Class GitLabEnterpriseConfig (0.1.7)

GitLabEnterpriseConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for connections to an instance of GitLab Enterprise.


Name Description
host_uri str
Required. The URI of the GitLab Enterprise host this connection is for.
webhook_secret_secret_version str
Required. Immutable. SecretManager resource containing the webhook secret of a GitLab project, formatted as projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*. This is used to validate webhooks.
Required. A GitLab personal access token with the minimum read_api scope access and a minimum role of reporter. The GitLab Projects visible to this Personal Access Token will control which Projects Developer Connect has access to.
Required. A GitLab personal access token with the minimum api scope access and a minimum role of maintainer. The GitLab Projects visible to this Personal Access Token will control which Projects Developer Connect has access to.
Optional. Configuration for using Service Directory to privately connect to a GitLab Enterprise instance. This should only be set if the GitLab Enterprise server is hosted on-premises and not reachable by public internet. If this field is left empty, calls to the GitLab Enterprise server will be made over the public internet.
ssl_ca_certificate str
Optional. SSL Certificate Authority certificate to use for requests to GitLab Enterprise instance.
server_version str
Output only. Version of the GitLab Enterprise server running on the host_uri.