Class PartOfSpeech (2.10.1)

PartOfSpeech(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents part of speech information for a token.




The characteristic of a verb that expresses time flow during an event.

Values: ASPECT_UNKNOWN (0): Aspect is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. PERFECTIVE (1): Perfective IMPERFECTIVE (2): Imperfective PROGRESSIVE (3): Progressive



The grammatical function performed by a noun or pronoun in a phrase, clause, or sentence. In some languages, other parts of speech, such as adjective and determiner, take case inflection in agreement with the noun.

Values: CASE_UNKNOWN (0): Case is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. ACCUSATIVE (1): Accusative ADVERBIAL (2): Adverbial COMPLEMENTIVE (3): Complementive DATIVE (4): Dative GENITIVE (5): Genitive INSTRUMENTAL (6): Instrumental LOCATIVE (7): Locative NOMINATIVE (8): Nominative OBLIQUE (9): Oblique PARTITIVE (10): Partitive PREPOSITIONAL (11): Prepositional REFLEXIVE_CASE (12): Reflexive RELATIVE_CASE (13): Relative VOCATIVE (14): Vocative



Depending on the language, Form can be categorizing different forms of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. For example, categorizing inflected endings of verbs and adjectives or distinguishing between short and long forms of adjectives and participles

Values: FORM_UNKNOWN (0): Form is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. ADNOMIAL (1): Adnomial AUXILIARY (2): Auxiliary COMPLEMENTIZER (3): Complementizer FINAL_ENDING (4): Final ending GERUND (5): Gerund REALIS (6): Realis IRREALIS (7): Irrealis SHORT (8): Short form LONG (9): Long form ORDER (10): Order form SPECIFIC (11): Specific form



Gender classes of nouns reflected in the behaviour of associated words.

Values: GENDER_UNKNOWN (0): Gender is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. FEMININE (1): Feminine MASCULINE (2): Masculine NEUTER (3): Neuter



The grammatical feature of verbs, used for showing modality and attitude.

Values: MOOD_UNKNOWN (0): Mood is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. CONDITIONAL_MOOD (1): Conditional IMPERATIVE (2): Imperative INDICATIVE (3): Indicative INTERROGATIVE (4): Interrogative JUSSIVE (5): Jussive SUBJUNCTIVE (6): Subjunctive



Count distinctions.

Values: NUMBER_UNKNOWN (0): Number is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. SINGULAR (1): Singular PLURAL (2): Plural DUAL (3): Dual



The distinction between the speaker, second person, third person, etc.

Values: PERSON_UNKNOWN (0): Person is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. FIRST (1): First SECOND (2): Second THIRD (3): Third REFLEXIVE_PERSON (4): Reflexive



This category shows if the token is part of a proper name.

Values: PROPER_UNKNOWN (0): Proper is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. PROPER (1): Proper NOT_PROPER (2): Not proper



Reciprocal features of a pronoun.

Values: RECIPROCITY_UNKNOWN (0): Reciprocity is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. RECIPROCAL (1): Reciprocal NON_RECIPROCAL (2): Non-reciprocal



The part of speech tags enum.

Values: UNKNOWN (0): Unknown ADJ (1): Adjective ADP (2): Adposition (preposition and postposition) ADV (3): Adverb CONJ (4): Conjunction DET (5): Determiner NOUN (6): Noun (common and proper) NUM (7): Cardinal number PRON (8): Pronoun PRT (9): Particle or other function word PUNCT (10): Punctuation VERB (11): Verb (all tenses and modes) X (12): Other: foreign words, typos, abbreviations AFFIX (13): Affix



Time reference.

Values: TENSE_UNKNOWN (0): Tense is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. CONDITIONAL_TENSE (1): Conditional FUTURE (2): Future PAST (3): Past PRESENT (4): Present IMPERFECT (5): Imperfect PLUPERFECT (6): Pluperfect



The relationship between the action that a verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments.

Values: VOICE_UNKNOWN (0): Voice is not applicable in the analyzed language or is not predicted. ACTIVE (1): Active CAUSATIVE (2): Causative PASSIVE (3): Passive