Class ExecuteSqlRequest (1.13.0)

The request for ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql] and ExecuteStreamingSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteStreamingSql].

The transaction to use. For queries, if none is provided, the default is a temporary read-only transaction with strong concurrency. Standard DML statements require a read-write transaction. To protect against replays, single-use transactions are not supported. The caller must either supply an existing transaction ID or begin a new transaction. Partitioned DML requires an existing Partitioned DML transaction ID.

Parameter names and values that bind to placeholders in the SQL string. A parameter placeholder consists of the @ character followed by the parameter name (for example, @firstName). Parameter names can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Parameters can appear anywhere that a literal value is expected. The same parameter name can be used more than once, for example: "WHERE id > @msg_id AND id < @msg_id + 100" It is an error to execute a SQL statement with unbound parameters.

If this request is resuming a previously interrupted SQL statement execution, resume_token should be copied from the last PartialResultSet][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet] yielded before the interruption. Doing this enables the new SQL statement execution to resume where the last one left off. The rest of the request parameters must exactly match the request that yielded this token.

If present, results will be restricted to the specified partition previously created using PartitionQuery(). There must be an exact match for the values of fields common to this message and the PartitionQueryRequest message used to create this partition_token.



API documentation for spanner_v1.types.ExecuteSqlRequest.ParamTypesEntry class.