Additional signals

This page shows the additional fields that you can send when creating assessments to improve the quality of scores. For more information, see transaction data.

The following code snippet shows a sample request body with additional fields related to transaction data.

    "event": {
        "token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
        "site_key": "KEY_ID",
        "expected_action": "YOUR_CHECKOUT_ACTION_NAME",
        "transaction_data": {
            "transaction_id": "txid-1234567890",
            "payment_method": "credit-card",
            "card_bin": "411111",
            "card_last_four": "1234",
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "value": 39.98,
            "shipping_value": 7.99,
            "shipping_address": {
                "recipient": "name1 name2",
                "address": [
                    "123 Street Name",
                    "Apt 1"
                "locality": "Sunnyvale",
                "administrative_area": "CA",
                "region_code": "USA",
                "postal_code": "123456"
            "billing_address": {
                "recipient": "name1 name2",
                "address": [
                    "123 Street Name",
                    "Apt 1"
                "locality": "Sunnyvale",
                "administrative_area": "CA",
                "region_code": "USA",
                "postal_code": "123456"
            "user": {
                "account_id": "abcde12345",
                "creation_ms": 1650000000000,
                "email": "",
                "email_verified": true,
                "phone_number": "+18005550175",
                "phone_verified": false
            "merchant": {
                "account_id": "abcde12345",
                "creation_ms": 1650000000000,
                "email": "",
                "email_verified": true,
                "phone_number": "+1+18005550178",
                "phone_verified": false
            "items": [
                    "name": "first item",
                    "value": 19.99,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "merchant_account_id": "abcde12345"
                    "name": "second item",
                    "value": 19.99,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "merchant_account_id": "abcde12345"
            "gateway_info": {
                "name": "google",
                "gateway_response_code": "SUCCESS",
                "avs_response_code": "Y",
                "cvv_response_code": "Y"

To learn about how to create assessments, see Create an assessment for your website.

What's next