Cloud Logging Client

Client for interacting with the Google Cloud Logging API.

class*, project=None, credentials=None, _http=None, _use_grpc=None, client_info=None, client_options=None)


Client to bundle configuration needed for API requests.

  • Parameters

    • project (Optional[str]) – the project which the client acts on behalf of. If not passed, falls back to the default inferred from the environment.

    • credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]) – Thehe OAuth2 Credentials to use for this client. If not passed (and if no _http object is passed), falls back to the default inferred from the environment.

    • _http (Optional[requests.Session]) – HTTP object to make requests. Can be any object that defines request() with the same interface as requests.Session.request(). If not passed, an _http object is created that is bound to the credentials for the current object. This parameter should be considered private, and could change in the future.

    • _use_grpc (Optional[bool]) – Explicitly specifies whether to use the gRPC transport or HTTP. If unset, falls back to the GOOGLE_CLOUD_DISABLE_GRPC environment variable This parameter should be considered private, and could change in the future.

    • client_info (Optional[Union[google.api_core.client_info.ClientInfo, *[google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo](]*]) – The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If None, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you’re developing your own library or partner tool.

    • client_options (Optional[Union[dict, *[google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions](]*]) – Client options used to set user options on the client. API Endpoint should be set through client_options.

SCOPE(: Optional[Tuple[str, ...] = ('', '', '', '' )

The scopes required for authenticating as a Logging consumer.


Return the default logging handler based on the local environment.

  • Parameters

    kw (dict) – keyword args passed to handler constructor

  • Returns

    The default log handler based on the environment

  • Return type


list_entries(*, resource_names=None, filter_=None, order_by=None, page_size=None, page_token=None)

Return a page of log entry resources.

  • Parameters

    • resource_names (Sequence[str]) – Names of one or more parent resources from which to retrieve log entries:


      If not passed, defaults to the project bound to the API’s client.

    • filter (str) – a filter expression. See

    • order_by (str) – or DESCENDING.

    • page_size (int) – maximum number of entries to return, If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API.

    • page_token (str) – opaque marker for the next “page” of entries. If not passed, the API will return the first page of entries.

  • Returns


list_metrics(*, page_size=None, page_token=None)

List metrics for the project associated with this client.


  • Parameters

    • page_size (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of sinks in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

    • page_token (Optional[str]) – If present, return the next batch of sinks, using the value, which must correspond to the nextPageToken value returned in the previous response. Deprecated: use the pages property ofthe returned iterator instead of manually passing the token.

  • Returns


list_sinks(*, parent=None, page_size=None, page_token=None)

List sinks for the a parent resource.


  • Parameters

    • parent (Optional[str]) – The parent resource whose sinks are to be listed:


      If not passed, defaults to the project bound to the API’s client.

    • page_size (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of sinks in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

    • page_token (Optional[str]) – If present, return the next batch of sinks, using the value, which must correspond to the nextPageToken value returned in the previous response. Deprecated: use the pages property ofthe returned iterator instead of manually passing the token.

  • Returns



Creates a logger bound to the current client.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – The name of the logger to be constructed.

  • Returns

    Logger created with the current client.

  • Return type


property logging_api()

Helper for logging-related API calls.


metric(name, *, filter_=None, description='')

Creates a metric bound to the current client.

  • Parameters

    • name (str) – The name of the metric to be constructed.

    • filter (Optional[str]) – The advanced logs filter expression defining the entries tracked by the metric. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via Metric.reload().

    • description (Optional[str]) – The description of the metric to be constructed. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via Metric.reload().

  • Returns

    Metric created with the current client.

  • Return type


property metrics_api()

Helper for log metric-related API calls.


setup_logging(*, log_level=20, excluded_loggers=('', 'google.auth', 'google_auth_httplib2', 'google.api_core.bidi', 'werkzeug'), **kw)

Attach default Cloud Logging handler to the root logger.

This method uses the default log handler, obtained by get_default_handler(), and attaches it to the root Python logger, so that a call such as logging.warn, as well as all child loggers, will report to Cloud Logging.

  • Parameters

    • log_level (Optional[int]) – Python logging log level. Defaults to logging.INFO.

    • excluded_loggers (Optional[Tuple[str]]) – The loggers to not attach the handler to. This will always include the loggers in the path of the logging client itself.

  • Returns

    keyword args passed to handler constructor

  • Return type


sink(name, *, filter_=None, destination=None)

Creates a sink bound to the current client.

  • Parameters

    • name (str) – the name of the sink to be constructed.

    • filter (Optional[str]) – the advanced logs filter expression defining the entries exported by the sink. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via Sink.reload().

    • destination (str) – destination URI for the entries exported by the sink. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via Sink.reload().

  • Returns

    Sink created with the current client.

  • Return type


property sinks_api()

Helper for log sink-related API calls.
