Class LogSeverity (1.15.1)


The different severities for logging supported by Eventarc Advanced resources. This enum is an exhaustive list of log severities and is FROZEN. Do not expect new values to be added.


Name Description
LOG_SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED Log severity is not specified. This value is treated the same as NONE, but is used to distinguish between no update and update to NONE in update_masks.
NONE Default value at resource creation, presence of this value must be treated as no logging/disable logging.
DEBUG Debug or trace level logging.
INFO Routine information, such as ongoing status or performance.
NOTICE Normal but significant events, such as start up, shut down, or a configuration change.
WARNING Warning events might cause problems.
ERROR Error events are likely to cause problems.
CRITICAL Critical events cause more severe problems or outages.
ALERT A person must take action immediately.
EMERGENCY One or more systems are unusable.