Class SummarySkippedReason (0.10.0)


An Enum for summary-skipped reasons.

Values: SUMMARY_SKIPPED_REASON_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default value. The summary skipped reason is not specified. ADVERSARIAL_QUERY_IGNORED (1): The adversarial query ignored case.

    Only populated when
    <xref uid="">SummarySpec.ignore_adversarial_query</xref>
    is set to `true`.
    The non-summary seeking query ignored case.

    Only populated when
    <xref uid="">SummarySpec.ignore_non_summary_seeking_query</xref>
    is set to `true`.
    The out-of-domain query ignored case.
    Google skips the summary if there are no
    high-relevance search results. For example, the
    data store contains facts about company A but
    the user query is asking questions about company