Class BackgroundThreadTransport (1.15.1)

    client, name, grace_period=5.0, batch_size=10, max_latency=0

Asynchronous transport that uses a background thread.


client Client

The Logging client.

name str

the name of the logger.

grace_period float

The amount of time to wait for pending logs to be submitted when the process is shutting down.

batch_size int

The maximum number of items to send at a time in the background thread.

max_latency float

The amount of time to wait for new logs before sending a new batch. It is strongly recommended to keep this smaller than the grace_period. This means this is effectively the longest amount of time the background thread will hold onto log entries before sending them to the server.


builtins.object > Transport > BackgroundThreadTransport




Submit any pending log records.


send(record, message, resource=None, labels=None, trace=None, span_id=None)

Overrides Transport.send().

record `logging.LogRecord`

Python log record that the handler was called with.

message str

The message from the LogRecord after being formatted by the associated log formatters.

resource Resource

(Optional) Monitored resource of the entry.

labels dict

(Optional) Mapping of labels for the entry.

trace str

(optional) traceid to apply to the logging entry.

span_id str

(optional) span_id within the trace for the log entry. Specify the trace parameter if span_id is set.