Class NfsExportOptions (1.5.0)

NfsExportOptions(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

NFS export options specifications.


ip_ranges MutableSequence[str]
List of either an IPv4 addresses in the format {octet1}.{octet2}.{octet3}.{octet4} or CIDR ranges in the format {octet1}.{octet2}.{octet3}.{octet4}/{mask size} which may mount the file share. Overlapping IP ranges are not allowed, both within and across NfsExportOptions. An error will be returned. The limit is 64 IP ranges/addresses for each FileShareConfig among all NfsExportOptions.
Either READ_ONLY, for allowing only read requests on the exported directory, or READ_WRITE, for allowing both read and write requests. The default is READ_WRITE.
Either NO_ROOT_SQUASH, for allowing root access on the exported directory, or ROOT_SQUASH, for not allowing root access. The default is NO_ROOT_SQUASH.
anon_uid int
An integer representing the anonymous user id with a default value of 65534. Anon_uid may only be set with squash_mode of ROOT_SQUASH. An error will be returned if this field is specified for other squash_mode settings.
anon_gid int
An integer representing the anonymous group id with a default value of 65534. Anon_gid may only be set with squash_mode of ROOT_SQUASH. An error will be returned if this field is specified for other squash_mode settings.




The access mode.

Values: ACCESS_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): AccessMode not set. READ_ONLY (1): The client can only read the file share. READ_WRITE (2): The client can read and write the file share (default).



The squash mode.

Values: SQUASH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): SquashMode not set. NO_ROOT_SQUASH (1): The Root user has root access to the file share (default). ROOT_SQUASH (2): The Root user has squashed access to the anonymous uid/gid.