Vertex AI Search for Retail API

Vertex AI Search for Retail API is made up of Retail Search, Browse and Recommendations. These discovery AI solutions help you implement personalized search, browse and recommendations, based on machine learning models, across your websites and mobile applications.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

GetLocation Gets information about a location.
ListLocations Lists information about the supported locations for this service.

ExportAnalyticsMetrics Exports analytics metrics.

AddCatalogAttribute Adds the specified CatalogAttribute to the AttributesConfig.
GetAttributesConfig Gets an AttributesConfig.
GetCompletionConfig Gets a CompletionConfig.
GetDefaultBranch Get which branch is currently default branch set by CatalogService.SetDefaultBranch method under a specified parent catalog.
ListCatalogs Lists all the Catalogs associated with the project.
RemoveCatalogAttribute Removes the specified CatalogAttribute from the AttributesConfig.
ReplaceCatalogAttribute Replaces the specified CatalogAttribute in the AttributesConfig by updating the catalog attribute with the same CatalogAttribute.key.
SetDefaultBranch Set a specified branch id as default branch.
UpdateAttributesConfig Updates the AttributesConfig.
UpdateCatalog Updates the Catalogs.
UpdateCompletionConfig Updates the CompletionConfigs.

CompleteQuery Completes the specified prefix with keyword suggestions.
ImportCompletionData Bulk import of processed completion dataset.

CreateControl Creates a Control.
DeleteControl Deletes a Control.
GetControl Gets a Control.
ListControls Lists all Controls by their parent Catalog.
UpdateControl Updates a Control.

CreateModel Creates a new model.
DeleteModel Deletes an existing model.
GetModel Gets a model.
ListModels Lists all the models linked to this event store.
PauseModel Pauses the training of an existing model.
ResumeModel Resumes the training of an existing model.
TuneModel Tunes an existing model.
UpdateModel Update of model metadata.

Predict Makes a recommendation prediction.

AddFulfillmentPlaces We recommend that you use the ProductService.AddLocalInventories method instead of the ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces method.
AddLocalInventories Updates local inventory information for a Product at a list of places, while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.
CreateProduct Creates a Product.
DeleteProduct Deletes a Product.
GetProduct Gets a Product.
ImportProducts Bulk import of multiple Products.
ListProducts Gets a list of Products.
PurgeProducts Permanently deletes all selected Products under a branch.
RemoveFulfillmentPlaces We recommend that you use the ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories method instead of the ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces method.
RemoveLocalInventories Remove local inventory information for a Product at a list of places at a removal timestamp.
SetInventory Updates inventory information for a Product while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.
UpdateProduct Updates a Product.

Search Performs a search.

AddControl Enables a Control on the specified ServingConfig.
CreateServingConfig Creates a ServingConfig.
DeleteServingConfig Deletes a ServingConfig.
GetServingConfig Gets a ServingConfig.
ListServingConfigs Lists all ServingConfigs linked to this catalog.
RemoveControl Disables a Control on the specified ServingConfig.
UpdateServingConfig Updates a ServingConfig.

CollectUserEvent Writes a single user event from the browser.
ImportUserEvents Bulk import of User events.
PurgeUserEvents Deletes permanently all user events specified by the filter provided.
RejoinUserEvents Starts a user-event rejoin operation with latest product catalog.
WriteUserEvent Writes a single user event.

ExportAnalyticsMetrics Exports analytics metrics.

GetBranch Retrieves a Branch.
ListBranches Lists all instances of Branch under the specified parent Catalog.

AddCatalogAttribute Adds the specified CatalogAttribute to the AttributesConfig.
BatchRemoveCatalogAttributes Removes all specified CatalogAttributes from the AttributesConfig.
GetAttributesConfig Gets an AttributesConfig.
GetCompletionConfig Gets a CompletionConfig.
GetDefaultBranch Get which branch is currently default branch set by CatalogService.SetDefaultBranch method under a specified parent catalog.
ListCatalogs Lists all the Catalogs associated with the project.
RemoveCatalogAttribute Removes the specified CatalogAttribute from the AttributesConfig.
ReplaceCatalogAttribute Replaces the specified CatalogAttribute in the AttributesConfig by updating the catalog attribute with the same CatalogAttribute.key.
SetDefaultBranch Set a specified branch id as default branch.
UpdateAttributesConfig Updates the AttributesConfig.
UpdateCatalog Updates the Catalogs.
UpdateCompletionConfig Updates the CompletionConfigs.

CompleteQuery Completes the specified prefix with keyword suggestions.
ImportCompletionData Bulk import of processed completion dataset.

CreateControl Creates a Control.
DeleteControl Deletes a Control.
GetControl Gets a Control.
ListControls Lists all Controls by their parent Catalog.
UpdateControl Updates a Control.

CreateMerchantCenterAccountLink Creates a MerchantCenterAccountLink.
DeleteMerchantCenterAccountLink Deletes a MerchantCenterAccountLink.
ListMerchantCenterAccountLinks Lists all MerchantCenterAccountLinks under the specified parent Catalog.

CreateModel Creates a new model.
DeleteModel Deletes an existing model.
GetModel Gets a model.
ListModels Lists all the models linked to this event store.
PauseModel Pauses the training of an existing model.
ResumeModel Resumes the training of an existing model.
TuneModel Tunes an existing model.
UpdateModel Update of model metadata.

