Managing Access to Data

Cloud Storage offers two systems for granting users access your buckets and objects: IAM and Access Control Lists (ACLs). These systems act in parallel - in order for a user to access a Cloud Storage resource, only one of the systems needs to grant that user permission. For additional access control options, see also: Cloud Storage Control Access to Data


Cloud Storage uses access control lists (ACLs) to manage object and bucket access. ACLs are the mechanism you use to share files with other users and allow other users to access your buckets and files.

ACLs are suitable for fine-grained control, but you may prefer using IAM to control access at the project level. has a getting method that creates an ACL object under the hood, and you can interact with that using

client = storage.Client()
= client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
= bucket.acl

Adding and removing permissions can be done with the following methods (in increasing order of granularity):

  • ACL.all() corresponds to access for all users.

  • ACL.all_authenticated() corresponds to access for all users that are signed into a Google account.

  • ACL.domain() corresponds to access on a per Google Apps domain (ie,

  • corresponds to access on a per group basis (either by ID or e-mail address).

  • ACL.user() corresponds to access on a per user basis (either by ID or e-mail address).

And you are able to grant and revoke the following roles:

  • Reading: _ACLEntity.grant_read() and _ACLEntity.revoke_read()

  • Writing: _ACLEntity.grant_write() and _ACLEntity.revoke_write()

  • Owning: _ACLEntity.grant_owner() and _ACLEntity.revoke_owner()

You can use any of these like any other factory method (these happen to be _ACLEntity factories):


After that, you can save any changes you make with the method:

You can alternatively save any existing object (whether it was created by a factory method or not) from a

To get the list of entity and role for each unique pair, the ACL class is iterable:

# [{'role': 'OWNER', 'entity': 'allUsers'}, ...]

This list of tuples can be used as the entity and role fields when sending metadata for ACLs to the API.


Identity and Access Management (IAM) controls permissioning throughout Google Cloud and allows you to grant permissions at the bucket and project levels. You should use IAM for any permissions that apply to multiple objects in a bucket to reduce the risks of unintended exposure. To use IAM exclusively, enable uniform bucket-level access to disallow ACLs for all Cloud Storage resources. See also: Additional access control options

Constants used across IAM roles:

  • STORAGE_OBJECT_CREATOR_ROLE = "roles/storage.objectCreator" corresponds to role implying rights to create objects, but not delete or overwrite them.

  • STORAGE_OBJECT_VIEWER_ROLE = "roles/storage.objectViewer" corresponds to role implying rights to view object properties, excluding ACLs.

  • STORAGE_OBJECT_ADMIN_ROLE = "roles/storage.objectAdmin" corresponds to role implying full control of objects.

  • STORAGE_ADMIN_ROLE = "roles/storage.admin" corresponds to role implying full control of objects and buckets.

  • STORAGE_VIEWER_ROLE = "Viewer" corresponds to role that can list buckets.

  • STORAGE_EDITOR_ROLE = "Editor" corresponds to role that can create, list, and delete buckets.

  • STORAGE_OWNER_ROLE = "Owners" corresponds to role that can Can create, list, and delete buckets; and list tag bindings; and control HMAC keys in the project.

Constants used across IAM permissions:

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_CREATE = "storage.buckets.create" corresponds to permission that can create buckets.

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_DELETE = "storage.buckets.delete" corresponds to permission that can delete buckets.

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_GET = "storage.buckets.get" corresponds to permission that can read bucket metadata, excluding ACLs.

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_LIST = "storage.buckets.list" corresponds to permission that can list buckets.

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_GET_IAM_POLICY = "storage.buckets.getIamPolicy" corresponds to permission that can read bucket ACLs.

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_SET_IAM_POLICY = "storage.buckets.setIamPolicy" corresponds to permission that can update bucket ACLs.

  • STORAGE_BUCKETS_UPDATE = "storage.buckets.update" corresponds to permission that can update buckets, excluding ACLS.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_CREATE = "storage.objects.create" corresponds to permission that can add new objects to a bucket.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_DELETE = "storage.objects.delete" corresponds to permission that can delete objects.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_GET = "storage.objects.get" corresponds to permission that can read object data / metadata, excluding ACLs.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_LIST = "storage.objects.list" corresponds to permission that can list objects in a bucket.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_GET_IAM_POLICY = "storage.objects.getIamPolicy" corresponds to permission that can read object ACLs.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_SET_IAM_POLICY = "storage.objects.setIamPolicy" corresponds to permission that can update object ACLs.

  • STORAGE_OBJECTS_UPDATE = "storage.objects.update" corresponds to permission that can update object metadata, excluding ACLs.