites, see Using custom modules for Security Health Analytics.

  • Your user account must be granted one or more Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that allow you to not only work with Security Command Center and custom modules, but also includes the securitycenter.securityhealthanalyticscustommodules.test permission. For more about the permissions and roles you need to work with custom modules, see Required IAM permissions.

  • API calls to test custom modules are subject to a quota. For more information, see Custom module quotas.

Create test resources in a YAML file

To test a custom module, you define fake resource definitions, fake policy definitions, or both in a YAML file.

The definitions do not correspond to real resource or policy instances, but the definitions must conform to the schemas of the resource or policy types that are specified in your custom modules.

In your test definitions, the only properties that you need to specify are the properties that your custom modules evaluate. You don't need to include resource properties that the custom module doesn't reference.

To test your CEL expressions in the custom module, specify property values in the test file that cause the CEL expressions to resolve to true.

Format of the test data

Start the file with testData: on the first line, followed by one or more - asset definitions.

- asset:
    resource: ARBITRARY_ASSET_NAME_1
    assetType: RESOURCE_TYPE_1
- asset:
    resource: ARBITRARY_ASSET_NAME_2
    assetType: RESOURCE_TYPE_2

Replace the following:

  • ARBITRARY_ASSET_NAME_N: An arbitrary value that displays in the test results when the test is successful.
  • RESOURCE_TYPE_N: The type of asset or resource that the custom module checks, specified as the domain name of the API's service endpoint and resource name—for example, cloudkms.googleapis.com/CryptoKey.
  • PROPERTIES_TO_TEST_N: The properties that are used in the detection logic of the custom module to trigger a finding.
  • PROPERTY_VALUE_N: A value of the property that triggers a finding.
  • SUB_PROPERTY: A sub-property or property of another resource that the target resource references in its resource definition.

Example test definitions

This section contains an example of a test resource definition and a test policy definition. Although the two examples are shown as being defined in separate files, asset definitions for resources and policies can be combined in a single testData file.

Example resource definition

The following example of a test resource definition, tests a custom module that checks whether the rotationPeriod property of CryptoKey resources exceeds 2592000 seconds (30 days). The other properties in the definition are not used in the custom module, but still conform to the schema of the resource. For the full definition of the custom module that this example tests, see Example custom module definition.

- asset:
    assetType: cloudkms.googleapis.com/CryptoKey
      nextRotationTime:  '2020-02-05T12:00:55.192645Z'
        state: 'ENABLED'
      purpose: 'ENCRYPT_DECRYPT'
      rotationPeriod: '2592001s'

Example policy definition

The following is an example of a test definition for an IAM policy:

- asset:
    resource: //cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/projects/fake-project
    assetType: cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project
      - role: "roles/viewer"
        - "serviceAccount:fake-service-account@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
        - "user:fake-email-account"

Test a custom module

You can test new custom modules or existing custom modules in the Google Cloud console.

To test a custom module, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Security Health Analytics Modules page in Security Command Center settings.

    Go to Modules

  2. Open or create a custom module for testing:

    • To create a new custom module, click Create module and follow the instructions in Create custom modules.
    • To open an existing custom module, click the edit () icon under Actions on the right side of the row for the module you want to test.
  3. Select the Test module tab.

  4. Under Upload the YAML file, click Browse to upload a file that contains sample asset data. The test runs as soon as the YAML file is uploaded.

  5. Under Test results preview, check the results.

    • If there are syntax or other errors in your YAML file, a floating error message displays near the bottom of the browser page.
    • If the test is a success, the test returns the following information:

      • The display name of the custom module.
      • The arbitrary name that you specify on the resource property in the test data file.
      • The organization, folder, or project in which the custom module was, or will be, created.

    Test results are not stored or written to Security Command Center.

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