Predict Makes a recommendation prediction.

AddFulfillmentPlaces We recommend that you use the ProductService.AddLocalInventories method instead of the ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces method.
AddLocalInventories Updates local inventory information for a Product at a list of places, while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.
CreateProduct Creates a Product.
DeleteProduct Deletes a Product.
GetProduct Gets a Product.
ImportProducts Bulk import of multiple Products.
ListProducts Gets a list of Products.
PurgeProducts Permanently deletes all selected Products under a branch.
RemoveFulfillmentPlaces We recommend that you use the ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories method instead of the ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces method.
RemoveLocalInventories Remove local inventory information for a Product at a list of places at a removal timestamp.
SetInventory Updates inventory information for a Product while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.
UpdateProduct Updates a Product.

AcceptTerms Accepts service terms for this project.
EnrollSolution The method enrolls a solution of type Retail Search into a project.
GetAlertConfig Get the AlertConfig of the requested project.
GetLoggingConfig Gets the LoggingConfig of the requested project.
GetProject Gets the project.
ListEnrolledSolutions Lists all the retail API solutions the project has enrolled.
UpdateAlertConfig Update the alert config of the requested project.
UpdateLoggingConfig Updates the LoggingConfig of the requested project.

Search Performs a search.

AddControl Enables a Control on the specified ServingConfig.
CreateServingConfig Creates a ServingConfig.
DeleteServingConfig Deletes a ServingConfig.
GetServingConfig Gets a ServingConfig.
ListServingConfigs Lists all ServingConfigs linked to this catalog.
RemoveControl Disables a Control on the specified ServingConfig.
UpdateServingConfig Updates a ServingConfig.

CollectUserEvent Writes a single user event from the browser.
ImportUserEvents Bulk import of User events.
PurgeUserEvents Deletes permanently all user events specified by the filter provided.
RejoinUserEvents Starts a user-event rejoin operation with latest product catalog.
WriteUserEvent Writes a single user event.

ExportAnalyticsMetrics Exports analytics metrics.

AddCatalogAttribute Adds the specified CatalogAttribute to the AttributesConfig.
BatchRemoveCatalogAttributes Removes all specified CatalogAttributes from the AttributesConfig.
GetAttributesConfig Gets an AttributesConfig.
GetCompletionConfig Gets a CompletionConfig.
GetDefaultBranch Get which branch is currently default branch set by CatalogService.SetDefaultBranch method under a specified parent catalog.
ListCatalogs Lists all the Catalogs associated with the project.
RemoveCatalogAttribute Removes the specified CatalogAttribute from the AttributesConfig.
ReplaceCatalogAttribute Replaces the specified CatalogAttribute in the AttributesConfig by updating the catalog attribute with the same CatalogAttribute.key.
SetDefaultBranch Set a specified branch id as default branch.
UpdateAttributesConfig Updates the AttributesConfig.
UpdateCatalog Updates the Catalogs.
UpdateCompletionConfig Updates the CompletionConfigs.

CompleteQuery Completes the specified prefix with keyword suggestions.
ImportCompletionData Bulk import of processed completion dataset.

CreateControl Creates a Control.
DeleteControl Deletes a Control.
GetControl Gets a Control.
ListControls Lists all Controls by their parent Catalog.
UpdateControl Updates a Control.

CreateModel Creates a new model.
DeleteModel Deletes an existing model.
GetModel Gets a model.
ListModels Lists all the models linked to this event store.
PauseModel Pauses the training of an existing model.
ResumeModel Resumes the training of an existing model.
TuneModel Tunes an existing model.
UpdateModel Update of model metadata.

Predict Makes a recommendation prediction.

AddFulfillmentPlaces We recommend that you use the ProductService.AddLocalInventories method instead of the ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces method.
AddLocalInventories Updates local inventory information for a Product at a list of places, while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.
CreateProduct Creates a Product.
DeleteProduct Deletes a Product.
GetProduct Gets a Product.
ImportProducts Bulk import of multiple Products.
ListProducts Gets a list of Products.
PurgeProducts Permanently deletes all selected Products under a branch.
RemoveFulfillmentPlaces We recommend that you use the ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories method instead of the ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces method.
RemoveLocalInventories Remove local inventory information for a Product at a list of places at a removal timestamp.
SetInventory Updates inventory information for a Product while respecting the last update timestamps of each inventory field.
UpdateProduct Updates a Product.

Search Performs a search.

AddControl Enables a Control on the specified ServingConfig.
CreateServingConfig Creates a ServingConfig.
DeleteServingConfig Deletes a ServingConfig.
GetServingConfig Gets a ServingConfig.
ListServingConfigs Lists all ServingConfigs linked to this catalog.
RemoveControl Disables a Control on the specified ServingConfig.
UpdateServingConfig Updates a ServingConfig.

CollectUserEvent Writes a single user event from the browser.
ImportUserEvents Bulk import of User events.
PurgeUserEvents Deletes permanently all user events specified by the filter provided.
RejoinUserEvents Starts a user-event rejoin operation with latest product catalog.
WriteUserEvent Writes a single user event.


GetOperation Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
ListOperations Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.