Mendeteksi kebocoran sandi dan kredensial yang diretas

Halaman ini menjelaskan cara menggunakan fitur deteksi kebocoran sandi reCAPTCHA Enterprise untuk mendeteksi kebocoran sandi dan kredensial yang dibobol guna mencegah pengambilalihan akun (ATO) dan serangan credential stuffing. Dengan reCAPTCHA Enterprise, Anda dapat melakukan audit rutin terhadap kredensial pengguna (sandi) sebagai bagian dari penilaian apa pun untuk memastikan bahwa kredensial tersebut tidak dibocorkan atau dilanggar. Untuk melakukan penilaian ini, Google menggunakan fitur Pemeriksaan Sandi.

Sebelum memulai

  1. Menyiapkan lingkungan Anda untuk reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

  2. Menyiapkan reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

  3. Pastikan penagihan telah diaktifkan untuk project Google Cloud Anda.

    reCAPTCHA Enterprise mengharuskan penagihan untuk ditautkan dan diaktifkan pada project agar dapat menggunakan fitur deteksi kebocoran sandi. Anda dapat mengaktifkan penagihan menggunakan kartu kredit atau ID penagihan project Google Cloud yang sudah ada. Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan terkait penagihan, hubungi Dukungan Penagihan Cloud.

Periksa kredensial yang bocor dan bocor

Untuk memeriksa apakah satu set kredensial telah disusupi, gunakan deteksi kebocoran sandi saat membuat penilaian untuk tindakan seperti login, perubahan sandi, dan reset sandi.

Untuk memeriksa kebocoran sandi dan kredensial yang dibobol, selesaikan langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. Buat parameter permintaan.
  2. Buat penilaian untuk mendeteksi kebocoran sandi.
  3. Memverifikasi kredensial yang bocor dari penilaian.
  4. Menafsirkan verdict dan mengambil tindakan.

Membuat parameter permintaan

  1. Hitung parameter permintaan yang diperlukan menggunakan fungsi kriptografi yang diperlukan oleh protokol privasi tinggi. reCAPTCHA Enterprise menyediakan library Java dan TypeScript untuk membantu pembuatan kolom berikut:

  2. Untuk membuat verifikasi pemeriksaan sandi, buat objek PasswordCheckVerifier.

    PasswordCheckVerifier verifier = new PasswordCheckVerifier();
  3. Untuk memulai verifikasi, panggil PasswordCheckVerifier#createVerification. Metode ini menggunakan nama pengguna dan sandi untuk menghitung parameter guna melakukan pemeriksaan sandi.

    PasswordCheckVerification verification = verifier.createVerification("username", "password").get();
  4. Buat penilaian menggunakan parameter verifikasi.

    byte[] lookupHashPrefix = verification.getLookupHashPrefix();
    byte[] encryptedUserCredentialsHash = verification.getEncryptedUserCredentialsHash();

    Array byte lookupHashPrefix dan encryptedUserCredentialsHash berisi parameter yang diperlukan untuk memulai pemeriksaan sandi Assessment.

Membuat penilaian untuk mendeteksi kebocoran sandi

Gunakan metode projects.assessments.create.

Sebelum menggunakan salah satu data permintaan, lakukan penggantian berikut:

  • PROJECT_ID: project ID Google Cloud Anda
  • LOOKUP_HASH_PREFIX: awalan nama pengguna hash SHA-256
  • ENCRYPTED_USER_CREDENTIALS_HASH: Hash Scrypt kredensial pengguna yang dienkripsi

Metode HTTP dan URL:


Isi JSON permintaan:

  "private_password_leak_verification": {
    "lookup_hash_prefix": "LOOKUP_HASH_PREFIX",
    "encrypted_user_credentials_hash": "ENCRYPTED_USER_CREDENTIALS_HASH"

Untuk mengirim permintaan Anda, pilih salah satu opsi berikut:


Simpan isi permintaan dalam file bernama request.json, dan jalankan perintah berikut:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \


Simpan isi permintaan dalam file bernama request.json, dan jalankan perintah berikut:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

Anda akan melihat respons JSON seperti berikut:

  "name": "projects/698047609967/assessments/fb22000000000000",
  "score": 0,
  "reasons": [],
  "privatePasswordLeakVerification": {
    "lookupHashPrefix": "zoxZwA==",
    "encryptedUserCredentialsHash": "AyRihRcKaGLj/FA/r2uqQY/fzfTaDb/nEcIUMeD3Tygp",
    "reencryptedUserCredentialsHash": "Aw65yEbLM39ww1ridDEfx5VhkWo11tzn/R1B88Qqwr/+"
    "encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes": [
      "n/n5fvPD6rmQPFyb4xk=", "IVQqzXsbZenaibID6OI=", ..., "INeMMndrfnlf6osCVvs=",
      "MkIpxt2x4mtyBnRODu0=", "AqUyAUWzi+v7Kx03e6o="]

Memverifikasi kredensial yang bocor dari penilaian

Dari respons penilaian, ekstrak kolom reEncryptedUserCredentials dan encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes, lalu teruskan ke objek pemverifikasi untuk menentukan apakah kredensial bocor atau tidak.

