Class VectorIndexConfig (0.2.0)

    name: str,
    field_name: str,
    type: str,
    distance_strategy: langchain_community.vectorstores.utils.DistanceStrategy,
    vector_size: int,
    data_type: str = "FLOAT32",

Initializes the VectorIndexConfig object.


name str

The unique name for the vector index. This name is used to identify and reference the index within the vector storage system.

field_name str

The name of the field in the data structure that contains the vector data to be indexed. This specifies the target data for indexing.

type str

The type of vector index. This parameter determines the indexing algorithm or structure to be used (e.g., "FLAT", "HNSW").

distance_strategy DistanceStrategy

Enum specifying the metric used to calculate the distance or similarity between vectors. Supported strategies include COSINE, EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE (L2), and MAX_INNER_PRODUCT (IP), influencing how search results are ranked and returned.

vector_size int

The dimensionality of the vectors that will be stored and indexed. All vectors must conform to this specified size.

data_type str, optional

The data type of the vector elements (e.g., "FLOAT32"). This specifies the precision and format of the vector data, affecting storage requirements and possibly search performance.