Class ListAlertPoliciesRequest (0.35.0)

The protocol for the ListAlertPolicies request. .. attribute:: name

Required. The project whose alert policies are to be listed. The format is: :: projects/[PROJECT_ID_OR_NUMBER] Note that this field names the parent container in which the alerting policies to be listed are stored. To retrieve a single alerting policy by name, use the [GetAlertPolicy][googl e.monitoring.v3.AlertPolicyService.GetAlertPolicy] operation, instead.

A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort the result. Supports the same set of field references as the filter field. Entries can be prefixed with a minus sign to sort by the field in descending order. For more details, see sorting and filtering < filtering>__.

If this field is not empty then it must contain the nextPageToken value returned by a previous call to this method. Using this field causes the method to return more results from the previous method call.