Using the Translate Client

To create a client:

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client()

By default, the client targets English when doing detections and translations, but a non-default value can be used as well:

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client(target_language='es')

The Google Cloud Translation API has three supported methods, and they map to three methods on a client: get_languages(), detect_language() and translate().

To get a list of languages supported by the Google Cloud Translation API

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client()
>>> client.get_languages()
'language': 'af',
'name': 'Afrikaans',

To detect the language that some given text is written in:

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client()
>>> client.detect_language(['Me llamo', 'I am'])
'confidence': 0.25830904,
'input': 'Me llamo',
'language': 'es',
}, {
'confidence': 0.17112699,
'input': 'I am',
'language': 'en',

The confidence value is an optional floating point value between 0 and 1. The closer this value is to 1, the higher the confidence level for the language detection. This member is not always available.

To translate text into the default destination language without knowing the source language:

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client()
>>> client.translate('koszula')
'translatedText': 'shirt',
'detectedSourceLanguage': 'pl',
'input': 'koszula',

If the source language is known:

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client()
>>> client.translate('camisa', source_language='es')
'translatedText': 'shirt',
'input': 'camisa',

or to use a non-default target language:

>>> from import translate
>>> client = translate.Client()
>>> client.translate(['Me llamo Jeff', 'My name is Jeff'],
...                  target_language='de')
'translatedText': 'Mein Name ist Jeff',
'detectedSourceLanguage': 'es',
'input': 'Me llamo Jeff',
}, {
'translatedText': 'Mein Name ist Jeff',
'detectedSourceLanguage': 'en',
'input': 'My name is Jeff',