Python Logging Handler Sync Transport

Module containing base class for logging transport.


Bases: object

Base class for Google Cloud Logging handler transports.

Subclasses of Transport must have constructors that accept a client and name object, and must override send().


Submit any pending log records.

For blocking/sync transports, this is a no-op.

send(record, message, *, resource=None, labels=None, trace=None, span_id=None)

Transport send to be implemented by subclasses.

  • Parameters

    • record (logging.LogRecord) – Python log record that the handler was called with.

    • message (str) – The message from the LogRecord after being formatted by the associated log formatters.

    • resource (Optional[]) – Monitored resource of the entry.

    • labels (Optional[dict]) – Mapping of labels for the entry.