Class Condition (0.10.4)

Condition(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Defines a status condition for a resource.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof:


type_ str
type is used to communicate the status of the reconciliation process. See also: Types common to all resources include: - "Ready": True when the Resource is ready.
State of the condition.
message str
Human readable message indicating details about the current status.
last_transition_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
How to interpret failures of this condition, one of Error, Warning, Info
A common (service-level) reason for this condition. This field is a member of oneof_ reasons.
A reason for the revision condition. This field is a member of oneof_ reasons.
A reason for the execution condition. This field is a member of oneof_ reasons.




Reasons common to all types of conditions.

Values: COMMON_REASON_UNDEFINED (0): Default value. UNKNOWN (1): Reason unknown. Further details will be in message. REVISION_FAILED (3): Revision creation process failed. PROGRESS_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED (4): Timed out waiting for completion. CONTAINER_MISSING (6): The container image path is incorrect. CONTAINER_PERMISSION_DENIED (7): Insufficient permissions on the container image. CONTAINER_IMAGE_UNAUTHORIZED (8): Container image is not authorized by policy. CONTAINER_IMAGE_AUTHORIZATION_CHECK_FAILED (9): Container image policy authorization check failed. ENCRYPTION_KEY_PERMISSION_DENIED (10): Insufficient permissions on encryption key. ENCRYPTION_KEY_CHECK_FAILED (11): Permission check on encryption key failed. SECRETS_ACCESS_CHECK_FAILED (12): At least one Access check on secrets failed. WAITING_FOR_OPERATION (13): Waiting for operation to complete. IMMEDIATE_RETRY (14): System will retry immediately. POSTPONED_RETRY (15): System will retry later; current attempt failed. INTERNAL (16): An internal error occurred. Further information may be in the message.



Reasons specific to Execution resource.

Values: EXECUTION_REASON_UNDEFINED (0): Default value. JOB_STATUS_SERVICE_POLLING_ERROR (1): Internal system error getting execution status. System will retry. NON_ZERO_EXIT_CODE (2): A task reached its retry limit and the last attempt failed due to the user container exiting with a non-zero exit code. CANCELLED (3): The execution was cancelled by users. CANCELLING (4): The execution is in the process of being cancelled. DELETED (5): The execution was deleted.



Reasons specific to Revision resource.

Values: REVISION_REASON_UNDEFINED (0): Default value. PENDING (1): Revision in Pending state. RESERVE (2): Revision is in Reserve state. RETIRED (3): Revision is Retired. RETIRING (4): Revision is being retired. RECREATING (5): Revision is being recreated. HEALTH_CHECK_CONTAINER_ERROR (6): There was a health check error. CUSTOMIZED_PATH_RESPONSE_PENDING (7): Health check failed due to user error from customized path of the container. System will retry. MIN_INSTANCES_NOT_PROVISIONED (8): A revision with min_instance_count > 0 was created and is reserved, but it was not configured to serve traffic, so it's not live. This can also happen momentarily during traffic migration. ACTIVE_REVISION_LIMIT_REACHED (9): The maximum allowed number of active revisions has been reached. NO_DEPLOYMENT (10): There was no deployment defined. This value is no longer used, but Services created in older versions of the API might contain this value. HEALTH_CHECK_SKIPPED (11): A revision's container has no port specified since the revision is of a manually scaled service with 0 instance count MIN_INSTANCES_WARMING (12): A revision with min_instance_count > 0 was created and is waiting for enough instances to begin a traffic migration.



Represents the severity of the condition failures.

Values: SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified severity ERROR (1): Error severity. WARNING (2): Warning severity. INFO (3): Info severity.



Represents the possible Condition states.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): The default value. This value is used if the state is omitted. CONDITION_PENDING (1): Transient state: Reconciliation has not started yet. CONDITION_RECONCILING (2): Transient state: reconciliation is still in progress. CONDITION_FAILED (3): Terminal state: Reconciliation did not succeed. CONDITION_SUCCEEDED (4): Terminal state: Reconciliation completed successfully.