Module database (3.15.0)

User friendly container for Cloud Spanner Database.



BatchCheckout(database, request_options=None)

Context manager for using a batch from a database.

Inside the context manager, checks out a session from the database, creates a batch from it, making the batch available.

Caller must not use the batch to perform API requests outside the scope of the context manager.

database Database

database to use

request_options RequestOptions

(Optional) Common options for the commit request. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message RequestOptions.


BatchSnapshot(database, read_timestamp=None, exact_staleness=None)

Wrapper for generating and processing read / query batches.

database Database

database to use

read_timestamp `datetime.datetime`

Execute all reads at the given timestamp.

exact_staleness `datetime.timedelta`

Execute all reads at a timestamp that is exact_staleness old.


Database(database_id, instance, ddl_statements=(), pool=None, logger=None, encryption_config=None, database_dialect=<DatabaseDialect.DATABASE_DIALECT_UNSPECIFIED: 0>)

Representation of a Cloud Spanner Database.

We can use a Database to:

  • create the database
  • reload the database
  • update the database
  • drop the database
database_id str

The ID of the database.

instance Instance

The instance that owns the database.

ddl_statements list of string

(Optional) DDL statements, excluding the CREATE DATABASE statement.

pool concrete subclass of AbstractSessionPool.

(Optional) session pool to be used by database. If not passed, the database will construct an instance of BurstyPool.

logger `logging.Logger`

(Optional) a custom logger that is used if log_commit_stats is True to log commit statistics. If not passed, a logger will be created when needed that will log the commit statistics to stdout.

encryption_config EncryptionConfig or RestoreDatabaseEncryptionConfig or `dict`

(Optional) Encryption configuration for the database. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as either of the protobuf messages EncryptionConfig or RestoreDatabaseEncryptionConfig

database_dialect DatabaseDialect

(Optional) database dialect for the database


SnapshotCheckout(database, **kw)

Context manager for using a snapshot from a database.

Inside the context manager, checks out a session from the database, creates a snapshot from it, making the snapshot available.

Caller must not use the snapshot to perform API requests outside the scope of the context manager.

kw dict

Passed through to Snapshot constructor.

database Database

database to use