Class LogEntry (1.15.3)

An individual entry in a log.

Required. The monitored resource that produced this log entry. Example: a log entry that reports a database error would be associated with the monitored resource designating the particular database that reported the error.

The log entry payload, represented as a protocol buffer. Some Google Cloud Platform services use this field for their log entry payloads. The following protocol buffer types are supported; user-defined types are not supported: "" ""

The log entry payload, represented as a structure that is expressed as a JSON object.

Output only. The time the log entry was received by Logging.

Optional. A unique identifier for the log entry. If you provide a value, then Logging considers other log entries in the same project, with the same timestamp, and with the same insert_id to be duplicates which are removed in a single query result. However, there are no guarantees of de- duplication in the export of logs. If the insert_id is omitted when writing a log entry, the Logging API assigns its own unique identifier in this field. In queries, the insert_id is also used to order log entries that have the same log_name and timestamp values.

Optional. A set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.

Optional. Information about an operation associated with the log entry, if applicable.

Optional. The span ID within the trace associated with the log entry. For Trace spans, this is the same format that the Trace API v2 uses: a 16-character hexadecimal encoding of an 8-byte array, such as "000000000000004a".

Optional. Source code location information associated with the log entry, if any.



API documentation for logging_v2.types.LogEntry.LabelsEntry class.