Class Client (2.3.0)

Client(credentials=None, _http=None, client_options=None)

Client to bundle configuration needed for API requests.

Stores credentials and an HTTP object so that subclasses can pass them along to a connection class.

If no value is passed in for _http, a requests.Session object will be created and authorized with the credentials. If not, the credentials and _http need not be related.

Callers and subclasses may seek to use the private key from credentials to sign data.


credentials google.auth.credentials.Credentials

(Optional) The OAuth2 Credentials to use for this client. If not passed (and if no _http object is passed), falls back to the default inferred from the environment.

client_options google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions

(Optional) Custom options for the client.

_http requests.Session

(Optional) HTTP object to make requests. Can be any object that defines request() with the same interface as requests.Session.request. If not passed, an _http object is created that is bound to the credentials for the current object. This parameter should be considered private, and could change in the future.


builtins.object > > Client




Explicitly state that clients are not pickleable.



Clean up transport, if set.

Suggested use:

import contextlib

with contextlib.closing(client):  # closes on exit