Class Label (2.14.0)


The parse label enum for the token.


Name Description
ABBREV Abbreviation modifier
ACOMP Adjectival complement
ADVCL Adverbial clause modifier
ADVMOD Adverbial modifier
AMOD Adjectival modifier of an NP
APPOS Appositional modifier of an NP
ATTR Attribute dependent of a copular verb
AUX Auxiliary (non-main) verb
AUXPASS Passive auxiliary
CC Coordinating conjunction
CCOMP Clausal complement of a verb or adjective
CONJ Conjunct
CSUBJ Clausal subject
CSUBJPASS Clausal passive subject
DEP Dependency (unable to determine)
DET Determiner
DOBJ Direct object
EXPL Expletive
GOESWITH Goes with (part of a word in a text not well edited)
IOBJ Indirect object
MARK Marker (word introducing a subordinate clause)
MWE Multi-word expression
MWV Multi-word verbal expression
NEG Negation modifier
NN Noun compound modifier
NPADVMOD Noun phrase used as an adverbial modifier
NSUBJ Nominal subject
NSUBJPASS Passive nominal subject
NUM Numeric modifier of a noun
NUMBER Element of compound number
P Punctuation mark
PARATAXIS Parataxis relation
PARTMOD Participial modifier
PCOMP The complement of a preposition is a clause
POBJ Object of a preposition
POSS Possession modifier
POSTNEG Postverbal negative particle
PRECOMP Predicate complement
PRECONJ Preconjunt
PREDET Predeterminer
PREF Prefix
PREP Prepositional modifier
PRONL The relationship between a verb and verbal morpheme
PRT Particle
PS Associative or possessive marker
QUANTMOD Quantifier phrase modifier
RCMOD Relative clause modifier
RCMODREL Complementizer in relative clause
RDROP Ellipsis without a preceding predicate
REF Referent
SNUM Suffix specifying a unit of number
SUFF Suffix
TMOD Temporal modifier
TOPIC Topic marker
VMOD Clause headed by an infinite form of the verb that modifies a noun
XCOMP Open clausal complement
SUFFIX Name suffix
TITLE Name title
ADVPHMOD Adverbial phrase modifier
AUXCAUS Causative auxiliary
AUXVV Helper auxiliary
DTMOD Rentaishi (Prenominal modifier)
FOREIGN Foreign words
KW Keyword
LIST List for chains of comparable items
NOMC Nominalized clause
NOMCSUBJ Nominalized clausal subject
NOMCSUBJPASS Nominalized clausal passive
NUMC Compound of numeric modifier
COP Copula
DISLOCATED Dislocated relation (for fronted/topicalized elements)
ASP Aspect marker
GMOD Genitive modifier
GOBJ Genitive object
INFMOD Infinitival modifier
MES Measure
NCOMP Nominal complement of a noun