Secret Manager API

Stores sensitive data such as API keys, passwords, and certificates. Provides convenience while improving security.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

GetLocation Gets information about a location.
ListLocations Lists information about the supported locations for this service.

AccessSecretVersion Accesses a SecretVersion.
AddSecretVersion Creates a new SecretVersion containing secret data and attaches it to an existing Secret.
CreateSecret Creates a new Secret containing no SecretVersions.
DeleteSecret Deletes a Secret.
DestroySecretVersion Destroys a SecretVersion.
DisableSecretVersion Disables a SecretVersion.
EnableSecretVersion Enables a SecretVersion.
GetIamPolicy Gets the access control policy for a secret.
GetSecret Gets metadata for a given Secret.
GetSecretVersion Gets metadata for a SecretVersion.
ListSecretVersions Lists SecretVersions.
ListSecrets Lists Secrets.
SetIamPolicy Sets the access control policy on the specified secret.
TestIamPermissions Returns permissions that a caller has for the specified secret.
UpdateSecret Updates metadata of an existing Secret.

AccessSecretVersion Accesses a SecretVersion.
AddSecretVersion Creates a new SecretVersion containing secret data and attaches it to an existing Secret.
CreateSecret Creates a new Secret containing no SecretVersions.
DeleteSecret Deletes a Secret.
DestroySecretVersion Destroys a SecretVersion.
DisableSecretVersion Disables a SecretVersion.
EnableSecretVersion Enables a SecretVersion.
GetIamPolicy Gets the access control policy for a secret.
GetSecret Gets metadata for a given Secret.
GetSecretVersion Gets metadata for a SecretVersion.
ListSecretVersions Lists SecretVersions.
ListSecrets Lists Secrets.
SetIamPolicy Sets the access control policy on the specified secret.
TestIamPermissions Returns permissions that a caller has for the specified secret.
UpdateSecret Updates metadata of an existing Secret.