Class Code (1.14.5)


Output only. Defines an error reason code. Next id: 44


Name Description
CODE_UNSPECIFIED There is no error.
OK There is no error.
INTERNAL_ERROR Indicates an internal server error. Please DO NOT USE THIS ERROR CODE unless the root cause is truly unknown.
APPENGINE_API_BACKEND_ERROR One of the seed URLs is an App Engine URL but we cannot validate the scan settings due to an App Engine API backend error.
APPENGINE_API_NOT_ACCESSIBLE One of the seed URLs is an App Engine URL but we cannot access the App Engine API to validate scan settings.
APPENGINE_DEFAULT_HOST_MISSING One of the seed URLs is an App Engine URL but the Default Host of the App Engine is not set.
CANNOT_USE_GOOGLE_COM_ACCOUNT Google corporate accounts can not be used for scanning.
CANNOT_USE_OWNER_ACCOUNT The account of the scan creator can not be used for scanning.
COMPUTE_API_BACKEND_ERROR This scan targets Compute Engine, but we cannot validate scan settings due to a Compute Engine API backend error.
COMPUTE_API_NOT_ACCESSIBLE This scan targets Compute Engine, but we cannot access the Compute Engine API to validate the scan settings.
CUSTOM_LOGIN_URL_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_CURRENT_PROJECT The Custom Login URL does not belong to the current project.
CUSTOM_LOGIN_URL_MALFORMED The Custom Login URL is malformed (can not be parsed).
CUSTOM_LOGIN_URL_MAPPED_TO_NON_ROUTABLE_ADDRESS The Custom Login URL is mapped to a non-routable IP address in DNS.
CUSTOM_LOGIN_URL_MAPPED_TO_UNRESERVED_ADDRESS The Custom Login URL is mapped to an IP address which is not reserved for the current project.
CUSTOM_LOGIN_URL_HAS_NON_ROUTABLE_IP_ADDRESS The Custom Login URL has a non-routable IP address.
CUSTOM_LOGIN_URL_HAS_UNRESERVED_IP_ADDRESS The Custom Login URL has an IP address which is not reserved for the current project.
DUPLICATE_SCAN_NAME Another scan with the same name (case-sensitive) already exists.
INVALID_FIELD_VALUE A field is set to an invalid value.
FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_TO_TARGET There was an error trying to authenticate to the scan target.
FINDING_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Finding type value is not specified in the list findings request.
FORBIDDEN_TO_SCAN_COMPUTE Scan targets Compute Engine, yet current project was not whitelisted for Google Compute Engine Scanning Alpha access.
FORBIDDEN_UPDATE_TO_MANAGED_SCAN User tries to update managed scan
MALFORMED_FILTER The supplied filter is malformed. For example, it can not be parsed, does not have a filter type in expression, or the same filter type appears more than once.
MALFORMED_RESOURCE_NAME The supplied resource name is malformed (can not be parsed).
PROJECT_INACTIVE The current project is not in an active state.
REQUIRED_FIELD A required field is not set.
RESOURCE_NAME_INCONSISTENT Project id, scanconfig id, scanrun id, or finding id are not consistent with each other in resource name.
SCAN_ALREADY_RUNNING The scan being requested to start is already running.
SCAN_NOT_RUNNING The scan that was requested to be stopped is not running.
SEED_URL_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_CURRENT_PROJECT One of the seed URLs does not belong to the current project.
SEED_URL_MALFORMED One of the seed URLs is malformed (can not be parsed).
SEED_URL_MAPPED_TO_NON_ROUTABLE_ADDRESS One of the seed URLs is mapped to a non-routable IP address in DNS.
SEED_URL_MAPPED_TO_UNRESERVED_ADDRESS One of the seed URLs is mapped to an IP address which is not reserved for the current project.
SEED_URL_HAS_NON_ROUTABLE_IP_ADDRESS One of the seed URLs has on-routable IP address.
SEED_URL_HAS_UNRESERVED_IP_ADDRESS One of the seed URLs has an IP address that is not reserved for the current project.
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIGURED The Web Security Scanner service account is not configured under the project.
TOO_MANY_SCANS A project has reached the maximum number of scans.
UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_PROJECT_INFO Resolving the details of the current project fails.
UNSUPPORTED_BLACKLIST_PATTERN_FORMAT One or more blacklist patterns were in the wrong format.
UNSUPPORTED_FILTER The supplied filter is not supported.
UNSUPPORTED_FINDING_TYPE The supplied finding type is not supported. For example, we do not provide findings of the given finding type.
UNSUPPORTED_URL_SCHEME The URL scheme of one or more of the supplied URLs is not supported.