Integration with Python logging module

It’s possible to tie the Python logging module directly into Google Cloud Logging. To use it, create a CloudLoggingHandler instance from your Logging client.

>>> import logging
>>> import # Don't conflict with standard logging
>>> from import CloudLoggingHandler
>>> client =
>>> handler = CloudLoggingHandler(client)
>>> cloud_logger = logging.getLogger('cloudLogger')
>>> cloud_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # defaults to WARN
>>> cloud_logger.addHandler(handler)
>>> cloud_logger.error('bad news')

NOTE: This handler by default uses an asynchronous transport that sends log entries on a background

thread. However, the API call will still be made in the same process. For other transport
options, see the transports section.

All logs will go to a single custom log, which defaults to “python”. The name of the Python logger will be included in the structured log entry under the “python_logger” field. You can change it by providing a name to the handler:

>>> handler = CloudLoggingHandler(client, name="mycustomlog")

It is also possible to attach the handler to the root Python logger, so that for example a plain logging.warn call would be sent to Cloud Logging, as well as any other loggers created. However, you must avoid infinite recursion from the logging calls the client itself makes. A helper method setup_logging is provided to configure this automatically:

>>> import logging
>>> import # Don't conflict with standard logging
>>> from import CloudLoggingHandler, setup_logging
>>> client =
>>> handler = CloudLoggingHandler(client)
>>> logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # defaults to WARN
>>> setup_logging(handler)
>>> logging.error('bad news')

You can also exclude certain loggers:

>>> setup_logging(handler, excluded_loggers=('werkzeug',))

Python logging handler transports

The Python logging handler can use different transports. The default is

  1. this is the default. It writes entries on a background python.threading.Thread.

  2. this handler does a direct API call on each logging statement to write the entry.