PasswordCheckResult result = verifier.verify(verification,

System.out.println("Credentials leaked: " + result.areCredentialsLeaked());

Menafsirkan verdict dan mengambil tindakan

Respons penilaian menunjukkan apakah kredensial bocor dan memberi Anda informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengambil tindakan yang sesuai guna melindungi pengguna.

Tabel berikut mencantumkan tindakan yang disarankan yang dapat Anda lakukan saat sandi yang bocor terdeteksi:

Sandi yang bocor terdeteksi Tindakan untuk melindungi pengguna Anda
Selama login
  • Tolak dan wajibkan pelanggan untuk memilih sandi lain, dan picu tantangan MFA, jika memungkinkan.
  • Ingatkan pengguna untuk menggunakan sandi unik di seluruh akun.
  • Mewajibkan sandi yang kuat di situs Anda.
  • Minta pengguna untuk mengaktifkan autentikasi multi-faktor (MFA) jika mereka tidak menggunakannya.
Selama pembuatan akun atau reset sandi
  • Wajibkan pengguna mengubah sandinya.
  • Memicu alur autentikasi multi-faktor (MFA).

Jika belum menggunakan penyedia MFA di situs Anda, Anda dapat menggunakan kemampuan MFA pada reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

Contoh kode


Untuk melakukan autentikasi reCAPTCHA Enterprise, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;

public class CreatePasswordLeakAssessment {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // Google Cloud Project ID.
    String projectID = "project-id";

    // Username and password to be checked for credential breach.
    String username = "username";
    String password = "password";

    checkPasswordLeak(projectID, username, password);

   * Detect password leaks and breached credentials to prevent account takeovers
   * (ATOs) and credential stuffing attacks.
   * For more information, see:
   * and

   * Steps:
   * 1. Use the 'create' method to hash and Encrypt the hashed username and
   * password.
   * 2. Send the hash prefix (26-bit) and the encrypted credentials to create
   * the assessment.(Hash prefix is used to partition the database.)
   * 3. Password leak assessment returns a list of encrypted credential hashes to
   * be compared with the decryption of the returned re-encrypted credentials.
   * Create Assessment also sends back re-encrypted credentials.
   * 4. The re-encrypted credential is then locally verified to see if there is
   * a match in the database.
   * To perform hashing, encryption and verification (steps 1, 2 and 4),
   * reCAPTCHA Enterprise provides a helper library in Java.
   * See,

   * If you want to extend this behavior to your own implementation/ languages,
   * make sure to perform the following steps:
   * 1. Hash the credentials (First 26 bits of the result is the
   * 'lookupHashPrefix')
   * 2. Encrypt the hash (result = 'encryptedUserCredentialsHash')
   * 3. Get back the PasswordLeak information from
   * reCAPTCHA Enterprise Create Assessment.
   * 4. Decrypt the obtained 'credentials.getReencryptedUserCredentialsHash()'
   * with the same key you used for encryption.
   * 5. Check if the decrypted credentials are present in
   * 'credentials.getEncryptedLeakMatchPrefixesList()'.
   * 6. If there is a match, that indicates a credential breach.
  public static void checkPasswordLeak(
      String projectID, String username, String password)
      throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {

    // Instantiate the java-password-leak-helper library to perform the cryptographic functions.
    PasswordCheckVerifier passwordLeak = new PasswordCheckVerifier();

    // Create the request to obtain the hash prefix and encrypted credentials.
    PasswordCheckVerification verification =
        passwordLeak.createVerification(username, password).get();

    byte[] lookupHashPrefix = Base64.encode(verification.getLookupHashPrefix());
    byte[] encryptedUserCredentialsHash = Base64.encode(

    // Pass the credentials to the createPasswordLeakAssessment() to get back
    // the matching database entry for the hash prefix.
    PrivatePasswordLeakVerification credentials =

    // Convert to appropriate input format.
    List<byte[]> leakMatchPrefixes =
            .map(x -> Base64.decode(x.toByteArray()))

    // Verify if the encrypted credentials are present in the obtained match list.
    PasswordCheckResult result =

    // Check if the credential is leaked.
    boolean isLeaked = result.areCredentialsLeaked();
    System.out.printf("Is Credential leaked: %s", isLeaked);

  // Create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise assessment.
  // Returns:  PrivatePasswordLeakVerification which contains
  // reencryptedUserCredentialsHash and credential breach database
  // whose prefix matches the lookupHashPrefix.
  private static PrivatePasswordLeakVerification createPasswordLeakAssessment(
      String projectID,
      byte[] lookupHashPrefix,
      byte[] encryptedUserCredentialsHash)
      throws IOException {
    try (RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient client = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.create()) {

      // Set the hashprefix and credentials hash.
      // Setting this will trigger the Password leak protection.
      PrivatePasswordLeakVerification passwordLeakVerification =

      // Build the assessment request.
      CreateAssessmentRequest createAssessmentRequest =
              .setParent(String.format("projects/%s", projectID))
                      // Set request for Password leak verification.

