This page shows the additional fields that you can send when creating assessments to improve the quality of scores. For more information, see transaction data.
The following code snippet shows a sample request body with additional fields related to transaction data.
{ "event": { "token": "YOUR_TOKEN", "site_key": "KEY_ID", "expected_action": "YOUR_CHECKOUT_ACTION_NAME", "transaction_data": { "transaction_id": "txid-1234567890", "payment_method": "credit-card", "card_bin": "411111", "card_last_four": "1234", "currency_code": "USD", "value": 39.98, "shipping_value": 7.99, "shipping_address": { "recipient": "name1 name2", "address": [ "123 Street Name", "Apt 1" ], "locality": "Sunnyvale", "administrative_area": "CA", "region_code": "USA", "postal_code": "123456" }, "billing_address": { "recipient": "name1 name2", "address": [ "123 Street Name", "Apt 1" ], "locality": "Sunnyvale", "administrative_area": "CA", "region_code": "USA", "postal_code": "123456" }, "user": { "account_id": "abcde12345", "creation_ms": 1650000000000, "email": "", "email_verified": true, "phone_number": "+18005550175", "phone_verified": false }, "merchant": { "account_id": "abcde12345", "creation_ms": 1650000000000, "email": "", "email_verified": true, "phone_number": "+1+18005550178", "phone_verified": false }, "items": [ { "name": "first item", "value": 19.99, "quantity": 1, "merchant_account_id": "abcde12345" }, { "name": "second item", "value": 19.99, "quantity": 1, "merchant_account_id": "abcde12345" } ], "gateway_info": { "name": "google", "gateway_response_code": "SUCCESS", "avs_response_code": "Y", "cvv_response_code": "Y" } } } }
To learn about how to create assessments, see Create an assessment for your website.
What's next
- To annotate assessments, see Annotate assessments with transaction events.