Class AlloyDBReader (0.2.1)

    key: object,
    engine: AlloyDBEngine,
    reader: AsyncAlloyDBReader,
    is_remote: bool = True,

Chat Store Table stored in an AlloyDB for PostgreSQL database.



    key: object,
    engine: AlloyDBEngine,
    reader: AsyncAlloyDBReader,
    is_remote: bool = True,

AlloyDBReader constructor.

Name Description
key object

Prevent direct constructor usage.

engine AlloyDBEngine

AlloyDB with pool connection to the alloydb database

reader AsyncAlloyDBReader

The async only AlloyDBReader implementation

is_remote Optional[bool]

Whether the data is loaded from a remote API or a local file.

Type Description
Exception If called directly by user.


alazy_load_data() -> typing.AsyncIterable[llama_index.core.schema.Document]

Asynchronously load AlloyDB data into Document objects lazily.


aload_data() -> list[llama_index.core.schema.Document]

Asynchronously load AlloyDB data into Document objects.


class_name() -> str

Get class name.


    engine: llama_index_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine,
    query: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    table_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_columns: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None,
    metadata_columns: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None,
    metadata_json_column: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    format: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    formatter: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,
    is_remote: bool = True,
) -> llama_index_alloydb_pg.reader.AlloyDBReader

Asynchronously create an AlloyDBReader instance.

Name Description
engine AlloyDBEngine

AlloyDBEngine with pool connection to the alloydb database

query Optional[str], optional

SQL query. Defaults to None.

table_name Optional[str], optional

Name of table to query. Defaults to None.

schema_name str, optional

Name of the schema where table is located. Defaults to "public".

content_columns Optional[list[str]], optional

Column that represent a Document's page_content. Defaults to the first column.

metadata_columns Optional[list[str]], optional

Column(s) that represent a Document's metadata. Defaults to None.

metadata_json_column Optional[str], optional

Column to store metadata as JSON. Defaults to "li_metadata".

format Optional[str], optional

Format of page content (OneOf: text, csv, YAML, JSON). Defaults to 'text'.

formatter Optional[Callable], optional

A function to format page content (OneOf: format, formatter). Defaults to None.

is_remote Optional[bool]

Whether the data is loaded from a remote API or a local file.

Type Description
AlloyDBReader A newly created instance of AlloyDBReader.


    engine: llama_index_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine,
    query: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    table_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_columns: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None,
    metadata_columns: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None,
    metadata_json_column: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    format: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    formatter: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,
    is_remote: bool = True,
) -> llama_index_alloydb_pg.reader.AlloyDBReader

Synchronously create an AlloyDBReader instance.

Name Description
engine AlloyDBEngine

AsyncEngine with pool connection to the alloydb database

query Optional[str], optional

SQL query. Defaults to None.

table_name Optional[str], optional

Name of table to query. Defaults to None.

schema_name str, optional

Name of the schema where table is located. Defaults to "public".

content_columns Optional[list[str]], optional

Column that represent a Document's page_content. Defaults to the first column.

metadata_columns Optional[list[str]], optional

Column(s) that represent a Document's metadata. Defaults to None.

metadata_json_column Optional[str], optional

Column to store metadata as JSON. Defaults to "li_metadata".

format Optional[str], optional

Format of page content (OneOf: text, csv, YAML, JSON). Defaults to 'text'.

formatter Optional[Callable], optional

A function to format page content (OneOf: format, formatter). Defaults to None.

is_remote Optional[bool]

Whether the data is loaded from a remote API or a local file.

Type Description
AlloyDBReader A newly created instance of AlloyDBReader.


lazy_load_data() -> typing.Iterable[llama_index.core.schema.Document]

Synchronously aoad AlloyDB data into Document objects lazily.


load_data() -> list[llama_index.core.schema.Document]

Synchronously load AlloyDB data into Document objects.


model_post_init(context: Any, /) -> None

This function is meant to behave like a BaseModel method to initialise private attributes.

It takes context as an argument since that's what pydantic-core passes when calling it.