      // Send the create assessment request.
      Assessment response = client.createAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

      // Get the reCAPTCHA Enterprise score.
      float recaptchaScore = response.getRiskAnalysis().getScore();
      System.out.println("The reCAPTCHA score is: " + recaptchaScore);

      // Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
      String assessmentName = response.getName();
          "Assessment name: " + assessmentName.substring(assessmentName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));

      return response.getPrivatePasswordLeakVerification();

Node.js (TypeScript)

Untuk melakukan autentikasi reCAPTCHA Enterprise, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import {google} from '@google-cloud/recaptcha/build/protos/protos';
import {RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient} from '@google-cloud/recaptcha-enterprise';
import {PasswordCheckVerification} from 'recaptcha-password-check-helpers';

// TODO(developer): Uncomment and set the following variables
// Google Cloud Project ID.
// const projectId: string = "PROJECT_ID"

// Username and password to be checked for credential breach.
// const username: string = "user123";
// const password: string = "1234@abcd";

// Create a client.
const client: RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient =
  new RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient();

* Detect password leaks and breached credentials to prevent account takeovers
* (ATOs) and credential stuffing attacks.
* For more information, see:
* and

* Steps:
* 1. Use the 'create' method to hash and Encrypt the hashed username and
* password.
* 2. Send the hash prefix (26-bit) and the encrypted credentials to create
* the assessment.(Hash prefix is used to partition the database.)
* 3. Password leak assessment returns a list of encrypted credential hashes to
* be compared with the decryption of the returned re-encrypted credentials.
* Create Assessment also sends back re-encrypted credentials.
* 4. The re-encrypted credential is then locally verified to see if there is
* a match in the database.
* To perform hashing, encryption and verification (steps 1, 2 and 4),
* reCAPTCHA Enterprise provides a helper library in Typescript.
* See,

* If you want to extend this behavior to your own implementation/ languages,
* make sure to perform the following steps:
* 1. Hash the credentials (First 26 bits of the result is the
* 'lookupHashPrefix')
* 2. Encrypt the hash (result = 'encryptedUserCredentialsHash')
* 3. Get back the PasswordLeak information from
* reCAPTCHA Enterprise Create Assessment.
* 4. Decrypt the obtained 'credentials.getReencryptedUserCredentialsHash()'
* with the same key you used for encryption.
* 5. Check if the decrypted credentials are present in
* 'credentials.getEncryptedLeakMatchPrefixesList()'.
* 6. If there is a match, that indicates a credential breach.
async function checkPasswordLeak(
  projectId: string,
  username: string,
  password: string
) {
  // Instantiate the recaptcha-password-check-helpers library to perform the
  // cryptographic functions.
  // Create the request to obtain the hash prefix and encrypted credentials.
  const verification: PasswordCheckVerification =
    await PasswordCheckVerification.create(username, password);

  const lookupHashPrefix: string = Buffer.from(
  const encryptedUserCredentialsHash: string = Buffer.from(
  console.log('Hashes created.');

  // Pass the credentials to the createPasswordLeakAssessment() to get back
  // the matching database entry for the hash prefix.
  const credentials: =
    await createPasswordLeakAssessment(

  // Convert to appropriate input format.
  const reencryptedUserCredentialsHash: Uint8Array = Buffer.from(
  const encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes: Uint8Array[] =
    credentials.encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes!.map(prefix => {
      return Buffer.from(prefix.toString(), 'base64');

  // Verify if the encrypted credentials are present in the obtained
  // match list to check if the credential is leaked.
  const isLeaked: boolean = verification
    .verify(reencryptedUserCredentialsHash, encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes)

  console.log(`Is Credential leaked: ${isLeaked}`);

// Create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise assessment.
// Returns: PrivatePasswordLeakVerification which contains
// reencryptedUserCredentialsHash and credential breach database whose prefix
// matches the lookupHashPrefix.
async function createPasswordLeakAssessment(
  projectId: string,
  lookupHashPrefix: string,
  encryptedUserCredentialsHash: string
): Promise<> {
  // Build the assessment request.
  const createAssessmentRequest: =
      parent: `projects/${projectId}`,
      assessment: {
        // Set the hashprefix and credentials hash.
        // Setting this will trigger the Password leak protection.
        privatePasswordLeakVerification: {
          lookupHashPrefix: lookupHashPrefix,
          encryptedUserCredentialsHash: encryptedUserCredentialsHash,

  // Send the create assessment request.
  const [response] = await client.createAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

  // Get the reCAPTCHA Enterprise score.
  console.log(`The reCAPTCHA score is: ${response.riskAnalysis?.score}`);
  // Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
  console.log(`Assessment name: ${}`);

  if (!response?.privatePasswordLeakVerification) {
    throw `Error in obtaining response from Private Password Leak Verification ${response}`;

  return response.privatePasswordLeakVerification;

checkPasswordLeak(projectId, username, password).catch(err => {
  process.exitCode = 1;

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